Saturday, 7 November 2015

Dispute relating religion and politics – tragedy of error – In Astrological View

In recent times, a dispute is seriously arising as to whether religion and politics should be related with each other, when applied to practical life which is giving rise to many a tragic incident in present Indian life. This may be considered as tragedy of error when the essence of religion and politics will be considered in their true spirit and viewed from Astrological angle. This is explained in the subsequent paragraphs. In Astrology, the Zodiac is best considered as the Divine instruction of the Supreme Lord, which has been explained in details in the works titled “Some fundamentals of Astrology”, composed by this humble author. In short, the 9th sign Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter, the Teacher of the Devas or gods signifies religion, conscience and non-attachment towards material life. This sign is signified by a man riding in a horse from which he has manifested with an arrow and a bow aiming upwards which means that from the animal life, the human being has been uplifted which again targets towards the higher self. It means that the ultimate goal of religion is to realize the Supreme Lord. Again, the 11th sign from the 9th sign representing the success of the religion is the 7th sign Libra, ruled by Venus the significator of practical life. The 7th sign signifying the entire surroundings excluding the person under consideration represent the 1st sign Aries ruled by Mars, the success of religion deals with the welfare of the entire surroundings. Therefore, the essence of religion in material life signifies the being and becoming of the surroundings of each individual. Again, politics as it may be characterised by the welfare of the entire population in essence should have no contradiction with religion in the true sense of the word in the Astrological point of view. Since, religion is signified by the 9th sign of the Zodiac viz. Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter is a dual fiery sign, it is devoid of all sorts of narrow-mindedness and leading to sectorian divisions and here is originated the confrontation between religion and politics in there forms as they appear now-a-days which is certainly against the true principles of religion and politics in Astrological point of view. In Astrology the narrow-mindedness is signified by Saturn ruling over the signs Capricorn and Aquarius, the 10th and the 11th sign respectively. The natures of these two signs are not in harmony with that of Sagittarius. Again, the misleading factor in Astrology is signified by Rahu, which is strongly inimical to Jupiter and forming the badly uttered as Guru-Chandala yoga which brings in turbidity in the highly generous character of Jupiter. These two viz. Saturn and Rahu are responsible for denaturing the broad-mindedness and liberalism characterized by the 9th sign Sagittarius and its lord Jupiter i.e. these two planets in Astrological term are responsible for the pollution both in religion and politics. Rahu is debilated in Sagittarius which means it exerts its worst effect in Sagittarius by way of its misleading character polluting thereby the religion in the true sense of the world. And, these factors combinedly giving rise to the recent not only unhealthy and unhappy incidents in social life all over in India which is leading to unrest in sphere of life. Therefore, to avoid such unhappy and unhealthy situation in Indian social life is to follow the true principles of religion and politics and for these only way is to adopt the path made by the foot-steps of the latest embodiment of the Supreme Lord i.e. latest Avatara, Who is Parama Premomoya Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra, which will be taken up in details in the subsequent paragraphs. According to Shree Shree Thakur “Religion is what takes the surroundings or environment towards growth and at the same time makes every individual exist and leads to continuous growth”. Moreover, He further clarifies that “Religion makes all exist and leads to continuous becoming i.e. growth but religion does not mean any community. Religion is one and only one for every being in the world i.e. co-existence and continuous becoming or growth which lightens every individual”. He further clarified that “The path of continuous being and becoming may differ depending on the place, time and nature of the society in question, but in essence all paths are identical” which may be compared with the saying “All roads lead to Rome”. Moreover, in the matter of any contemporary period the latest embodiment of the Supreme Lord should be followed in all respect irrespective of society or country because He comes down upon the earth taking the principles of being and becoming suitable for the same period of time and in Him are latent all the principles of the previous Avataras because He comes not to destroy anything but to build up the new castles on the basis of previous principles. Therefore, it is clear that religion is in essence the one and only one and its freed from all sectarian narrowness and makes everybody under the sun co-exist maintaining everybody’s likings and ideas and therefore, cannot be the source of any sectarian conflicts that may lead to violence, malice resulting in total destruction of the creation which is not the desire of the Creator i.e. the Supreme Lord.

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