Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Explanation for the maleficness of the third, sixth and eleventh lords in a natal chart

Virtue is what helps the existence and progress of the self with the environment. Therefore, anything antagonistic to this is vice. All the deeds of a native are controlled by the complexes and the six instincts of a native. In the Shreemodbhagobat Geeta, the Lord Krishna said “no body can live even for a single moment without doing any work. Under the influences of the complexes and the instincts, the native is compelled to do work every moment.” (Shreemodbhagobat Geeta, Chapter 3, Karma Yoga, Shloka 5). When these complexes become the driver for a native, these act inimically. As such, the six instincts viz. Kama (lust), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed), Moha (obsession), Moda (pride), Matsayra (malice) are combinedly described as six enemies. Of these, the most dominating are greed, lust and pride. In the Zodiac, pride as well as self publicity and desire for establishment are judged from the third house in the natal chart which in the Zodiac is the sign Gemini ruled by Mercury. The complexes and the six instincts are signified by the sixth house which in the natal chart is the sign Virgo also ruled by Mercury. Income and finance are judged from the eleventh house which in the Zodiac is the sign Aquarius ruled by Saturn. Since the Zodiac or the Kalapurusha Chakra as it is said in Hindu Astrology represents the Creator or the human being in general. Therefore, the different signs and their lords of the Zodiac signify the balanced condition or the natural equilibrium of an individual and human society in general. The lord of the third sign Gemini i.e. Mercury being dual airy of Sattwik nature signifies inquisitiveness, child like simplicity, intelligence etc. which actually determine the inherent strength and personality of a native. Similarly, the sixth sign Virgo ruled by Mercury being dual earthy sign of Sattwik nature signifies use of the six instincts and the complexes in a idealistic manner. Mercury being the significator of the nerve system in the body, inquisitiveness and desire for learning as well as all activities are controlled by the nerve system. Again, the eleventh sign is Aquarius which is fixed airy sign of Rajas nature and the Mool Trikona places for Saturn and Rahu and therefore signifies huge income of money. Since Saturn is the hermit planet and the significator of hard labour, it implies that income should be done through diligence which makes the native appreciate the real values and usage of money.
But when an individual is controlled by the six instincts and the complexes, their effects become adverse for the native. According to the sage Parashara “ In the Koli Yuga when the vices are the controller, the benefic or malefic nature of the planets for a native are not determined by their respective natural characteristics, but by their relative positions and the rulership of the signs with respect of the Ascendant.” Under the influence of these, the natural benefic planets act adversely for some natives and the reverse is the case with natural malefics. In other words, almost all individuals do not follow the Divine Instructions of the Supreme Lord as written in the symbolic language of the Zodiac excluding the stellar bodies which ultimately bring harm for the individuals. For this, in this Kali Yuga mostly controlled by the vices of Saturn, the significator of the third house is Mars that of the sixth house is Venus and of the eleventh house is Rahu. In Mars, Tamasik ego is manifested in full together with strong desires of self establishment and exposition without limit which bring disaster to the environment and consequently to the native. In accordance with this, the third sign Gemini in the Zodiac is the inimical sign for Mars as the result of which its function becomes more adverse for the native. Similarly, the sixth sign in the Zodiac is Virgo wherein the significator Venus becomes debilated as the result of which the malefic effects of Venus are more expressed here leading to harms to the native and to its surroundings. Finally, the unbounded and uncontrolled greed of Rahu makes the native without balance and consequently due to the abuses of illegal earnings and material enjoyments, the native invites self destruction together with harms to the surroundings.
For these reasons, according to the sage Parashara, the lords of the third, sixth and eleventh houses in a natal chart are considered as malefics for all.                

Monday, 20 May 2013

Justification for judging father from the ninth and the tenth houses in a natal chart

In a natal chart, the Ascendant and its lord signify the native. Therefore, according to astrological principles, the ninth house from the Ascendant signifies the origin and the fifth house the consequence of the native. In the Zodiac, the life cycle is assumed to start in Aries. Therefore, its origin is at Saggitarius and the consequence it Leo. Leo is fixed fiery sign of Rajas nature ruled by the Sun which carries the seed of the terrestrial life. This seed is manifested as life in the cardinal fiery sign of Tamas nature i.e. Aries through the intermediate stage of the dual fiery sign Saggitarius of Sattwik nature. Ninth house also signifies Guru i.e. Master, fate or fortune originated from the previous lives, religion, conscience etc. Religion signifies what maintains this huge creation of the universe and philosophically it also signifies the Supreme Lord or God. The word “Guru” means who removes the darkness of ignorance through sacrifice, devotion, conscience etc. which actually indicate God. As such, God is also termed as Supreme Father i.e. Who is the creator and the maintainer of this universe and the life cycle. Therefore, in this sense, ninth house signifies, apart from God, the father who gives birth to the native.
In an animal body, the seed of the new life is sowed by the father in the womb of the mother. For human beings, the mother is judged in a natal chart from the fourth house for a male being and the tenth house for a female being which in the Zodiac are represented by the signs Cancer and Capricorn respectively. Therefore, the seventh house from the fourth house is the tenth house or vice-verse which signifies the husband of the mother who in a normal case is the father of the native. Moon itself is the significator of mother while the lord of the sign Capricorn is Saturn signifying the Eternal Time which is responsible for the entire creation and destruction. And in cases where the mother marries for the second time, the father of the native is signified by the ninth house of its natal chart.
Therefore, judging father from the ninth and the tenth houses do not bear similarities in all cases. Ninth house signifies the Supreme origin of creation i.e. God as well as the earthly father in cases where the mother marries again after the birth of the native but otherwise, the tenth house also signifies the seed-giver father together with the ninth house also.  

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Explanation for the destructive functions of the lords of the second & the seventh houses in a natal chart

In Astrology, longevity cum death is judged from the eighth house and its lord in a natal chart as also the eighth house counted from the eighth house i.e. the third house in a natal chart. The twelfth house counted from the eighth house i.e. the seventh house signified the loss of longevity and so also the twelfth house from the third house i.e. the second house. Therefore, the second and the seventh houses are designated as significators of death. Of the two, the malefic influence of the second house and its lord is more than that of the seventh house and its lord. Therefore, the second house and its lord are termed as chief significators of death or “Primary Maraka” while the seventh house and its lord are designated as “Secondary Maraka”. The astrological explanation for this is that the seventh house being the detrimental place of the Ascendant signifies decay of body while the second house for the same reason signifies decay of longevity. Therefore, a native born in a higher longevity range can continue even with a decaying and physically incapable body but a native born in a lower longevity range can face death with an otherwise sound health. Such examples are very common in our daily life. The astrological explanation for this is furnished below: -
In ancient scripts, it is said that the one of the factors influencing human longevity is the mode of living. Following pious i.e. Sattwik mode of living increases longevity while excessive material enjoyments reduce vitality of life resulting in death. In Astrology, Venus is the significator of material enjoyments which owns the signs Taurus and Libra which are respectively the second and the seventh sign of the Zodiac. The second house in a natal chart signifies accumulated wealth, ornaments, face and all its functions and the seventh house signifies lust, spouse, partner, environment etc. Taurus is fixed earthy sign of Rajas nature and Libra the cardinal airy sign of Tamas nature. Taurus is the negative or passive sign of Venus while Libra is its positive and active sign. Therefore, Venus of Taurus signifies self-centered material enjoyments while in Libra its desire for material enjoyment is much refined and involved with the environment but since both the signs signify material enjoyments and sensual pleasures, therefore both are damaging for longevity i.e. significator of death. In the solar system also, one of the chief enemies for the Sun, the origin of creation is Venus because Sun belongs to the creative group and Venus to the destructive group. Venus brings in death in guise of apparent pleasures. Consequently, in the Zodiac Taurus and Libra as well as their lord Venus are treated as significator of death. In accordance with this, the second and the seventh houses as also their lords in a natal chart are considered as Marakas for a native. Again, comparatively Taurus being the negative sign of Venus has the degree of destructivity much more than that of Libra together with lack of refined nature. On the contrary, Libra being the positive sign of Venus of airy nature has the refined characteristics and maintains good relation with environment.
From material view point, financial strength is considered as the most powerful in the present era. A sound financial capacity can bring all sorts of material enjoyments and power to a native. But as it is said, too much of anything brings destruction. Therefore, material enjoyments including sensual pleasures and influence over the environment earned in lieu of money ultimately invite destruction and death. Therefore, of the two maraka places viz. the second and the seventh houses in a natal chart, the second house is more destructive. Again, the second house signifies face and its functions viz. intaking of food and delivery of speeches. Therefore, intaking of harmful food in quality and quantity and delivery of unpleasing words to others creating enemy result in huge loses and ultimately death. Moreover, the second house signifying accumulated wealth is likely to create many enemies and causes huge loss and ultimately death. Therefore, viewed in total, it may be said that the malefic nature of the second house and its lord is more than that of the seventh house and its lord. As such, the second house is termed as primary maraka and the seventh house the secondary one.
Further in Astrology, a word “Karmayu” is used to signify the life span which a native has to pass through till the completion of the deeds the native has to perform in the present birth even if the native crosses over the life span calculated mathematically according to Astrology. In a natal chart, work is judged from the tenth house which in the zodiac is the tenth sign Capricorn, cardinal earthy sign of Tamas nature, the negative field of the ruler Saturn. The success of job is judged from the eleventh house counted from the tenth house i.e. the eighth house of the natal chart which is again the house of longevity cum death. In the Zodiac, it is the sign Scorpio. Since Saturn signifies hermits and servants, therefore by virtue of devoted activities without any personal desires increase longevity. Again, the fifth house counted from the tenth house is the second house while the tenth house counted from the tenth house i.e. the seventh house signifies the highest expression of activities which means these two are respectively the primary and the secondary Maraka places for the natal chart. In the Zodiac, the lords of the corresponding two signs viz. Taurus and Libra is Venus which is an intimate friend of Saturn. Therefore, good and devoted activities signified by the tenth sign Capricorn influence beneficially the two signs Taurus and Libra thereby reducing their malefic natures. The same argument holds for any natal chart.
In fine, it may therefore be concluded that the second and the seventh houses and their lords in a natal chart are destructive for a native of which is the second house is more harmful, but following a pious living and performing good and devoted activities reduce the Maraka nature of the two. 

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Astrological significance of designating Jupiter as the most benefic planet

According to Hindu Philosophy, the Supreme Being manifested Himself in the entire creation originated from Himself and He enjoys Himself in innumerable forms of living and non-living nature according to their characteristics and the ultimate goal of every being is to return to its Origin i.e. attainment of its Supreme Self. The main obstruction towards this course is the interaction of the so called six enemies’ i.e.  different complexes which result in the interaction of a being with the environment leading to its deviation from the path of eternal good. To overcome these obstacles, it is absolutely necessary to follow the God-directed path of living.
According to Modern Physics, every being, animate or inanimate always emits waves of certain definite frequency and the being concerned is but an instantaneous projection of its characteristic wave bounded by space and time. According to Hindu Philosophy, at the start of the Creation when there was nothing in existence, the Supreme Sound came out from darkness to start the creation. This Supreme Sound is the Brahma as defined in Hindu Philosophy which means expansion and manifestation of the Supreme Being in innumerable forms. At the start of the creation, the Supreme Wave was the manifestation of the Brahma and this immediately started dividing himself in various sub-waves which gave rise to different beings according to their frequency and amplitude. The resultants of the various superimpositions of these branch waves had different frequencies and amplitudes leading to innumerable forms of living and non-living entities. The greater the differences of the amplitudes and frequencies of these resultant waves from those of the Supreme Waves, the greater will be the deviation of the individual beings from the Supreme self. In other words, the natural difference thus originated from the Supreme self forms the hard coating on each individual being termed as the “Maya” or “Illusion” as said by some sages. The greater this difference, the harder will be the coating on the individual resisting the manifestation of the Supreme self within the individual being concerned.   
Therefore, for the progress of the individual soul towards attainment of Godhood, it is absolutely required to pierce the hard coating of the “Maya” and realization of the self. In the language of Modern Physics, it may be said that for a branch wave to attain the harmony with the original Godly wave, it is necessary to reduce gradually the mutual interactions with other branch waves and ultimately to brings it to the end.
In our solar system, the relative position of the planets and other stellar bodies with respect to the earth is: - Sun – Mercury – Venus – Earth – Mars – Jupiter – Saturn. Since Sun is the origin of terrestrial life, therefore Saturn remaining at the extreme opposite end is assumed as the significator of destruction. Mercury and Venus remaining between the Sun and the Earth create obstruction for the continuance of life; similarly Mars and Jupiter remaining between Earth and Saturn cause obstacles towards destruction. If we divide the Zodiac into three equal parts starting from Aries, it is assumed that the portion from Aries to Cancer signifies the first part of life, portion from Leo to Scorpio signifies the middle part and the remaining portion from Saggitarius to Pisces signifies the last part of life. The chief ruler of the first two parts is the Sun assisted by Moon, the child planet Mercury, the young planet Mars and lastly Venus, the significator of material enjoyments and the life period between youth and middle age. Under their influences, a native starting from birth up to the middle age acquires huge experiences through the activities for existence and expansion combined with fulfillment of material desires. These experiences produce results in the last part of life covered by Saggitarius to Pisces. The cream of such experiences gathered up to the middle age are stored as wisdom under the influence of the old planet Jupiter which is also the significator of extracting and thereafter assimilating the substance of all foods intaken by the native. After this, the wisdom thus acquired results in the feelings of the mortality of the earthly life and thus helps to attain spiritual consciousness which gradually leads the native towards salvation cum liberation from earthly complexes signified in Pisces ruled by Jupiter, the Master of the deities.
The ninth sign of the Zodiac is Saggitarius, the positive sign of Jupiter wherein are judged religion, Guru i.e. Master, conscience etc. Jupiter of Saggitarius engages the native in organizational work for the good of the human being which maintains the creation and which is actually termed as religion. From the wisdom of this sign develop in a native the activities without any personal attachment which are signified by Saturn and the sign Capricorn. Realizations and experiences gathered from such activities are accumulated in the form of wisdom and instincts signified by Saturn of Aquarius which are expressed in the form of common-sense and intuition in the next birth. The ultimate result of such accumulated wisdom and instincts are liberation from the complexes leading to Moksha i.e. unification with the Supreme Soul signified by Jupiter of the sign Pisces, the dual negative sign of watery nature wherein the individual soul remains with the Supreme Soul in opposition at Supramental level. The third sign from Saggitarius i.e. the field of courage is Aquarius which is actually the wisdom at its highest level when the native identifying himself with the entire universe takes the responsibility to carry the entire load of the world signified by the symbol of Aquarius and through these activities gradually develops the sacred desire to devote himself to the Supreme Soul signified by the negative sign of Jupiter i.e. Pisces.
According to Astrology, there are both similarities and dissimilarities between Jupiter and Saturn. In Astronomy, both are designated as superior planets situated on the same side of the earth. Jupiter enriches the native with wisdom which is the reality of the universe through Supreme Pleasures. From Jupiterian angle of view, the world is the manifestation of the ever blissful pleasures. But Saturn on the other hand, exposes to the native the other side of the absolute truth of life through sorrows. The mortality and sorrowful experiences of the native endowed by Saturn help the native to be purified being freed from all complexes and then and then only the wisdom of Jupiter gives the native the light of immortality and the ultimate significance of this creation. According to Astrology, Jupiter is the old planet while Saturn the very old and therefore the mortality of this earthly life and the immortality of the soul are realized on the verge of old age when the passions of youth combined with earthly desires come to the end i.e. the influences of Mars and Venus become fainter and fainter.  
According to optics, in the solar spectrum Jupiter rules over the yellow band and Saturn the violet band i.e. from the middle of the spectrum the regions ruled by these two planets are on either side. Therefore, these two regions influence a native in opposite senses. A native ruled by Jupiter feels the existence of inherent blissful pleasures of the Supreme Soul in everything while to a native ruled by Saturn the same world appears to present itself in the form of sorrows. In other words, a Jupiterian native experiences the positive side of life while a Saturnine observes the negative side of the same.
Analysis of the solar spectrum shows that the two opposite ends are covered by the red and the violet regions. Wave length of the red band being more, the frequency is less and the reverse is the case with violet region. For the creation of life, the waves of the red region are necessary and for destruction the same of violet region is required. The region covered by Jupiter stands approximately midway between the two while the exact middle region i.e. green band is ruled by Mercury signifying new creation. These two bands viz. green and yellow influence the two ends. Of the two, the band ruled by Jupiter has wave length less than that of green band and therefore its penetrating power is more and consequently its neutralizing capacity is higher but the indigo band ruled by Venus is in the vicinity of violet region and therefore has its destructive capacity higher than that of Mercury. The wave length of the violet band being less than that of blue band, the destructive capacity of the latter is expressed through delicate feelings of apparent happiness. It, therefore, appears that the band ruled by Jupiter can neutralize to a large extent the destructive influences of other bands and therefore helps the creative function of the solar spectrum. This is of course totally experienced when Jupiter is not afflicted by malefics in a natal chart i.e. the influence of this band is not badly interfered by other bands. Therefore, it may be concluded that the benefic influence of Jupiter is the most in the planetary kingdom so far as an individual life is concerned.