Friday, 15 March 2013

Explanation for the importance of the Sun and the Mercury in working life

Astrology is based on the theory of reincarnation and that of deeds. According to this, each individual soul which is but a fraction of the Supreme Soul proceeds through different activities in innumerable births for being united with its origin when the individual soul realizes the sovereign authority of Shree Basudev i.e. Lord Krishna. This gradual progress of each individual depends on the activities in successive births. According to modern physics, every object or living being is but an instantaneous projection of a wave bounded by space and time and the amplitude of this wave depends on its internal energy. In our solar system, the origin of creation is the Sun which is the significator of the soul in Astrology. From the position of the Sun in a natal chart, information regarding the plane in the space from which the soul descended in the present birth can be obtained. Since the progress of the individual soul depends on the present deeds, therefore to judge the activities of the native in the present birth, the deposition of the Sun should better be taken as Ascendant. Further, the affinity for a native towards some specific type of job is also to be determined with the closely related planet or planets with the Sun. In The Shreemadbhagabadgeeta it has been uttered by the Lord Shree Krishna “no body can remain idle even for a single moment since the natural instincts in a human being compel him to do work according to his inherent inclination” (Shreemadbhagabadgeeta, Chapter 3, Karmayoga, Shloka 5). This means that an individual opts for activities which are in harmony with the inborn characteristics of the native. In Astrology, the significator of work is Mercury which is the ruler of the third and the sixth signs of the Zodiac viz. Gemini and Virgo respectively. Gemini signifies common-sense while Virgo signifies the complexes derived from natural instincts. Virgo being the ninth sign counted from Capricorn, the tenth sign in the Zodiac representing work signifies the origin of all activities. In other words, activities are performed out of natural instincts since to judge the activities of a native, it is necessary to analyze his complexes or instincts and therefore the deposition and the strength of Mercury are also to be judged for determining the type of work he gets involved in. It is interesting to note that in the planetary kingdom, Sun is said to be the King and Mercury the Prince. Since royal instructions are carried out through the intermediary of the Prince; therefore, for the progress of the soul the preferred activities are conducted via Mercury, the Prince. Again, according to Biology, the nerve system in the human body controls the activities of the native. The nerve system is signified chiefly by Mercury and the origin of the entire nerve system is the brain signified by the Sun. Therefore, the instructions made by the brain are communicated through the innumerable nerves of the body. Therefore, in a natal chart, the deposition and the strength of Mercury determine the type of work which will be preferred by the native. Therefore, in the working life of a native, the Sun and the Mercury play the most important roles.