Saturday, 7 November 2015

Dispute relating religion and politics – tragedy of error – In Astrological View

In recent times, a dispute is seriously arising as to whether religion and politics should be related with each other, when applied to practical life which is giving rise to many a tragic incident in present Indian life. This may be considered as tragedy of error when the essence of religion and politics will be considered in their true spirit and viewed from Astrological angle. This is explained in the subsequent paragraphs. In Astrology, the Zodiac is best considered as the Divine instruction of the Supreme Lord, which has been explained in details in the works titled “Some fundamentals of Astrology”, composed by this humble author. In short, the 9th sign Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter, the Teacher of the Devas or gods signifies religion, conscience and non-attachment towards material life. This sign is signified by a man riding in a horse from which he has manifested with an arrow and a bow aiming upwards which means that from the animal life, the human being has been uplifted which again targets towards the higher self. It means that the ultimate goal of religion is to realize the Supreme Lord. Again, the 11th sign from the 9th sign representing the success of the religion is the 7th sign Libra, ruled by Venus the significator of practical life. The 7th sign signifying the entire surroundings excluding the person under consideration represent the 1st sign Aries ruled by Mars, the success of religion deals with the welfare of the entire surroundings. Therefore, the essence of religion in material life signifies the being and becoming of the surroundings of each individual. Again, politics as it may be characterised by the welfare of the entire population in essence should have no contradiction with religion in the true sense of the word in the Astrological point of view. Since, religion is signified by the 9th sign of the Zodiac viz. Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter is a dual fiery sign, it is devoid of all sorts of narrow-mindedness and leading to sectorian divisions and here is originated the confrontation between religion and politics in there forms as they appear now-a-days which is certainly against the true principles of religion and politics in Astrological point of view. In Astrology the narrow-mindedness is signified by Saturn ruling over the signs Capricorn and Aquarius, the 10th and the 11th sign respectively. The natures of these two signs are not in harmony with that of Sagittarius. Again, the misleading factor in Astrology is signified by Rahu, which is strongly inimical to Jupiter and forming the badly uttered as Guru-Chandala yoga which brings in turbidity in the highly generous character of Jupiter. These two viz. Saturn and Rahu are responsible for denaturing the broad-mindedness and liberalism characterized by the 9th sign Sagittarius and its lord Jupiter i.e. these two planets in Astrological term are responsible for the pollution both in religion and politics. Rahu is debilated in Sagittarius which means it exerts its worst effect in Sagittarius by way of its misleading character polluting thereby the religion in the true sense of the world. And, these factors combinedly giving rise to the recent not only unhealthy and unhappy incidents in social life all over in India which is leading to unrest in sphere of life. Therefore, to avoid such unhappy and unhealthy situation in Indian social life is to follow the true principles of religion and politics and for these only way is to adopt the path made by the foot-steps of the latest embodiment of the Supreme Lord i.e. latest Avatara, Who is Parama Premomoya Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra, which will be taken up in details in the subsequent paragraphs. According to Shree Shree Thakur “Religion is what takes the surroundings or environment towards growth and at the same time makes every individual exist and leads to continuous growth”. Moreover, He further clarifies that “Religion makes all exist and leads to continuous becoming i.e. growth but religion does not mean any community. Religion is one and only one for every being in the world i.e. co-existence and continuous becoming or growth which lightens every individual”. He further clarified that “The path of continuous being and becoming may differ depending on the place, time and nature of the society in question, but in essence all paths are identical” which may be compared with the saying “All roads lead to Rome”. Moreover, in the matter of any contemporary period the latest embodiment of the Supreme Lord should be followed in all respect irrespective of society or country because He comes down upon the earth taking the principles of being and becoming suitable for the same period of time and in Him are latent all the principles of the previous Avataras because He comes not to destroy anything but to build up the new castles on the basis of previous principles. Therefore, it is clear that religion is in essence the one and only one and its freed from all sectarian narrowness and makes everybody under the sun co-exist maintaining everybody’s likings and ideas and therefore, cannot be the source of any sectarian conflicts that may lead to violence, malice resulting in total destruction of the creation which is not the desire of the Creator i.e. the Supreme Lord.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Increase of insecurity of the female beings for the last couple of years

According to the theory of re-incarnation every human being enjoys his/her the results of the deeds done in previous births, which is manifested in the form of Daasa and Antar-Daasa according to natal chart. to this added by the effect of the contemporary planetary position in the Zodiac designated in the astrology as transit or Gochara effect. If in a female birth chart, the planetary position are such that may result in the brutal torture or to the maximum degree a rape case, the lady has to suffer from such oppression which is a feature in all the eras and countries irrespective of caste and creed. but these are only scattered cases. but in the present time this has taken almost a global shape, because of the rapidly increasing anti-social and pervertional activities by male beings of all ages starting from boyhood to extremely old aged people. In the recent years the Zodiac is occupied in the 6th sign by Rahu which is the strongest malefic so far as perversional sex affairs is concerned. the 6th sign signified the different complexes that lead human being to varities of passional activities and different purposes. for last couple of years the 8th sign scorpio is occupied by the strongest malefic Saturn in its inimical sign and in the 8th house signifying the secret affairs and genetic organs. Saturn itself the significator of old people even of the stage of grandfather. this is responsible for the perversional affairs exhibited to a high degree by the old people for the running period. Mars the significator of youth was occupying the signs Leo, virgo and presently Libra afflicting therefrom the malefic saturn by the mutual aspect, strong malefic Rahu by association and aspect and the sign Taurus the significator of earthly pleasures. these factors combindly related in the tyrational oppression on the female beings. it is particularly noted that this trend will come not its end after this transit are completed. because the natives which are borne during this period will have in their natal chart the the roots of this perversional natures and will pollute the society and human being as a whole for the coming future also. for which the human being and particularly the persons with godly attributes should come forward for the rescue and the continuation of the human civilization which is the creation of the Supreme Lord of the universe.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Live together and homosexual marriage - distortion and perversion against nature - in astrological view

Astrology may be best defined as the Divine instruction of the Supreme Lord for the being and becoming of the human being. The Zodiac is the symbol of the Divine Instruction . It starts with the sign Aries- the cardinal fiery sign - male in nature and also by lordship. In its opposition is the sign Libra- the cardinal airy sign - female in nature by lordship. First, we have to admit that unless the Supreme Lord thought it necessary for the continuation of His creation, the existence of two opposite genders, He could have created only one gender. but this being impossible from genetic point of view, He had to create two genders. This is reflected in His Divine instructions represented by the zodiac. In astrology the 7th house signifies the marital partner and the entire surroundings of the native. in the natural zodiac, the 1st sign Aries is male in nature and by lordship and the 7th sign Libra female in nature by lordship. moreover, another purpose of marriage to fulfill and enhance the characteristics of of the partners each others. Aries is cardinal fiery sign and Libra is cardinal airy sign which signifies that the nature of Libra is to enhance the nature of Aries. again, from the 5th house in a male chart is judged among others the offsprings which is the 11th sign from the 7th sign signifying the success of marriage this means a marrital relation finds its success through the creation of the next progeny. Again, the 4th house of the 7th sign is the 10th sign from the 1st sign which is the sign Capricorn ruled by Saturn and this is the 10th sign from Aries. The 4th house signifies domestic happiness conferred by the wife and the 10th sign signifies work of the male partner. Again, the 10th sign is the highest Kendra in astrological point of view. these signifies that, domestic happiness contributed by the wife is the source of working progress of the husband; in other words , a family life intending to continuous progress towards being and becoming finds its roots through the domestic happiness conferred by the wife bearing responsibility signified by the Saturn in astrological point of view, which is not possible for in "Live- Together" system bearing no responsibility towards each other. Again, the 10th house from any Bhava in a natal chart signifies the highest expression of the characteristics of that Bhava. thus, the 10th sign from the 7th sign Libra viz. Cancer ruled by the Moon signifies the highest expression of the marrtial relation as well as the female-hood represented by Venus signifying lust, physical attraction and the pleasure thereof. but the sign Cancer ruled by the Moon being a watery sign signifies the calm atmosphere of the family life represented by the 4th house in any chart. this means that the ultimate consequence of a marrital relation is a pleasing and affectionate domestic atmosphere which results in an unbreakable tie between the couple and also with the offsprings. The sign Cancer to the house of exaltation for Devaguru Jupiter, the 9th/12th Lord of the zodiac. This signifies that a domestic situation resulting from a legal tie of matrimonial relation is showered with the blessings of the Divine Lord which is never available in the pleasantly advocating "Live-together" system having no legal tie and thereby devoid of the sense of responsibility contributed by Saturn and the hearty relation between the couple contributed by the Moon. Again, the 3rd sign from Libra is Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter is the 9th sign from Aries. Conversely, the 3rd sign from Aries ruled by Mercury is the 9th sign from Libra. In the zodiac, the two groups of planets defined as the creative and the destructive once, include Mars and Jupiter in the same group while Venus and Mercury in another same group. The 3rd sign signifies common sense, courage etc. while the 9th sign signifies the fortune earned by the activity of the previous birth and the blessings of Sadguru, religion, piousness, conscience etc. this signifies that, the male partner in a legal marrital tie, derives his true path to religion etc. through the common sense and the encouragement contributed by the legal wife which is marked possible in the pleasantly advocated live together format. now. let us consider another burning issue of the present day i.e. marriage between same genders. from the above discussion it is evident that even the zodiacal frame work signifies that the success of marriage lies in the generation of the next progeny for continuance of the living creation and particularly the human being. it is peculiar to note that the very Nature acts to continue the creation of human being through the unison of the opposite genders i.e. from this point of view the the purpose of marriage is denied for a home-gendered relationship. moreover, the characteristics of each sign of the zodiac are such that the criteria of any one sign are befitting for those of the opposite sign signifying the marrital partner which is also not possible in the presently advocated in the so-called homo-gendered marriage. this is a clear case of deviation or better to say perversion of the Divine Will as laid down in the language of the zodiac. In astrology. the significator of all deviations from the Divine Will is Rahu i.e. Dragon's Head. which has its body cut off at the neck resulting in ever lasting unfulfilled thirst for the nectar of life leading to perversion or distortion from the normal course of life. This leads to all sorts of unhealthy practices in the material, mental and spiritual journeys of life and therefore, it being against the Divine Will as inscribed in the language of the zodiac is totally liable for rejection for the healthy advancement of the life process in every respect.

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Reasons behind the subject Astrology being disputed in recent era

Disputes related to Astrology are mostly due to:-
1. Failure to predict exactly the results of the planetary combinations in individual natal charts.
2. Some orthodox ideas of the veterinarian groups that Astrology should not be regarded as a branch of science as it appears now a days because in their conservative ideas, Astrology would be degraded if classified as a branch of science.
3. Contrarily, according to a large group of so called modern scientist, astrology, if considered as a member of material science, would seriously degrade science as a whole.
4. And a major part of dispute related to Astrology is played by the jewel merchants who in their business interest exploit astrology without considering the probable impact on the gradation and esteemed crown of astrology.

Now let us analyse the above mentioned reasons in details....

1- While predicting the events in any individual natal chart, the practitioner in most cases rely on either classical works in verbatim without having any idea of the underlying essence behind each Astrological Sutra and having no idea to co-relate the said Sutras with the running Time and the circumstances of the place concerned and the characteristics of the individual i.e. without having any reference to the Desha-Kala-Patra which determine the exact shape of the event that would be assumed by the impact of the planetary combinations at the moment of birth. let us take for an example, a particular case for illustrating the above analysis. In 1970, one most respected educationist was appearing in an examination of Calcutta University. he was a Capricornian with Jupiter posted in the ascendant, Rahu in Aquarious and Mars together with Mercury in the 10th house. He was then passing through the sub-period of Mercury in the major period of Rahu. During the exam, the planetary  transits of the particular day were very adverse for good performance and many astrologers who were consulted by him for day-to-day performance predicted that his performance on that date would not be up to the mark. But, a student of astrology predicted that the examination on that particular date would be postponed and would be scheduled one and half month later and in fact this prediction came true. While, questioned for such a peculiar prediction, the student explained that at that time the transit of Mars, the 4th and 11th for the ascendant was so adverse that had the examination been conducted on that date, performance of the educationist would have been really unsatisfactory if the transitory results would be sole factor. But, the exact event in a native's life is the outcome of the mixed results of running Dasha period and the contemporary planetary transits. In this case, the running Dasha of the native being very helpful for the academic performance, nothing adverse could have happened due to the transit alone and the only way to by-pass it was the adjournment of the examination on that date and the same could not happen till the next Martial transit which took some one and half month since then. And during that period the political situation of the state was such that adjournment of the examination was a very normal matter and on that particular date such a situation actually developed. Taking all these probabilities in to account i,e, the contemporary situation of place and time the student of astrology made such venturous prediction which actually came true. So this is an example of how to predict the exact event in a native life from his birth chart and failure to take this factor in this account lead to erroneous prediction which degrade astrology to the public. The renowned astrologer Dr. B. V. Raman of Bangalore, used to make a comment " None but the Creator Brahma can only predict what will exactly happen" but this scribe humbly submits with full regards to Dr. B. V. Raman, the modern pioneer of Indian Astrology, that the exact event may be predicted if  the contemporary situations of the place be taken in to account.

Let us take a hypothetical case for illustrating this principle. Suppose in an individual chart, Venus is posted with weak Sun in the 10th house. We know that every planetary combination affects an individual in three levels viz. physical, social and mental-cum-spiritual. Let us suppose that this chart is related to a number of individuals born in different societies of radically different characters. The combination of  Venus with weak and afflicted Sun in the 10th house will impact on the health related to Venetian nature, social defamation and spiritual derailment. But in a society where polygamy is allowed, this combination will not tell upon the social fame contrast to those who are born in societies where this results in social defamation. So this also explains that while predicting the exact event originated from a particular planetary combination the character of the related society and time should be taken into account, otherwise the predictions would prove itself a laughing stock only.

2. We shall now take the 4th factor before discussing the 2nd and the 3rd ones. Now, it is common and highly propagated fact that the jewel merchants exploit the weakness of the public for getting rid of their misfortunes to take recourse to jewels and in many cases now-a-days of so-called "Jantrams, Yagnas, etc. resulting in huge expenses of the individuals and consequent financial gains of the jewelers and so-called astrologers etc. While these prove utter failure to recover the wretched fellow from his ill-fate, they lose their fate in astrology in stead of the commercial personalities.

3. Let us now analyse the 2nd and the 3rd arguments against astrology. Before coming to the arguments we have to know what the term "Science" exactly means.
On minute observations it will be revealed that all events and phenomena in this world are inter-related with one another. To discover these inter-relating links, to predict the existence of hitherto unknown phenomena and to create the same constitute what is termed "Science". Different disciplines of modern science are gradually revealing many unknown principles which are gradually leading to this inevitable conclusions. The consequent task of science is to take every group of events and phenomena into consideration to find a common link without any prejudice and biasness. If acceptance of any thing without test is unscientific, rejection without test is also no less unscientific and this is more so when it comes from personalities who claim themselves to be scientists. This attitude may better be termed as superstitions of scientists and it is rather pseudo-scientific in essence. The basic task of astrology is to predict the future events of a native based on his/her natal chart. although there are other windows also to view the same, but the most cultured one is the traditional astrological principles based on the natal chart. therefore, the inevitable question arises whether it at all possible to predict the future events of a native life. Now, in Newtonian mechanics Object related to space and Time were considered independent of each other. but in terms of Einstein's theory of Relativity, Space and Time are not independent of each other, instead, these are related to each other. so intimately that the conception of independent space and time in three dimension world vanishes giving room for the idea of four dimensional world constituted of events and events only. According to Arthur Eddington "Events do not happen, they are already there and we come across them". this means that all events are located in four dimensional world, both in a human life as also in the other terrestorial matters. so if events are pre-determined then human being by virtue of natural queries will try to explore the future events by any means whatsoever and astrology provides with a relible instrument for this purpose. this constitutes the basic argument for taking astrology into account as a speacial branch of physical sciences and it will be taken up in my future works to find a probable mechanism of this process comprising of a number of different disciplines of material science and Hindu Philosophy and for this reason, the pioneer astrologer of present day in India viz. Late Dr. B.V. Raman of Bangalore rightly observed astrology as a synthesis of all sciences and mother of all philosopies. In the next few paragraph I shall try to add a few lines on this. to understand astrology, the disciplines of science which taken into account are theoritical physics including theory of relativity , quantum of mechanics, web mechanics, theory of genetics, psychology and evidently astronomy.And Hindu philosophy particularly the teaching of Upanishads and there essence contained in ShreeModbhagad Geeta are to be taken into account for understanding the essence of astrology. the details of these will be discussed in my subsequent works.