Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Financial success without the development of the surroundings is not possible - astrological explanation

In a natal chart, financial success is judged from the eleventh house and the seventh house signifies spouse, partner, business and the entire environment excluding the self. In the Zodiac, the respective signs are Aquarius and Libra. Aquarius is fixed airy sign of Rajas nature ruled by Saturn while Libra is cardinal airy sign of Tamas nature ruled by Venus. In the astrological classification, Venus and Saturn are intimate friends to each other. The fifth sign counted from Libra is Aquarius i.e. Aquarius signifies the consequence of Libra which means the environment determines the income or financial success. Therefore, if the seventh house in a natal chart or the sign Libra be strong and beneficially disposed and without any influence of malefics, it will result in the financial success of the native. In other words, the seventh house or its lord signifying the environment is the determining factor of financial success of a native. It is also feasible from common-sense that the source of income of a native is his transaction with the environment in every aspect which if be benefic for the native adds to a degree to the income of the native. On the other hand, if the seventh house or its lord or the significator of the seventh house or the sign Libra be weak and afflicted by malefics, it consequently weakens the eleventh house also. Therefore, under the influence of other planets, if the financial gain happens for a certain period of time, ultimately it does not last for long due to the weakness of the eleventh house etc. In the practical case also, it is seen that in case of weakness of the environment, the field of earning for the native gradually shrinks and ultimately becomes totally closed resulting in ultimate financial hazards for the native. Therefore, astrologically it is totally agreed that without the development of the environment, the financial success of a native can not happen permanently.  

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Astrology – in dispute, disregard and misconception

Origin of dispute - dispute actually owes its origin to misconception and practices going on with this subject in human life. The latter is actually the primary source of the dispute. Astrology is practiced and cultured by different classes of people which may be categorized in the following manner: -

  1. Those who consider Astrology as something much, much above the scope of modern science and something lying above human rationality because of its presumed occult nature. They are not ready to accept anything which is not supported by some ancient scriptures without taking into account that the relevant scriptures might have been lost or destroyed in course of time or not conceived at all by the ancients in view of the present spheres of life.
  2. At the opposite pole is lying the second group of people who project themselves to have scientific outlook which does not permit anything beyond their conception of limited jurisdiction. They think that inclusion of Astrology in the realm of science would highly degrade the discipline of science. Such an idea may be considered equivalent to the attempt of some blind people to realize the shape of an elephant with the help of touch at different organs of the elephant by different blind persons. In fact, the very conception of science is totally misinterpreted by these so-called scientists or better be called as pseudo-scientists. In the nature, every phenomenon is related with every other phenomenon through certain links. The very task of science is to explore these yet unknown links on the basis of which prediction may be made for yet other unknown phenomena in nature or to create in the laboratory newer events yet not-existing in nature. In this context, it may be recalled that some hundred years before Chemistry was not given the status of science but the idea has been totally changed in later ages through the consistent and bold efforts of some scientists as the result of which Chemistry was later given the status or dignity of a very important discipline of science. Now, let us consider the case of Astrology. It was observed either through statistical data or through the yogic insight of the devoted sages in the earlier era that some similar combinations of planets and constellations in the Zodiac may be linked with the similar nature of events in different spheres of life for different individuals. Such results were tabulated in their astrological works and were subsequently elaborated and modified by latter astrologers. Naturally, such relations are sufficient to draw the attention of inquisitive mind to explore these unknown links and this is the task of a true scientist who should never reject the idea of these inherent links without test out of his personal belief or biased prejudice. It should be kept in mind that if acceptance of some idea without test be unscientific, the same is equally true for rejection of the same without test and this is more so, when instead of any ordinary people, it happens through some so-called persons claimed to have scientific outlook but in reality better be called as pseudo-scientists. It is funnier to note that such neglecting outlook is continuing in the present era designated as the age of science and not in the earlier centuries of ignorance and conservative ideas. In a word, it may be uttered that science is being molested in this age even termed as the age of science in the same manner as was done in much earlier ages so far as the subject Astrology is concerned.       
  3. The third category includes people who exploit Astrology for commercial purpose such as sale of Gems, Herbal roots, Metals, performance of rituals etc. in lieu of huge amount of money which yield no fruitful result for the public and which in turn gives rise to disbelief in Astrology of the public in general.
  4. The last category comprise of those who with the help of some popular books on astrology available in the market make predictions in their personal areas and when majority of these prove to be false, the concerned people lose their belief in Astrology.

But our allegation is not for such common people or commercial persons or for self advertised King or Emperor of Astrology because in this era, the usual practice is to cheat others in every sphere of life taking advantage of ignorance of the customers from which these persons are not excluded. But our allegation is against those who pose to project themselves as scientific minded or scientists but having no scientific outlook rather having obsession in personal belief or inclination having no logical and rational views. The chief objections raised by these pseudo-scientific people against Astrology are: -

  1. Most of the predictions made by even the eminent astrologers practicing in market have been proved to be false.
  2. Many eminent scientists do not believe in Astrology.
  3. The discipline Astrology includes a number of ideas which are wrong in view of Astronomy such as considering the Sun, the Moon, the two nodal points termed as Dragon’s Head and Tail as planets, excluding the planets Uranus, Neptune, Pluto etc. from the arena of Astrology.
  4. The very basis of Astrology is unscientific because the planets remaining far- far away from the Earth can in no way influence the human life or other terrestrial phenomena.
  5. The very mechanism of such planetary influence is obscure or better be called as having no base at all.

These objections have been dealt with in details in my works titled “Disputed Astrology - the neglected Mother” which has already been displayed in this blog and therefore requires no repetition here. The interested readers may kindly consult the same. Regarding the objection no. 4 above, argument was placed therein on the basis of “Theory of Relativity”. To elaborate the idea, let us consider a creature living in water which has its view limited on the surface of water only and not extended above or below. It is now assumed that a small stick with both ends tapering is gradually immersed in the water. This will appear to that creature as a point originating from nothing and then gradually increasing in a circle until it reaches its maximum when in reality the stick is halfway immersed. Thereafter, the circle starts diminishing in circumference until it again reduces to a point and thereafter vanishes from the world of the creature when actually the stick is totally immersed in water. This happens due to the limitation of the creature’s view extended on the two dimensional surface although in reality the stick was neither originated from nothing nor vanished, but has its position changed with respect to the third dimension. The same happens in case of creatures like human being or sub-human group animals who have their views limited in three dimensional world and not extended in the fourth dimension i.e. Time. Drawing a parallelism, it can be inferred that when a baby takes birth, gradually grows older and ultimately dies, the matter is simply the change of position of each living being with respect to the fourth dimension i.e. Time. In other words, the concerned being has simply changed its position with respect to Time i.e. the entire episode was already existing in the four dimensional world i.e. the fact was predetermined. This constitutes the very basis of Astrology in view of Modern Physics.

Now the question arises what may be the mechanism of this planetary influences upon the human being. In this respect, difference of opinion exists among the astrologers and it is attributed in a vague manner to the cosmic rays. Particularly, the difference prevails among the oriental and western scholars. In the modern oriental culture perhaps the most important or better be called the only personality who studied the subject in a truly scientific outlook is Jyoti Vachaspati and in the western world, perhaps the only scientist who did the same job is Percy Seymour, an eminent astronomer of UK. But the limitations of the former is probably not correlating the oriental ideas with the modern western science while that of the latter was on the other hand lack of oriental astrological ideas. We shall discuss this stepwise -