In a natal chart,
the Ascendant and its lord signify the native. Therefore, according to
astrological principles, the ninth house from the Ascendant signifies the
origin and the fifth house the consequence of the native. In the Zodiac, the
life cycle is assumed to start in Aries. Therefore, its origin is at
Saggitarius and the consequence it Leo. Leo is fixed fiery sign of Rajas nature
ruled by the Sun which carries the seed of the terrestrial life. This seed is
manifested as life in the cardinal fiery sign of Tamas nature i.e. Aries
through the intermediate stage of the dual fiery sign Saggitarius of Sattwik
nature. Ninth house also signifies Guru i.e. Master, fate or fortune originated
from the previous lives, religion, conscience etc. Religion signifies what
maintains this huge creation of the universe and philosophically it also
signifies the Supreme Lord or God. The word “Guru” means who removes the
darkness of ignorance through sacrifice, devotion, conscience etc. which
actually indicate God. As such, God is also termed as Supreme Father i.e. Who
is the creator and the maintainer of this universe and the life cycle.
Therefore, in this sense, ninth house signifies, apart from God, the father who
gives birth to the native.
In an animal body,
the seed of the new life is sowed by the father in the womb of the mother. For
human beings, the mother is judged in a natal chart from the fourth house for a
male being and the tenth house for a female being which in the Zodiac are
represented by the signs Cancer and Capricorn respectively. Therefore, the
seventh house from the fourth house is the tenth house or vice-verse which
signifies the husband of the mother who in a normal case is the father of the
native. Moon itself is the significator of mother while the lord of the sign
Capricorn is Saturn signifying the Eternal Time which is responsible for the entire
creation and destruction. And in cases where the mother marries for the second
time, the father of the native is signified by the ninth house of its natal
Therefore, judging
father from the ninth and the tenth houses do not bear similarities in all
cases. Ninth house signifies the Supreme origin of creation i.e. God as well as
the earthly father in cases where the mother marries again after the birth of
the native but otherwise, the tenth house also signifies the seed-giver father
together with the ninth house also.
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