Saturday, 23 February 2013

Appeal of the blogger to his kind readers

The Blogger seeks for information from interested readers regarding birth particulars of natives bearing memories of previous births for conducting research work on Astrology. The particular viz. birth date, time and place of such natives for previous and current births are necessary for this purpose.
The blogger also seeks for opinions of the readers regarding the role of Astrology in human life in the broader sense.       

Dear readers, you may also kindly furnish the relevant birth particulars of natives related to any sort of uncommon, peculiar or apparently abnormal events for research work undertaken in this institute. The cases of twins born in the womb of the same mother, either similar or otherwise along with their important incidents of life are cordially invited. The same is also eagerly wanted for Astrological twins i.e. born at the same time at different places having different mothers. Birth particulars of the members of the same family for a few generations along with their family relations are also cordially sought for. The blogger will remain ever grateful to the readers for their kind cooperation in this matter.      

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Analysis of the relations of Rahu and Ketu with other planets

An objection against Astrology raised by some people of pseudo-scientific outlook is that stellar bodies viz. Sun, Moon, Rahu (Dragon’s Head), Ketu (Dragon’s Tail) have been classified as planets. But these people are totally ignorant about the fact that the ancient Aryan scholars were quite conscious about the exact natures of these species. And these were described as planets only in respect of their similarities regarding impacts on terrestrial phenomena and human life with the actual planets of our solar system. In Applied Astrology, the stellar species are divided into two groups according to their actions; the first of the two is the creative group comprised of the Sun, the strong Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Ketu and the other is the destructive group inclusive of weak Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. Rahu and Ketu are the two points of intersection of the ecliptic and the Moon’s orbit around the Earth. These two separated by an angle of 1800 move in the Zodiac in the opposite direction to other planets and remain always at exactly opposite points in the Zodiac. Therefore, from the very definition, it appears that all the planets belonging to the creative group are inimical to Rahu while it is the same for Ketu for planets belonging to the destructive group. We shall now proceed to examine the significance of these relations of Rahu and Ketu with other planets.
According to Applied Astrology, Rahu and Ketu have no characteristics of their own but the two act according to the signs and/or Bhavas and/or planets with which they are related by position or aspect. The very nature of Rahu is to enhance the functions of the signs, Bhavas or the planets related with it and also to create obstructions to these functions. On the contrary, Ketu acts to uproot such functions as are related with the signs these occupy or the planets and Bhavas with which it is related.  
According to Hindu Mythology, when nectar obtained by the churning of the ocean by the joint effort of the deities and the demons was being distributed by the Lord Vishnu among the deities, the demon Rahu in guise of the deity tried to have the same. But this pretentious effort of Rahu was realized by the Sun and the Moon. They intimated the same to the Lord Vishnu who then beheaded Rahu with His Sudarshan Chakra. Since the nectar could not pass beyond the neck of Rahu, its head remained alive but the rest of the body turned into a corpse. The head of the deity remained alive by the effect of nectar and was called as before Rahu, but the corpse was termed as Ketu. Due to the sudden death of Rahu, its desires for enjoyments were not fulfilled and as such it remained roaming in the Time and its desires for enjoyments increased more and more. On the other hand, Ketu being lifeless remained totally inactive and as such, the house, the sign and the planets related with Ketu became inactive in a natal chart. This gave rise to the internal enmity of Rahu towards the Sun and the Moon and in the slightest opportunity it swallows the Sun and the Moon which is actually the phenomena of eclipses of the Sun and the Moon. But due to the neck being cut off from the body of Rahu, the Sun and the Moon swallowed by Rahu after some time find the ways to come out which is actually the last stage of any eclipse. Now, let us examine the philosophical significance of this enmity of Rahu.
In Astrology, the Sun and the Moon respectively signify the right and the left eyes of a native. The fifth sign in the Zodiac viz. Leo being ruled by the Sun signifying the soul acts as the third eye while Moon controlling the mind signifies the mind’s eye or the insight. Rahu being the demon is the significator of pretension, greed, hypocrisy, tempter and all illegal enjoyments. As such, a native controlled by complexes very easily falls prey to the temptations of Rahu which leads him to destruction and the hell. Therefore, to realize the pretension of Rahu, it is necessary to activate the insight and the third eye controlled by Sattwik life style. Therefore, an eternal enmity continues between the destructive Rahu with the creative Sun and Moon. Therefore, even if a native gets tempted by the greed signified by Rahu, he after some time gets rid of the same with the help of the insight and the third eye and returns to the path of eternal existence. 
The third planet of the creative group is Mars, the controlling deity being Kartika, the military force in planetary kingdom because Kartika was born for the destruction of the evil forces viz. the demons. The function of Kartika is to destroy the evils and to protect the good from all evils. As such, whenever in a society, people being obsessed by complexes under the influence of Rahu start enjoying illicit and unlawful material desires and passions leading to social irregularities, Mars immediately comes into action for the destruction of the evils and to restore the lawful situations in the society. For this reason, Mars is described as “Kumara” in hymn for Mars which is also used for Kartika. Therefore, an eternal enmity exists between Mars and the greedy, cheat and the significator of all illegal activities and irregularities i.e. Rahu.
The next planet of the creative group is Jupiter, the Master of the deities who teaches his disciples the eternity of the soul and lessons antagonistic to material enjoyments. The Eternal Force which has expressed Himself in the entire creation keeps the Dev Guru Jupiter absorbed in the meditation for sublimation of consciousness and to find the way to cross over the complexes. Again, in times of need the Kshatriya Sakti (military) combined with Sattwik Brahmin force of knowledge and wisdom comes into effect to destroy the evils. In harmony with this, of the two signs of Jupiter in the Zodiac, Saggitarius is dual Sattwik, Kshatriya sign of fiery nature while Pisces is dual, Sattwik Brahmin sign of watery nature. Jupiter is characterized by wisdom, conscience, sacrifice, religious outlook, mercy, democratic attitude, liberalism etc. which are totally contradictory to the characteristics of Rahu viz. cheating, depriving others, total selfishness, Tamasik dictatorial outlook, uncontrolled greed etc. Therefore, these opposite characteristics of Rahu and Jupiter make the two inimical to each other. As such, Saggitarius is described as the house of debilation for Rahu and Pisces also a weak sign for it wherein the evil effects of Rahu are manifested in the highest form but often Jupiter out of his Brahmin simplicity and liberalism can not follow properly the hypocrisy of Rahu and as such himself becomes a prey of pretension. Therefore, a conjunction or mutual aspect of Jupiter and Rahu is termed as Guru-Chandal Dosha.
The last stellar species of the creative group is Ketu which is actually a corpse of beheaded Rahu as has been explained in the previous paragraphs. In accordance with this, the characteristics and the functions of the sign, Bhava or the planets with which Ketu gets associated are destroyed as if being senseless or due to the coiled nature of Ketu, these characteristics are manifested in some perverted ways. Again, the latent energy in this coiled form of a snake can be brought into action when the same is aroused by means of meditation, asceticism and self-discipline. Therefore, due to the total difference in the characteristic of Rahu and Ketu, they are always situated in the Zodiac at 1800 apart and are, therefore, inimical to each other although according to Hindu Mythology, they are the body parts of the same demon Rahu.
Now, Let us examine the relation of Rahu with the planets of the destructive group. According to the classification, they belong to the same group and are therefore mutual friends but the nature and consequence of such friendship is the matter of discussion.
Weak or waning Moon belonging to the destructive group is the significator of mental weakness and suppressed complexes. Therefore, the significator of earthly pleasures and illegal enjoyments i.e. Rahu can easily afflict the weak Moon which results in the temptation of the concerned native causing thereby obstructions towards material as well as spiritual progress. In other words, for the spiritual sublimation and material prospect both Rahu and weak Moon cause obstructions i.e. they are of identical nature and are therefore mutual friends.
The next planet of this group is Mercury which in the Zodiac owns two signs viz. Gemini and Virgo. Gemini is dual airy sign and Virgo is dual earthy sign both of Sattwik nature. Gemini is described in one opinion as the sign of exaltation for Rahu which is also very strong in Virgo i.e. in both signs Rahu is highly strong. Mercury is described as the child planet in the Zodiac. Therefore, an affliction of Mercury by Rahu makes the former directed in the path of evils by damaging the common-sense and the benefic intelligence of the native leading him to destruction. Again, Mercury being the significator of speech, such an affliction makes the speeches of the native lewd and uncontrolled but when Mercury is strong and beneficially disposed, the pious and good senses of a simple, holy child together with auspicious, unbiased and Sattwik realistic rationality can recognize an evil and hippocratic motivation of the demon Rahu and as the result the native leaving aside the uncontrolled material enjoyments of Rahu leading to death follows the path of eternal good to get rid of the complexes. Therefore, in such a case Mercury becomes the controller of Rahu and utilizes it as an instrument to attain his ultimate goal of life i.e. attainment of godhood and therefore in such situation, Mercury and Rahu become friendly to each other.
The next member of this destructive group is Venus which is described as natural benefic due to its charming appearance. According to Hindu Mythology, Venus is the Master of the Demons who teaches his disciples the lesson of material enjoyments only. Again, in the hymn of planets in Sanskrit, Venus is described as “Sarbashastra Proboktaram” i.e. who has acquired the authority on all the branches of knowledge. The mystery of creating a new body through the destruction of the old is within his knowledge. This makes Venus inevitable for the continuance of the life process. Rahu is the representative of wicked and sinful persons who is given to unscriptural practices who setting aside the path of the Eternal Life follows the course of uncontrolled material pleasures leading to death. These lessons of the Master Venus are totally manifested in Rahu. Again, according to Greek literature, Venus is the goddess of beauty who is the most attractive and charming for the earthly pleasures. Therefore, in all aspects the characteristics of Rahu are in harmony which those of Venus and as such the two are intimate friends for each other.
The last and the chief planet of this group is Saturn. In our solar system, the position of Saturn is just opposite to the Sun with respect to earth. Sun being the origin of creation in our solar system, naturally Saturn is described as the chief destructive. In the characteristics of Saturn, many mutually opposite traits are seen. A benefic Saturn is realistic devoted to jobs of servicing nature having a scientifically analytic mind equally competent in material and spiritual philosophies, a hermit planet without any personal aspiration while a weak and afflicted Saturn is the representative of cheat, pretender with a separating and narrow mind, origin of all sorrows, mental depression, Tamasik and focusing the real and uncovered appearance of life leading ultimately to death. Therefore, due to the similarities in respect of destructiveness, Saturn and Rahu are strong friends to each other.        
We shall now examine the relations of Ketu with the other planets. Since Ketu belongs to the creative group, therefore it is friendly towards Sun, strong Moon, Mars and Jupiter, the exact nature of friendliness is being analyzed.
Sun being the significator of soul has the full manifestation of consciousness. Our solar system gets lighted with Sun which is also the origin of terrestrial life. On the other hand, Ketu is apparently lifeless having no sense but has in itself the energy of soul coiled and latent form. Activation of this energy results in the realization of the Supreme Soul by the native. Therefore, due to the underlying similarities between Sun and Ketu, they are friendly to each other. However, if either or both of the two be weak or afflicted by malefic, then instead of real manifestation and development of consciousness, a pretending expression comes to the surface and the actual significance of Sun becomes unexposed or asleep.
The next planet of the group is strong Moon which is the significator of mind, affection, family, mother, domestic happiness etc. Ketu is the significator of inherent energy having no external manifestation of sensation. Therefore, a relation of strong Moon and Ketu while increasing the mental energy has the mental manifestation in some curved or serpentine way and in respect of affection, domestic affairs etc. the relation causes outward indifference, although it exists in the depth of mind without perversion. Therefore, such a relation between Moon and Ketu becomes friendly to each other.
The next planet of this group is Mars which is the significator of tremendous activity and mental energy. Therefore, a relation of Ketu with Mars increases the internal martial energy and working capacity and therefore makes the two friendly to each other. In the Zodiac, Mars rules over the cardinal fiery sign Aries which is helpful for the manifestation of the inherent energy of Ketu and the fixed watery sign Scorpio which is helpful for the arousal of the coiled energy i.e. “Kundolini Shakti” of the soul. Therefore, Mars and Ketu in the Zodiac behave as intimate friends to each other and actually Ketu is treated as the higher form of Mars.
The last planet of this group is Jupiter which signifies religion, conscience, sacrifice, wisdom, freedom from all complexes, sublimation of soul energy etc. Therefore, the underlying internal energy, spiritual sense, indifference towards external world etc. become helpful for the function of Jupiter forming a friendly relation between the two. In the Zodiac, Saggitarius ruled by Jupiter is described in one opinion as the sign of exaltation for Ketu and the other sign Pisces is also helpful for this purpose. Therefore, these two are close friends to each other in the Zodiac.
We shall now examine the relations of Ketu with the members of the destructive group of which the first planet is weak or waning Moon which is the significator of mental weakness, domestic hazards, pretension of affection and sympathy. Therefore, the underlying energy of Ketu can not destroy such weakness, rather it increases the mental complexes i.e. in such a case the relation between the two is not helpful for each other.
The next planet of this group is Mercury which is the significator of child like simplicity, inquisitiveness, practical and materialistic analyzing capacity; the inherent neural energy for activity etc. but the self-centered apathy of Ketu without outward expression is obstructive for the child like inquisitiveness of Mercury. In harmony with this, Gemini ruled by Mercury is the sign of debilation for Ketu and Virgo also ruled by Mercury is not friendly for Ketu i.e. an inimical relation exists between the two.
The next planet of this group is Venus. Venus, the Master of the Demons is the significator of material enjoyments, lust, passions for female beings, material science and technology, arts etc. The fixed earthy sign Taurus of Rajas nature and the cardinal airy sign Libra of Tamas nature are ruled by Venus. Since these two signs are respectively the second and the seventh signs of the Zodiac i.e. the primary and the secondary maraka houses respectively, Venus is considered as the chief maraka in the Zodiac. Therefore, it has an inimical relation with the underlying creative power of Ketu. Again, Ketu signifying lifeless and senseless body is devoid of physical pleasures and self-centered mentality, it is not in harmony with the seventh sign signifying environment. Ketu signifying inherent spiritual force is contrary to material science, arts and culture, business etc. Therefore, relation between Venus and Ketu is strongly inimical for each other.
The last and the chief planet of this destructive group is Saturn which as has been described in Hindu Mythology as the abandoned son of the father Sun is the significator of inferiority complex and is, therefore, strong enemy for Sun. Saturn is characterized by servicing nature, practical sense, material philosophy and spirituality of a hermit. Of the two signs ruled by Saturn, Capricorn is cardinal earthy sign of Tamas nature while fixed airy sign Aquarius is of Rajas nature. Therefore, the characteristics of senseless Ketu are not in sympathy of those of Capricorn and therefore in this case Ketu and Saturn are inimical to each other but for Aquarius the spiritual sense of Saturn is in tune with that of Ketu but the other characteristics of this Rajasik airy nature of the sign are antagonistic to Ketu. Therefore, in overall analysis, Saturn and Ketu are strongly inimical to each other.                        

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Analysis for the mutual relations between Moon and Mercury

According to Hindu Mythology, the illegal son of Moon is Mercury. According to astrological principles, Mercury is not the enemy of Moon but the reverse is not true i.e. Moon is described as the enemy of Mercury. The Hindu Mythology may be explained as Moon being the father of Mercury bears no enmity for the son out of paternal affection but Mercury bears an enmity or adverse outlook for Moon because of his giving the illegal birth of Mercury. According to astrological principles, Moon signifies the upper layer of mind related with wild emotions whereas Mercury signifies common-sense, child like simplicity and inquisitiveness, rationality, analytical power etc. For any successful and honest effort in life, emotion is extremely necessary but it must be balanced by material rationality; otherwise unbalanced blind emotion is very likely to result in destruction. Therefore, it is clear that emotion must be balanced with rationality derived from Sattwik sense
In the Zodiac, Moon rules over the sign Cancer, the cardinal watery sign of Tamas nature. And of the two signs ruled by Mercury, the third sign of the Zodiac is Gemini, dual airy sign of Sattwik nature while the sixth sign Virgo is dual earthy sign of Sattwik nature. Water and Earth are quite in harmony from the elemental point of view but this is not so for Water and Air. As such, the relation between the signs Cancer and Virgo is third/eleventh i.e. mutually helping but the same between Cancer and Gemini is second/twelfth i.e. is an unfavorable one. In explanation, it may be said that emotion and material rationality are mutually helpful for their expression but the same is not true, rather damaging for each other in the relation between childish inquisitiveness and emotion, because in that case if the childish queries be overshadowed by emotion, it may invite troubles for the native and also for the environment.
In Astrological classification of planets, strong Moon is creative while weak Moon and Mercury are destructive. Therefore, excessiveness of emotion due to strong Moon is damaging for the rationality of Mercury belonging to destructive group but when emotion is diminished due to the influence of weak Moon, it is controllable by intelligence and rationality of Mercury. In other words, weak Moon and Mercury belonging to the same destructive group become mutually helpful for each other.  

Friday, 8 February 2013

Analysis for the mutual relations of the two signs owned by Saturn

Analysis for the mutual relations of the two signs owned by Saturn

In the Zodiac, there is no sign owned by Jupiter or Saturn in the first half. The tenth and the eleventh signs viz. Capricorn and Aquarius respectively are ruled by Saturn. Capricorn is the cardinal earthy sign of Tamas nature, the sign of exaltation for Mars and of debilation for Jupiter. Aquarius is the fixed airy sign of Rajas nature, the Mool Trikona places for Saturn and Rahu. The tenth house signifies job or work, field of activity, father etc. while the eleventh house signifies income, success etc. Saturn is described as the very old planet in Astrology representing the down-trodden people, servant, hermits etc. Due to its old age, it signifies slowest motion and in human body it indicates knees and the legs. An afflicted or weak Saturn also signifies fraud, tempter which leads a native to troubles and finally destruction by way to tempting. According to Hindu Mythology, Saturn is the abandoned son of the Sun which gave rise to everlasting enmity between the two. The inner significance of this is that Saturn is the significator of destruction while the Sun of creation i.e. the two opposite traits and from this idea arises the pessimistic outlook of Saturn in respect of material life which ultimately leads the native to self realization and the eternity of the soul. Both Capricorn and Aquarius signify these characteristics. Saturn is also the significator of Time and the Goddess of Saturn is Dakshina Kali who is imagined as the embodiment of extreme Tamasikata. In terms of Physics, Saturn is the significator of violet color while the Sun emits the seven colored rays in a ratio which gives the appearance of white signifying totality and thus in respect of this radiation theory also the Saturn and the Sun are mutually opposite in nature. Being the significator of the Time, Saturn is the indicator of the destruction as well as an impersonal observer of the creative and destructive processes taking place in the universe constantly. Saturn is also described as the Greatest Teacher because it teaches the human being the reality of this mortal worldly life and the eternity of the Soul. According to Hindu Philosophy, any job should be free from desires and Saturn being the hermit planet is the significator of this. Saturn being the representative of the down-trodden people i.e. Sudras as classified in Arian pattern of society is the significator of jobs with servant-like outlook. Such jobs make the native moving continuously upward through different levels of consciousness and ultimately to the stage of liberation from complexes. Since Saturn is one of the slowest planets in the Zodiac, this process takes innumerable births for the native which has been uttered by the lord Sri Krishna in The Sreemadbhagabad Geeta as “only after innumerable births, a native realizes by the wisdom he acquires that I am the Supreme Authority of this universe, but such a Great Soul in embodied form is very rare” (Sreemadbhagabad Geeta, chapter VII, Genan Vignan Yoga, Shloka 19).
Again, in worldly life all activities of living beings are related to material affairs. Saturn has the property of analyzing everything to show it in reality. Conversely, Saturn has also the property to combine all minute particles to give an aggregated material shape.
As such, it is revealed that the characteristics of “Karma” or job as defined in Indian Philosophy are quite in harmony with those of Saturn. Therefore, Saturn is quite befitting as the lord of the tenth sign Capricorn.
The eleventh sign of the Zodiac is Aquarius, fixed airy sign of Rajas nature; it is the second sign counted from Capricorn, third sign from Saggitarius and twelfth sign from Pisces. Again, Aquarius is the fifth sign counted from Libra i.e. the seventh sign of the Zodiac and ninth sign counted from the third sign Gemini.
Eleventh house signifying income and success is the second house from the tenth house which means that the wealth earned out of impersonal and servicing work is the real income or success of life. It also implies that the income gained through Tamasik or servicing work is Rajasik in nature for being utilized in material happiness. Still then, according to Arian culture, such enjoyments should be without any attachment and expectation for return. In this respect also, the hermit planet Saturn is called into action and the consequence of this income is reflected in the fifth sign counted from Aquarius i.e. after completion of the present life cycle in the next incarnation when this reappears in the form of common-sense represented by the third sign Gemini and this justifies the fixed nature of the sign Aquarius. Again, of the three airy sign of the Zodiac, Aquarius being the last one possesses the seed of highest spirituality. Libra being the seventh sign signifies satisfaction of lust as the result of which the fifth sign therefrom i.e. Aquarius signifies the development of spiritual consciousness combined with non-attachment. The fifth sign from Aquarius is Gemini that signifies intuition and common-sense derived from this spiritual seed in the previous births. Therefore, it is clear that from the Hindu Philosophical view point, the lordship of Capricorn and Aquarius being attributed to Saturn is quite justified.
Being the eleventh sign of the Zodiac, Aquarius signifies friend. But such friendship differs from that signified by the fourth sign which characterizes friendship related with heart, fellow-feelings etc. Eleventh sign is the sixth sign counted from the sixth sign i.e. Virgo, the dual earthy sign of Sattwik nature ruled by Mercury i.e. the friendship of eleventh house is actually concerned with enemies of the enemies signified by the sixth sign. Such enemies are in material life on the one hand and on the other hand these are the six instincts of complexes which motivate an individual in earthly activities. The enemy of these six complexes is in reality the self control which is the origin of spiritual consciousness and this is the positive trait of Saturn. Therefore, to judge such friendship from the eleventh sign lordship of Saturn of the sign Aquarius is justified.
Capricorn and Aquarius bear a second/twelfth relation with each other. Of these, the justification of Aquarius as the second sign from Capricorn has been explained in the earlier paragraphs. Now, the lordship of Saturn of Capricorn as the twelfth sign from Aquarius is being analyzed.
The twelfth house signifies expenses, scarifies, emancipation or Moksha etc. The material wisdom and spiritual consciousness that have been earned out of earthly activities signified by Capricorn find their successful utilization in impersonal and servicing work for the good of mankind signified by Capricorn which in turn help the native to overcome the complexes signified by the sixth sign Virgo and thus find liberation in the twelfth sign Pisces. The twelfth sign also signifies bed comforts but Saturn being the hermit planet does not enjoy bed comforts like common people. For such a hermit and devoted person, bed comforts are derived through dedicated work. The hermit remains awakened for the good of the human being when the common people remain asleep in bed comforts. Therefore, the second/twelfth relation between the signs Capricorn and Aquarius is quite justified.