Academic achievement which is usually identified with the term “Education” is a three layered process. The first stage is based on memory, the second based on merits and intelligence while the third on higher intelligence and wisdom. In addition, some fields of education are related with jobs undertaken by the native.
Memory based education starts from the very childhood in the
domestic atmosphere. During this period, a child in his domestic circle follows
the behavior of others and particularly from the mother. During this period,
the child tries to copy whatever he comes across or listens. In the childhood,
the sensitivity of the native is very high which makes the native conscious
about his family and greater environment and this makes the basis of the
primary education. The fourth house in a natal chart signifies home, family,
mother, mind etc. In the Zodiac, the relevant sign is Cancer, the cardinal
watery sign of Tamas nature ruled by Moon. Moreover, Cancer is the sign of
exaltation for Jupiter and the inimical sign for Mercury, the significator of
intelligence. In the planetary kingdom, Moon signifies mother, mind, family,
house, feelings and domestic happiness. Therefore, for the primary education
based on memory in the domestic atmosphere, a relation of the fourth house and
its lord in the natal chart together with the sign Cancer and its lord Moon is
evident. Moreover, Cancer is the sign of exaltation for Jupiter, the significator
of wisdom which means that the actual basis of knowledge starts through
feelings and sensitivity. But the sign Cancer being inimical for Mercury, it is
not helpful for development of sharp intelligence and rationality. Therefore,
it is quite justified that the memory based primary education is related with
the fourth house and its lord in the natal chart together with the sign Cancer
and its lord Moon.
After childhood, the education based on merit and
intelligence starts from the juvenile stage. Merit has two fold origin – the
first being hereditary and the second being the manifestation of the
accumulated result of deeds in previous incarnations according to Hindu
Philosophy. The hereditary expression is composed of the feelings and the
sensitivity earned from the mother and the intelligence together with brain
activity comes from the father. In the Zodiac, the significator of father is
the Sun which is the origin of the entire creation and terrestrial life in our
solar system. Therefore, Sun is considered as the father of the total living
beings on the earth. In the Zodiac, Sun rules over the fifth sign Leo which
determines merit, talent, fame as also offspring. Again, the accumulated
results of deeds in previous births is manifested in the third house of the
natal chart in the present birth in the form of common-sense, inquisitiveness,
intelligence etc. as signified by the third sign Gemini – dual airy sign of
Sattwik nature in the Zodiac ruled by Mercury. The prince of the planetary
kingdom Mercury is the significator of all these traits. The third sign counted
from the Gemini is Leo which therefore is the house of efforts and courage of
Sattwik intelligence. Further, the merit based education is judged from the
fifth house in the natal chart and therefore from the sign Leo in the Zodiac.
The fifth house is the significator of the consequence of the Ascendant which
also expresses itself in the form of offspring. The fifth house being the next
from the fourth house i.e. Cancer in the Zodiac ruled by Moon, it is apparent
that the merit based education originated from heredity and deeds in previous
births will start after memory based education signified by the fourth house
and the sign Cancer.
Therefore, the consequence of the merit based education will
be judged from the fifth house counted from the fifth house i.e. the ninth
house in the natal chart which in the Zodiac is the sign Saggitarius. This is
manifested in the form of wisdom having its origin two fold. The first is the
memory based education together with the merit based education together with
the experiences derived from the deeds in the present birth and the second is
the senses derived from the accumulated results in the previous births of the
native manifested in the present birth.
It has already been explained above that after the memory
based education in the childhood, the merit based education in the juvenile
stage is judged from the fifth house of the natal chart which in the Zodiac is
the sign Leo, the fixed fiery sign of Rajas nature ruled by the Sun, the origin
of the terrestrial creation and the significator of the father and the soul.
Therefore, the knowledge about Supreme Self has its seed in the sign Leo. The
fifth sign counted from Leo is Saggitarius - dual fiery sign of Sattwik nature
ruled by Jupiter and composed of three constellations of which the first is
Moola ruled by Ketu wherein the wisdom of Jupiter remains in latent form.
Therefore, the manifestation of merit as wisdom is established. Again, in a
natal chart, the job of the native is judged from the tenth house having its
origin in the ninth sign counted anti-clockwise from the tenth house i.e. the
sixth house in the natal chart and the highest expression of the tenth house
occurs in the tenth house counted from the tenth house i.e. the seventh house
in the natal chart. Therefore, for the best manifestation of job, the strength
required is to be judged from the third house counted from the seventh house
i.e. the ninth house in the natal chart. Further, the place of happiness of the
sixth house is the fourth house counted from the sixth house i.e. the ninth
house. Therefore, these two being superimposed in the ninth house, the latter
is the place of experiences derived from work done by the native in the life
Again, the detrimental house of the physical body of a
native after death is the eighth house in the natal chart which in the Zodiac
is the sign Scorpio. After death, the ideas stored by the native in the brain
during life time are accumulated in the second house from the eighth house i.e.
the ninth house in the natal chart. In the Zodiac, the eighth sign Scorpio is
fixed watery sign of Rajas nature and the sign of debilation of Moon, the
significator of mind and feelings i.e. after death when all feelings appear to
be destroyed actually remain in a coiled form of a snake i.e. in the form of
Kulakundalini Sakti. Therefore, the ideas inherited from the previous
incarnations and the experiences together with merit acquired in the present
birth combinedly give rise to the wisdom of the native in the ninth house which
leads to research oriented advanced learning which ultimately results in the
form of the supreme knowledge developed in the native.
As mentioned above, work is judged in a natal chart from the
tenth house and therefore its consequence is to be judged from the fifth house
therefrom i.e. the second house in natal chart which is therefore the house of
experience derived from work done together with the results of the activities. The
fifth house counted from the second house i.e. the sixth house in the natal
chart signifies the consequence of this i.e. sensual feelings, energy for
activity etc. of which the consequence is the fifth sign counted therefrom i.e.
the tenth house. In other words, the accumulated results of deeds in one birth
are manifested in the form of work based education and the working ability
signified by the sixth house in the subsequent birth in the form of sensual
feelings. Therefore, the work based education is to be judged from the second
house in the natal chart which in the Zodiac is the sign Taurus – fixed, earthy
sign of Rajas nature – the passive field of the Demon Master Venus and the sign
of exaltation for Moon, the significator of feelings. It is, therefore, clear
that in a material field, the mental strength and the intuitions required for
activities for the purpose of material enjoyments in life are to be judged from
the sign Taurus in the Zodiac and therefore from the second house in the natal