In Hindu Astrology, the Zodiac is described as the
Kalapurusha Chakra which means that it is signified as the body of the Divine
Soul and therefore representing the entire mankind which is but a manifestation
of the Supreme Soul in innumerable forms. From the twelve houses or signs,
different organs and their functions in the human body are considered in
respect of physical, mental and spiritual aspects as tabulated below:
Kalapurusha Chakra
Sign Body
Organ Relevant
Aries Head First
Bhava or Ascendant
Taurus Face Second
Gemini Arms
& Shoulders Third
Cancer Heart Fourth
Leo Liver
& Stomach Fifth
Virgo Lower Abdomen & Navel Sixth House
Virgo Lower Abdomen & Navel Sixth House
Libra Abdomen Seventh
Scorpio Genetic
Organs Eighth
Saggitarius Thighs Ninth
Capricorn Knees Tenth
Aquarius Legs Eleventh
Pisces Feet Twelfth
Significance of the
Sun – soul, brain, father, creativity.
Moon – mind, mother, sensitivity, nourishment.
Mars – courage, brother, hot headedness, activity.
Mercury – common-sense, inquisitiveness, rationality, nerve
system, strength of organs.
Jupiter – religion, wisdom, sublimed consciousness, Guru.
Venus – material happiness, lust, social nature, business,
wife, love, romance.
Saturn – devoted and servicing activity, scientific mind,
and practical sense.
Rahu – greed, hypocrisy, cheat, illegal activities,
Ketu – inertia, self-centricity, selfishness, occult
knowledge, mysterious actions, secret functions, coiled soul energy i.e.
Kuldalini Shakti.
The cardinal fiery and Tamasik sign Aries is ruled by Mars
where Sun is exalted and Saturn debilated. Life course is assumed to start from
the first point of Aries. Being the cardinal and active sign of Tamas nature
ruled by Mars, the physical ability of the native is manifested here in the
Tamasik level only having unbounded emotion. Being the sign of exaltation of
Sun, the manifestation of consciousness attains its peak here and combined with
flow of emotion. Being the sign of debilation for Saturn, patience and
practical senses are deficient in this sign. Being the significator of the head
and friendly for Sun and Mars, it awards the native with powerful driving force
but lacking in patience and practical sense and moved by hot headedness and
emotions. Aries is in trinal relations with the other two fiery signs Leo and
Saggitarius in the Zodiac. Saggitarius being the ninth sign of the Aries
signifies the origin of its traits and Leo, the fifth sign from the same
signifies its consequences. Leo is ruled by the Sun which is the origin of the
terrestrial life and has in itself the brightest constellation Mogha ruled by
Ketu which is the significator of secrecy and mystery and therefore the seed of
creation is embedded in Leo but to bring the creation into action, energy must
be active while Leo is the fixed fiery sign. Therefore, for the transition of
fixed fire of Leo to cardinal fire of Aries, energy has to transmit through the
dual fiery sign Saggitarius. Therefore, these three fiery signs in a triangular
relation signify the manifestation of the seed of creation through the
transitional stage and thereafter its return to the origin in Leo.
Again, the four cardinal signs viz. Aries, Cancer, Libra and
Capricorn manifest respectively the four elements fire, water, air and earth. According
to astrological principles, the signs in angular relations mutually help one
another for manifestation of energy. These four signs are the constituents of
the entire creation and also signify the four colours of the living world. The
inner significance of this is that a harmonious relation of these four elements
is essential for the maintenance of the entire creation. Aries being the
cardinal fiery sign manifests energy in the form of heat and light. In its
opposition is the cardinal airy sign Libra where energy is converted into the
first material form and which is essential for the active spreading of fire. The
tenth sign counted from Libra is Cancer where the gaseous form of matter is
condensed in the liquid state. Being the fourth sign from Aries, it signifies
the house of extinction of fire in contact with water and therefore it is the
sign of debilation for the active fiery planet Mars. The sign opposite to
Cancer is cardinal earthy sign Capricorn wherein liquid is frozen in the form
of solid and for the active function of earth, the necessity of water is most. In
keeping with these four forms of energy, the mankind is also divided into four
groups depending on their qualities and activities as was uttered by Lord Shree
Krishna in Shreemodbhagobodgeeta “the four casts have been created by Myself on
the bases of qualities and activities”. These four casts are Brahmin,
Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. The lowest group is Shudra; people belonging to
this class are but a living form of matter because their activities are mostly
restricted at physical level and having no higher consciousness. As such, Saturn
– the lord of the cardinal earthy sign Capricorn is the representative of the
Shudras. From the material level, consciousness rises to the life form through
the activity of cardinal fiery sign Aries which helps to maintain the creative
world through the evolution of life form and being the sign of manifestation of
active life, this sign represents the Kshatriyas. From the basic life form,
consciousness ascends to the next higher level i.e. mind or psychic form. This
is manifested in the cardinal watery sign Cancer ruled by Moon which being the
representative of sentiment and emotions signifies the cast Brahmin in whom the
characteristics of Moon and Jupiter, who is exalted in Cancer, are vividly
expressed. The other two watery signs viz. Scorpio and Pisces are in trinal
relation with Cancer. Scorpio being the fixed watery sign and the sign of
debilation for Moon signifies the latent form of emotions and the energy of
Mars is coiled here in a passive form which is the significator of Kundalini
shakti as defined in the Tantra Shastra. The third watery sign Pisces, dual and
Sattwik in nature is the passive field of the ruler Jupiter. The wisdom of
Jupiter lies here in latent form in continuous both way actions with the
Supreme Soul; it is also the sign of exaltation for Venus which means that the
individual soul being freed from all the complexes attains Moksha. The next
higher stage of consciousness is in the level of knowledge or intellect
controlled by the brain which is manifested by the cardinal airy sign Libra. Being
the sign of exaltation for Saturn, Libra signifies the highest expression of
patience, analytical and scientific realistic sense. Therefore, this sign
represents the cast Vaishya who is endowed with intelligence, brain activity,
talent etc. The word “Vaishya” has its origin in the verbal root “Vis” in Sanskrit which means permeability or penetrative
capacity which signifies that life energy is manifested through brain function
like air. As such, the sign Libra owes its origin to the dual airy sign Gemini
and consequence in fixed airy sign Aquarius. The Sattwik sign Gemini is ruled
by the child planet Mercury as it is called in Astrology and signifies
inquisitiveness and intelligence. The Rajasik airy sign Aquarius ruled by
Saturn is its active field and also the Mool Trikona sign for Saturn and Rahu. Saturn
is described in Astrology as hermit, very old and servant. It means that the
child like Sattwik inquisitiveness of Mercury finds its consequence in
analytical and balanced practical intelligence in Libra and ultimately results
in impartial analysis of the material life as well as in the sublimation to Super
Mind in the spiritual level. Like the air current which is permeable to all the
places in the natural upward motion, the natives ruled by these three airy
signs also tend to take the environment to higher stages of intellect and
consciousness. As such, these three airy signs are the representative of the
cast Vaishya.
The fourth angle in the Zodiac is the cardinal, Tamasik and
earthy sign Capricorn ruled by Saturn of which it is the passive field and the
sign of exaltation for Mars as well. Being Tamasik and earthy sign, here
spiritual characteristics of Saturn are almost absent and its activity is
mostly confined in the practical world with rational and scientific outlook and
devoted for the service of people. Being the tenth sign in the Zodiac, it is
related to materialistic work. Since, such work is mostly done by the labor
class; this sign is designated as belonging to Shudra group. In this sign Mars
is exalted, Jupiter is debilated and Sun finds it as an inimical house. The
significance of this is that for jobs of labor class, quickness and physical
energy of youth are essential; but the wisdom of Jupiter and the sublimed
consciousness of the Sun stand in the way of such activities. The other two
earthy signs in trinal relation with Capricorn are fixed and Rajasik Taurus as
well as dual and Sattwik Virgo. Taurus signifies material enjoyments to satisfy
the complexes and here intellect and sublimed consciousness are practically
absent. Such characteristics being related to the Shudras, it is designated as
belonging to this class and owned by the demon master Venus of which it is the
passive field. On the other hand, Virgo is dual Sattwik in nature ruled by
Mercury of which it is the own sign as well as that of exaltation and passive
field. The inner significance of this earthy trine is that being exhausted with
material enjoyments caused by Venus of Taurus; the native seeks for freedom
from complexes in Sattwik and rational but of oscillating sign Virgo and as the
consequence the native realizes that the true path to get rid of these
complexes is through the practical service to the mankind and particularly to
the downtrodden people signified by Saturn of the cardinal earthy sign
Capricorn. Such service is in constant ascending mode due to being originated
from the Sattwik and rational sign Virgo. In this earthy trinal group of signs,
Taurus being fixed in nature signifies conservatism and preservation, Capricorn
being cardinal in nature signifies destruction of the old and creativity of the
new while Virgo being dual in nature signifies an intermediate form. Therefore,
these four groups of angles, each composing a trine of the same element signify
respectively the three forms of creation, maintenance and destruction with the
help of four constituents elements i.e. fire, earth, air and water.
Four signs in the Zodiac viz. third, sixth, tenth and
eleventh are termed as Upachaya places because the traits signified by these
signs are increased to a high degree. These four signs are usually designated
as malefic houses. The reasons for which are explained as follows. Of the four,
the malefic most is the sixth sign usually termed as “Ripu” or inimical place.
These enemies are ordinarily related to the external world but actually these
are inherent in the self of the native. The both way action of creation and
destruction in the world are merely the outcome of the six complexes as
mentioned before. These complexes induce the native in characteristic work,
good or bad which ultimately results in repeated incarnations of the individual
soul in this earth. And therefore, the sixth sign is considered as the most
malefic of the Upachaya places although in the gradation of strength the
eleventh sign is at the top. The tenth house counted from the sixth sign is the
third sign which is also characterized as malefic and Upachaya. The fifth sign
counted from the sixth sign is the tenth sign signifying the consequence of the
traits of the sixth sign. The tenth sign although signified by the strongest
angle has also partial malefic nature due to its being as Upachaya place also. Further,
the sixth sign counted from the sixth sign is the eleventh sign which is also in
addition to being Upachaya is termed as partially malefic although, it has also
some benefic nature signifying the success of the individual. The third sign
signifying common-sense, inquisitiveness, courage, boldness is dual Sattwik and
airy Gemini ruled by Mercury of which it is the active field. Third sign also
signifies in the body the arms expressing strength. But for the natural
significator of physical strength i.e. Mars, it is the inimical sign which
signifies that the physical strength of a child is not ordinarily effective,
but the real strength lies in Sattwik good senses which are the characteristics
of an innocent child only. On this consideration, the significance of the third
sign in respect of common-sense and strength is quite justified.
The characteristics as the rulership of the tenth and the
eleventh houses have been explained in relation to these houses.
We shall now concentrate on the relation of the third house
with the trinal houses. The second trine in a natal chart is the fifth house
which in the Zodiac is the sign Leo ruled by Sun. The fifth house signifies
education based on merits, talent, regards, love, creativity etc. The third
house is the eleventh house counted from the fifth house. The characteristics
of the fifth house are manifested in the sign Leo. The eleventh house signifies
success and therefore success of the fifth house lies in the third house which
signifies inquisitiveness, pure simplicity like a child etc. which may be
considered as the true courage of the native. The third angle in a natal chart
is the ninth house which in the Zodiac is the sign Saggitarius, the dual and
Sattwik fiery sign ruled by Jupiter. The ninth house signifies wisdom,
religion, conscience which starts activation from the middle age till the very
old age. The third house is the seventh house counted from the ninth house and
therefore it is the detrimental house of the ninth house. The third sign in the
Zodiac is dual Sattwik and airy sign Gemini and the active field of the ruler
Mercury. The elements of these two signs viz. Gemini and Saggitarius are
mutually helpful but due to the difference in the mentality of these two signs,
the development of one is not helpful for that of the other. This means that
child like inquisitiveness finds its end in the wisdom of the middle age and
the reverse is also true. We shall now find the relation of the third house
with the four angles. Of these, the relation of the first angle i.e. Ascendant
with the third house has been discussed above. The second angle is the fourth
house which in the Zodiac is the cardinal and Tamasik watery sign ruled by Moon
which is the second house counted from the third house. Therefore, it signifies
the accumulated wealth with respect to the third house. Therefore, the sign
Cancer signifies the wealth of the Sattwik and child like common-sense which is
actually the memory based education and at the end of the child like simplicity
and fickleness, mental function starts. Again, third house is the twelfth house
counted from the fourth house which means when strong emotion crossing its
limit seeks for reason; it takes the shape of Sattwik child like
inquisitiveness. Therefore, the relation of these two houses is quite
The third angle in the Zodiac is the Tamasik and cardinal
airy sign Libra which is the active field of the ruler Venus and is in the
fifth-ninth relation with the third sign Gemini. This means that the
consequence of the Geminian function lies in Libra and conversely the origin of
the Libran function lies in Gemini. The seventh sign of the Zodiac i.e. Libra
signifies material enjoyments, lust, environment, spouse, partner, business
etc. The third house from Gemini is Leo which signifies the strength of child
like simplicity and inquisitiveness i.e. merit based education, talent,
intelligence, love, romance, fame etc. The third house from Leo is Libra which
means that the strength acquired from Leo is manifested in the form of sensual
pleasures and devotion of the self to the environment totally and engagement in
honest business and transaction of servicing nature. Libra being the sign of
exaltation for Saturn signifies that in consequence of the Sattwik intelligence
contributed by Mercury develops the matured, balanced and impartial traits
awarded by Saturn. In other words, these Libran characteristics have their
origin in those of the Gemini.
Next comes the relation of the third sign Gemini with the
fourth angle i.e. the tenth sign Capricorn. Gemini signifies common-sense,
strength, inquisitiveness, child like fickle mindedness, efficiency music etc. The
tenth sign Capricorn is Tamasik cardinal and airy in nature and the passive
field of the ruler Saturn and as such signifies servicing mentality, very old
age, sense of responsibility, practical nature, farsightedness, very slow
motion, non-attachment towards material pleasures etc. Gemini and Capricorn are
related in the sixth-eighth relation. The sixth house signifies the enmity of
the starting house while the eighth house signifies death of the
characteristics of that house. Evidently therefore, it is clear that after the
end of child like simplicity and fickle mindedness of the Gemini native,
function of very old aged Saturn starts in the form of practical outlook,
farsightedness etc. Again, old age starts after the end of child age and youth.
Characteristics of Gemini symbolized by a couple engaged in music are valueless
for the old aged hermit Saturn and therefore not appreciated by him. On the
contrary, the characteristics of the old aged Saturn are not preferred by the
child Mercury of whose nature is an obstacle for Sturnine function and
therefore the sixth-eighth relation between these two signs is quite
We shall now consider the mutual relation among the four
Upachaya places viz. Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius i.e. the third,
sixth, tenth and the eleventh sign. Of these, the relation between Gemini and
Virgo, Gemini and Capricorn, Virgo and Capricorn, Virgo and Gemini, Capricorn
and Gemini and lastly Capricorn and Virgo have already been discussed. The remaining three pair i.e. Gemini and
Aquarius, Virgo and Aquarius and finally Capricorn and Aquarius are now being
Gemini and Aquarius are respectively the third and the eleventh
sign of the Zodiac having a fifth-ninth relation which means origin of Gemini
is in Aquarius and conversely consequence of Aquarius is Gemini. Here it need
be clarified that the result of the Gemini being the consequence of Aquarius
happens in the immediate next incarnation of the native and therefore the
origin of Gemini in Aquarius is also a fact of immediate previous incarnation;
because, if life cycle is assumed to start in Aries, then the total gain of the
deeds in the present incarnation is represented by the eleventh sign Aquarius
and the present life cycle is assumed to end in Pisces and therefore in the
very subsequent birth, the total gain in the previous incarnation is manifested
in the form of common-sense and strength in the sign Gemini. This means that
the experiences accumulated in the previous incarnations represented by Saturn
in Aquarius is manifested in the next birth in the form of common-sense of
Mercury from the very childhood through the sign Gemini. The inner significance
of the continuous life cycle of an individual lies in the mutual relation of
these two Upachaya places till the soul finally re-unites with the Supreme Soul
after innumerable births through Pisces.
The sixth sign of the Zodiac is Virgo which is the dual,
Sattwik and earthy sign as well as the sign of exaltation of the lord Mercury. The
sixth house signifies enemies i.e. in the broader sense six complexes, strength
of different organs and activity, the nerve system, diseases etc. Aquarius i.e.
the eleventh sign of the Zodiac is Rajasik, fixed and airy sign ruled by Saturn
of which it is the active field and also the Mool Trikona place for Saturn and
Rahu. Eleventh house signifies income, success, enemy’s enemy i.e. friend etc.
Virgo and Aquarius are in mutual sixth-eighth relation. The tenth sign of the
Zodiac i.e. Capricorn has its origin in Virgo i.e. the ninth sign counted from
itself and signifies the origin of all activities of the present birth. It may
also be noted that the experiences of the activities in a birth remain in
latent form in the eighth house counted from the eleventh house i.e. in the
sixth house of the subsequent birth. It means that the life long accumulated experiences
i.e. the representative of very old age viz. Saturn which remain in the fixed
airy sign Aquarius in a birth are manifested in the subsequent birth in the
form of strength of activities in the eighth sign counted from Aquarius i.e.
Virgo – the dual earthy sign ruled by Mercury. On the contrary, the sixth sign
counted from Virgo is Aquarius. The significance of this relation is that the
strength of activities manifested in Sattwik earthy sign Virgo which leads the
native to do practical jobs is not befitting with the characteristics of the
fixed airy sign Aquarius ruled by Saturn i.e. the spiritual consciousness and
hermit like mentality and therefore the sixth-eighth relation between these two
signs is quite in agreement with the astrological principles.
We shall now concentrate on the mutual second-twelfth
relation between the signs Capricorn and Aquarius.
The tenth sign of the Zodiac is cardinal, Tamasik and earthy
sign Capricorn, the passive field of the ruler Saturn while the eleventh sign
is fixed, Rajasik and airy sign Aquarius, the active field of Saturn. The tenth
house signifies work, fame, status etc. and the eleventh house signifies
income, success, friend etc. Saturn is described as devoted hermit of
controlled nature, scientist, intellectual, analytical minded, strictly
punctual, inspired in service-natured job and the significator of the Eternal
Time. Saturn being described as very old and lame planet, its action is very
slow and takes a long time to yield the total result and the experience
accumulated in the total life enriches the wisdom of the native. According to
Hindu Philosophy, an individual soul requires for sublimation to higher level
freedom from all complexes and performance in unattached jobs without any
expectation for return. Aquarius is the second sign from Capricorn and
therefore signifies the accumulated wealth by virtue of the dedicated work
which is actually the steady and Rajasik intellect as well as spiritual
consciousness which brings mental sublimation and this is the best income and
success of an individual soul in one incarnation. In Astrology, the second and
the twelfth houses are termed as “Paratantra” i.e. which are related with
others. Evidently, the gain in intellect or spirituality as the result of the
dedicated work is related with the good of the mankind as a whole. Again,
Capricorn being the twelfth sign from Aquarius signifies the expenses of this
sublimed intellect and spiritual consciousness for the good of the common-people
in dedicated manner. For this reason, the rulership of these two signs is
attributed to Saturn. Since the significance of the Upachaya places lies in the
excessiveness or overflow of the corresponding characteristics, therefore those
signified by the tenth and the eleventh signs help each other to enhance
reciprocally and in the subsequent incarnation, the gains accumulated in
Aquarius i.e. the eleventh house are manifested as common-sense in the third
house or the sign Gemini being the fifth house from the eleventh house or
Aquarius and this common-sense is further strengthened in the fourth house
therefrom i.e. the sixth house or the sign Virgo which induces the native to
dedicated work signified by the tenth house or the sign Capricorn repeatedly
and after many such incarnations, the strength gained from such work manifested
in the third house from the tenth house or the sign Capricorn i.e. the Pisces
which is also the detrimental house for the complexes and animal instincts
signified by the sixth house or the sign Virgo leading to Moksha of the native.
Therefore, the relation between these two Upachaya places viz. the tenth and
the eleventh houses or the signs Capricorn and Aquarius are in quite in
agreement with astrological principles.
Now the relation between the second and the twelfth house
termed as “Paratantra” and also with others is being analyzed.
The second house signifies the accumulated wealth, matrimonial
relatives, face of the body and the related functions. In a natal chart, the
Ascendant signifies the self, the seventh house signifies the entire
environment excluding the self, the tenth house signifies the field of
combination between the native and the environment i.e. the working sphere and
in its opposite is the fourth house signifying the detachment of the self from
the environment i.e. the rest house for the individual which is the domestic
sphere of the native. The fifth house counted from the tenth house is the
second house i.e. the significance of the second house develops as the result
of the work. The fifth house signifies offspring and therefore the seventh
house counted from the fifth house signifies son-in-law and daughter-in-law.
The fourth house from the eleventh house is the second house which signifies
therefore the relatives in connection with marriage of the offspring. Again,
the tenth house from the fifth house is the second house which therefore
signifies the working field of the offspring. The ninth house from the sixth
house is the second house which therefore signifies the origin of enmity i.e. enmity
develops from wealth and lust. It is therefore clear that the functions of the
second house are related with others and the environment. Further, the eleventh
house counted from the fourth house is the second house. Fourth house signifies
relatives and friends with whom the native has cordial connection. This means
that the success of such relations is also judged from the second house and as
such the designation of the second house as one of “Paratantra” nature is quite
The reason of the twelfth house also being of “Paratantra”
nature is now explained. The ninth house from the twelfth house which is
actually the eighth house in the natal chart signifies its place of origin. Eighth
house is the third house counted from the sixth house and the second house
counted from the seventh house. It means that the strength of enemies of the
native and the gains through matrimonial relatives, partner, environment etc. are
the origin of the twelfth house. The eleventh house from the twelfth house is
the tenth house i.e. the working field which is the place of union of the
individual with the environment. Further, the third house from the tenth house
is the twelfth house i.e. the strength gained through work is signified by the
twelfth house which means the twelfth house is also related with the
environment intimately and therefore the twelfth house is also designated as
the “Paratantra”.
We shall now discuss the relation of the eighth house with
other houses. Eighth house is the most significant in a natal chart because it
signifies longevity cum death, vital energy of life and all its functions. The
eighth sign in the Zodiac is Scorpio – the fixed and Rajasik watery sign and
the passive field of the ruler Mars. Through the eighth house, all malefic
incidents come into effect in life. Death being the most mysterious subject in
life, the eighth house signifies all secret affairs. After death, the
individual soul remains latent here in a coiled form. To bring this coiled soul
energy in manifestation is the toughest work in life and therefore eighth house
signifies all sorts of hindrances in life. Again, eighth house being the
seventh house counted from the second house signifies detrimental place of
accumulated wealth. The fourth house from the eighth house is the eleventh
house and therefore the eighth house signifies the income through some
mysterious or secret source or earned without labour or through the death of
somebody. The sixth house from the third house is the eighth house which
therefore signifies the enmity of the native’s intelligence or strength which
is actually the secret enmity. The fifth house from the fourth house is the
eighth house and therefore it signifies the consequence or rest developed
through the detachment of the individual from the environment and in the
extreme case, it signifies death and the emotions remain latent through the
detriment of mental complexes.
The fourth house from the fifth house is the eighth house
and therefore signifies house of manifestation of the mental functions like
emotions such as love, romance, regard etc. In the Zodiac, life is assumed to
start in Aries therefore the fifth sign of the Zodiac is Leo ruled by the Sun
which is the origin of the terrestrial life. The restless life energy becomes
fixed in the fiery sign Leo and therefore signifies all creative activity and
mentality like genetic reproduction, authorship, manifestation of intellect
such as love, romance, regard, discovery etc. The fourth house counted from the
fifth house is the eighth house signifying longevity cum death. In the Zodiac,
it is the fixed and Rajasik watery sign Scorpio i.e. the passive field of the
ruler Mars. This signifies that after death all intellects, creativity and
emotional aspects come to rest in the eighth house i.e. remain latent till
subsequent manifestation in next incarnation. Therefore, the eighth house as
the fourth counted from the fifth house is quite justified.
About the relation between the sixth and the eighth house,
it is to be noted that sixth house actually signifies the impact of the
complexes or the six enemies and the matters resulted thereof while the eighth
house signifies the longevity cum death. The third house from the sixth house
is the eighth house and conversely the eleventh house from the eighth house is
the sixth house. In the Zodiac, the sixth sign Virgo is the dual, Sattwik and
earthy as well as the passive field and also the place of exaltation of the
ruler Mercury and the place of debilation for Venus. The eighth sign is
Scorpio, the passive field of the ruler Mars and the fixed, Rajasik and watery
sign. Astrologically, Mars and Mercury are strong enemies to each other because
the rashness of Mars is quite antagonistic to the rationality of Mercury. The
greater the influence of the complexes in a native, the lesser will be the
longevity of the native leading to death. In other words, the success of the
eighth house i.e. death comes through the strong impacts of the six enemies on
the native but Mercury is a natural benefic planet which is exalted in Virgo
and therefore an unafflicted Mercury or the sign Virgo helps to a degree in the
increase of longevity. Therefore, the third-eleventh relation between these two
houses is quite justified.
Now the relation between the seventh house and the eighth
house in a natal chart is analyzed. The seventh house signifies lust, sensual
pleasures, environment, business, spouse etc. while the eighth house signifies
longevity cum death, loss of accumulated wealth, unearned money etc. In the
Zodiac, the cardinal, Tamasik and airy sign Libra which is the active field of
the ruler Venus is the seventh sign where Saturn is exalted and Sun debilated. The
eighth sign Scorpio is fixed watery and Rajasik in nature and the passive field
of the ruler Mars. In a natal chart, the seventh house signifies loss of body
due to excessive lust and sensual pleasures controlled by Venus and the result
accumulated thereof is death but if the seventh house be strong and influenced
by benefics as well as unafflicted by malefics, the gain thereof is increase of
longevity. The fourth house counted from the seventh house is the tenth house
in a natal chart which in the Zodiac is the tenth sign Capricorn, the cardinal,
Tamasik and earthy sign as well as the passive field of the ruler Saturn. This
implies that devoted and unattached work of servicing nature for the happiness
of the environment is the Devine Will and as the result, the Ascendant lord
which in the Zodiac is Mars being the ruler of the sign Aries derives maximum
strength being exalted in Capricorn. The outcome of such work in the form of
success remains stored in the eleventh sign Scorpio which is obtained by the
native in subsequent incarnation as unearned money. But if work done is not
good but harmful for the environment, the result thereof gets accumulated in
the second house as well as in the eighth house i.e. the signs Taurus and
Scorpio respectively giving adverse results to the native leading to
indebtedness and loss of accumulated wealth. Therefore, the relation of the
seventh and the eighth houses is supported by astrological principles.
Next comes the relation of the eighth and the ninth houses.
Ninth house is the second house from the eighth house and conversely eighth
house is the twelfth house counted from the ninth house. Therefore, according
to the characteristics of these two houses and the respective signs and their
traits in the Zodiac, it may be concluded that after death all mental complexes
remain buried in Scorpio. Again, Scorpio is the fourth sign counted from Leo
which means that the ruler of Leo i.e. Sun remains at rest in Scorpio which
implies that after physical death the mind and the soul of the native remain in
latent stage in a coiled form in Scorpio. Saggitarius is the fifth sign counted
from Leo i.e. the soul of the native as the lord of the sign Leo expresses
itself in the fifth sign thereof i.e. in Saggitarius which is dual, Sattwik,
fiery sign and the active field of the ruler Jupiter. Saggitarius is the second
sign counted from Scorpio which implies that in the present incarnation the
changes undergone by the soul of the native through activities are manifested
in the form of fortune and in turn religious sense, conscience, sacrifice
developed in the native which becomes the origin of the next birth of the
native. The twelfth house from the ninth house is the eighth house which
implies that the significator for the sense of religion and wisdom i.e. Jupiter
remains embedded in Scorpio keeping its traits in coiled form which awards the
native with occult knowledge. Since the twelfth house is termed as “Paratantra”,
therefore the function of the ninth house depends on the deeds performed in
previous incarnations. Thus, the mutual relation of the eighth and the ninth
houses is quite befitting with the astrological principles.
The relation between the eighth and the tenth houses is now
analyzed. The third house counted from eighth house is the tenth house and
conversely the eleventh house counted from the tenth house is the eighth house.
In the Zodiac, these correspond to the signs Scorpio and Capricorn
respectively. The characteristics of these two signs as well as the relevant
houses have already been narrated. Therefore, the tenth sign Capricorn ruled by
Saturn representing the labour class of people signifies dedicated work without
any personal gain. This implies that the ideas carried by the soul of the
native from the experiences in the previous births and accumulated in the
eighth house/sign are manifested as valour through the deeds signified by
Capricorn i.e. the strength of the eighth house finds expression through the
tenth house and conversely the success of the tenth house lies in the ideas
gained through previous births and inscribed in the eighth house. Thus the
third/eleventh relation between these two houses is justified.
Eighth house also signifies longevity cum death, all
mysterious and secret affairs, Kundalini shakti or soul energy because the
eighth sign in the Zodiac viz. Scorpio which is fixed, Rajasik and watery sign
as well as the passive field of the ruler Mars and the sign of debilation for
Moon signifies dissolution of all mental traits. In the Zodiac, eleventh sign
is Aquarius – the active field of ruler Saturn. Aquarius is the highest
Upachaya place and being fixed and Rajasik airy sign, the intellect and
spirituality become highest expressed in this sign. Being the fourth sign from
Scorpio, it signifies the place of rest of the latent soul energy conversely
tenth sign from Aquarius being Scorpio, such intellect and spirituality find
their best expression through the nourishment of soul energy or Kundalini
Shakti and various occult deeds. These two signs or houses being in angular
relation help each other for the manifestation of the respective Bhavas through
exchange of energy. Thus, the relation viz. eighth and eleventh houses is
And finally comes the relation between the eighth and the
twelfth houses. In accordance with the characteristic of the respective Bhavas
and signs, the fifth house from Scorpio wherein the intellect and spirituality
of Aquarius are best manifested is the twelfth sign Pisces. Scorpio is the
fourth house i.e. the place of happiness for Leo, the fifth house from Cancer
where mental qualities are dissolved and the third house i.e. the place of
valour from Virgo. Therefore, the sign Pisces which also signifies the
detriment of all complexes and animal instincts is the synthesis of all these
traits and thus signifies the Moksha i.e. freedom from all complexes. On the
other hand, the ninth house from Pisces being Scorpio, the latter signifies the
origin or source of the twelfth house which is in fact the latent soul energy
or Kundalini Shakti. Thus, the fifth-ninth relation between the eighth and the
twelfth houses actually corresponds to the desire of the Supreme Soul to enjoy
Himself in many ways and at the end to draw the individual soul to the ultimate
aim of reuniting with the Supreme Soul being freed from all material desires
and complexes. Thus, the fifth-ninth relation between the eighth and the
twelfth houses is properly explained.
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