Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Explanation for selection of Moon as the lord of the sign Cancer

Explanation for selection of Moon as the lord of the sign Cancer

The fourth sign Cancer of the Zodiac is cardinal, watery sign of Tamas nature. In a natal chart, the fourth house signifies mother, mind, landed property, domestic happiness, tour, memory based education etc. The quickest stellar body in the Zodiac is Moon which pours light and creates a calm and pleasing atmosphere during night time in absence of the Sun.
Human mind is the most mysterious subject in life. Mind is on the one hand as deep as sea and on the other quickest inner instinct. Again, for very insignificant reason, it takes the shape of on ocean lashed into fury by rolling waves and out of these emotional waves many events, good or bad, may happen. Such emotions are beyond all reasoning and are blind in nature. Therefore, a minute comparison reveals that these characteristics of mind are similar to cardinal watery sign Cancer like the billowy ocean and also quickest compared to the Moon.
For terrestrial life, the seed is energy or fire and the holder is water. In Astrology, these two are signified respectively by the Sun and the Moon. Sun rules over the fifth sign Leo in the Zodiac which being fixed fiery sign of Rajas nature signifies inherent seed of creation. Sun and Moon are considered as the significators of father and the mother respectively in the Zodiac. Therefore, it is very likely that the field of mother like Moon will be adjacent to that of father like Sun i.e. Leo. As such, the twelfth sign from Leo i.e. Cancer is described as being owned by Moon. Because of its Tamasik nature Moon acts as passive factor in creation just like the mother. Again, because of the sign being described as cardinal, it signifies the natural changing tendency of women. Under the action of Moon, plants inclusive of medicinal ones are born on the Earth. As such, in all respect Moon may be well compared with a mother. The rays of Moon during night time create a pleasing atmosphere which can be well compared with domestic happiness and motherly affection. As such, Moon is described to signify mother, domestic happiness and so it is identical with the fourth sign Cancer in the Zodiac in these respects. The impact of Moon on mind becomes very clear from the fact that mental changes of human and also of sub-human beings happen in different lunar days. On some particular lunar day such as full Moon or new Moon, abnormality of lunatic persons and also of some sub-human animals become very apparent and so also on the tidal effects of watery parts of the Earth like sea and also of human body. Fourth sign signifies memory based education. In Hindu Mythology, Moon is described as the disciple of Jupiter, the master of the deities which means that Moon has the characteristics of acquiring education at mental level. Taken all these matters into account, it is clear that the fourth house in a natal chart and the fourth sign Cancer of the Zodiac are totally in tune with the Moon and as such the selection of Moon as the lord of the sign Cancer is quite justified.
The third sign counted from Cancer is Virgo, dual earthy sign of Sattwik nature, the sign of exaltation of Mercury as also its own house. In Virgo, Mercury is materialist and the origin of active energy and the significator of the nerve system. A man becomes totally selfish, sensual and devoid of emotion due to only materialistic attitude and thus becomes inhuman. Therefore, for the purpose of maintaining the creation, rationality must be combined with emotion but emotion without rationality becomes destructive. Therefore, for the interest of maintaining the creation rationality and emotion must act hand-in-hand. Since, according to Astrology, the Zodiac signifies the mankind as the whole, this is reflected in the mutually helping third-eleventh relation between the signs Cancer and Virgo which means the strength and emotions lies in rational material sense and conversely the success of rationality is achieved with the help of emotion.
The twelfth sign counted from Cancer is Gemini, the dual airy sign of Sattwik nature ruled by Mercury. In Gemini, Mercury has child like inquisitiveness to know everything, oscillating mentality etc. while the sign Cancer has unbalanced emotion of Tamas nature, quickly changing mind etc. These characteristics are not only contradictory for those of Gemini, but are equally so for the sign of Cancer. Therefore, the non-cooperating second-twelfth relation between these two signs viz. Gemini and Cancer is quite justified.     

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Explanation for selection of Mercury as the lord of Gemini and Virgo

The third sign of the Zodiac is Gemini, dual airy sign of Sattwik nature. The third house signifies common-sense, inquisitiveness, voice etc. The symbol of the sign is a couple engaged in musical activity. It signifies that this sign will have an oscillating tendency and attraction towards artistic activities. Being the airy sign, the native will be of light nature. Mercury is termed as child planet in the planetary kingdom and therefore like a child, a native born under this sign will have keen inquisitiveness to understand the world and also attraction to insignificant pleasures. This means that instead of having a fixed target, such a native will be of vibrating nature. This shows that the characteristics of Mercury are completely befitting with those of the third house and the sign Gemini. Again, the third house also signifies efforts, courage, communication, personal strength etc. One of the characteristics of child is that it never becomes despaired in the face of repeated obstructions in its activities like sports. Again, out of immature sense, a child plunges into danger being ignorant of the consequences which is also in harmony with the function of child planet Mercury. Again in the planetary kingdom, Mercury is termed as the prince because of its orbit being closest to the Sun. As the instructions of the king are communicated through the prince, in the solar system Mercury does the same. Again, Mercury is the significator of nerve system having its origin in the brain signified by the Sun. Since, the instructions of the brain are communicated to different parts of the body through the nerve system, therefore the third sign also signifies the communication system and its lord is Mercury. Again, after an individual soul assumes a body in an incarnation, it starts taking food for the nourishment of the body and thereafter within it develop child like queries, tendency to understand the surroundings and to communicate with others. This means that the selection of Mercury as the lord of the third sign Gemini after the second sign Taurus is quite justified.
The sixth sign of the Zodiac is Virgo, the dual earthy sign of Sattwik nature. The sixth house signifies all the complexes, instincts, enemies etc. In fact, the real enemies of an individual are the six complexes derived out of the animal instincts which compel the native to be engaged in different activities. This has been uttered in Shreemodbhavadgeeta wherein the Lord Krishna told Arjuna “No body can exist idle for a single moment since it is the natural instincts which will lead the native to engage himself in different activities” (Chapter III, Karmayoga Shloka 5).
The tenth sign of the Zodiac is Capricorn, the cardinal earthy sign of Tamas nature wherein are judged karmas or activities. The origin of the sign Capricorn is the ninth sign therefrom in the anti-clockwise direction i.e. the sign Virgo which means that the source of all activities are the complexes and the instructions of such activities are originated in the brain, the lord of which is the Sun, the source of the earthly creations. These instructions of the brain are conveyed to the different parts of the body at physical and mental planes through the nerve system, the significators of which are Mercury and Saturn. Mercury is the controller of the intelligence and in the physical world its medium is sensual feelings. Again, the development of proper sensations and intelligence is possible out of impartial material sense controlled by Sattwik feelings which are quite befitting with the characteristics of the sign Virgo. As such, the selection of Mercury as the ruler of the sign Virgo is also quite justified.          

Friday, 19 October 2012

Explanation for selection of Venus as the lord of Taurus and Libra

Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac wherein are judged accumulated wealth, ornaments, food, all the functions of mouth and face, matrimonial relatives etc. Taurus being the fixed earthy sign of Rajas nature has total similarity with the characteristics of Venus. Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac wherein are judged the spouse, partner, environment, business, sensual pleasures, marriage etc. Libra being the cardinal airy sign of Tamas nature signifies changeability, material expression of intellect, tendency to adjust with others etc.

According to Hindu Mythology, Venus is the “Master” of the demons who are characterized by desire for earthly pleasures, self-centered attitude which are taught by Demon-Master Venus who has also been described as the authority of all disciplines of knowledge. In Greek Mythology, Venus has been described as the goddess of beauty who exhibits the attractive function of the lady, sweet behaviour, practical intelligence to achieve the ends with the help of beauty and sweet behaviour. Again, the Demon-Master Venus is the authority of material sciences particularly chemistry and genetics because the knowledge of converting matter in one form to another is within his jurisdiction and as such in the astrological classification of planets, inspite of being described as destructive, Venus is at the same time creative also because the creation of matter in one form out of destruction of another is the subject of chemistry. Further, Venus is also the authority of the knowledge of reviving the dead and as such it is classified as apparently benefic but destructive planet because it creates a new living body out of the pleasure of destructing another body in coitus. In this respect, Venus differs from the Deity-Master Jupiter because Jupiter finds the internal “Amritatwa” in the mortal matter but Venusian function is limited in the material pleasure of creating a mortal body out of the earthly pleasures in destroying the parent body. Moreover, Venus being the significator of all earthly pleasures and lust leading to the destruction of the physical body, it is described as belonging to destructive group of apparent pleasures.
Therefore, due to the close similarities of these characteristics of Venus with those of the signs Taurus and Libra, its selection as the lords of these two signs is quite justified.
These two signs bear a sixth/eighth relation between them i.e. the sixth sign from Taurus is Libra wherefrom the eighth sign is Taurus. Sixth house signifies enmity while the eighth house signifies death cum destruction. It indicates that for self centered enjoyment signified by Taurus it is inimical to identify oneself with the environment for sharing material resources with others. On the other hand, when the mentality to identify oneself with the environment is destroyed, the native becomes totally self-centric to enjoy material happiness alone and therefore it is quite justified that these two signs bear the sixth/eighth relation between them.
Again, the eleventh sign from Taurus is Pisces, the cardinal, watery sign of Sattwik nature which being the twelfth sign of the Zodiac signifies charity, sacrifice for others, Moksha i.e. being free from all complexes etc. It means that the best utilization of accumulated wealth of self-centered Venus as the lord of Taurus is through giving up for the sake of others since the eleventh house from any Bhava signifies the success of that Bhava. Again, the eleventh sign from Libra is Leo which being the fifth sign of the Zodiac signifies offspring, love, devotion etc. Its significance is that the success of conjugal life is attained through the birth of offspring and that of lust and physical pleasure comes through pure love and devotion.
Therefore, it may be concluded that the selection of Venus as the lords of Taurus and Libra is quite justified.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Explanation for the selection of the signs Capricorn & Cancer as the respective the signs of exaltation and debilation for Mars

The Zodiac itself is the Divine instruction of the Supreme Lord for ideal living whereas the planets signify different complexes which deviate a native from the ideal process through the bindings of Maya. Mars is the lord of the first sign Aries and the 8th sign Scorpio in the Zodiac. Life cycle starts in Aries and in this worldly life, every native has to do work, willingly or unwillingly, being obsessed by different complexes. This has been uttered by the Lord Shree Krishna in The Shreemadbhagabadgeeta “no body can remain idle even for a single moment since the natural instincts in a human being compel him to do work according to his inherent inclination” (Shreemadbhagabadgeeta, Chapter 3, Karmayoga, Shloka 5). To achieve the ends what are required are practical sense with a fixed target, servicing attitude, punctuality, adherence to discipline, without any desire for enjoying the results together with tremendous working energy, courage, capacity to take quick decision in any matter. Of these, the first three are the characteristics of the cardinal Tamasik earthy sign Capricorn and its lord Saturn and the latter are those of Mars. In the Zodiac, these two planets are described as bitter enemies to each other because Mars belongs to the creative group and Saturn to the destructive group. But for successful performance of any work are required punctuality, discipline, matured practical sense with a servicing outlook characterized by Saturn on the one hand and tremendous physical and mental strength together with courage to overcome any hindrance characterized by Mars on the other. Lack or deficiency of either of the two leads to failure either partially or totally. Again, the highest expression of human life is through activities. In the Zodiac, the start of life is signified in Aries ruled by Mars and as such the activities of human being in general are judged from the 10th sign Capricorn. Therefore, it is very natural that the characteristics of Mars are best expressed in Capricorn.

Again, as the lord of the 8th sign Scorpio; Mars signifies the store house of the experiences acquired through activities in each birth. The 3rd sign counted from Scorpio is Capricorn which means the characteristics of Scorpio are established through activities. So, from both considerations it is apparent that the sign Capricorn, inspite of being inimical for Mars permits best expression of Martial qualities and as such its designation as the sign of exaltation for Mars is quite justified.
Therefore, the opposite sign of Capricorn i.e. Cancer should be the sign of debilation for Mars because the cardinal Tamasik watery sign Cancer is opposing for Mars to express its qualities. The fire signified by Mars gets extinguished in the water signified by Cancer. Although, Mars in Cancer forming the fifth/tenth relation is Raj Yoga karaka, yet it does not help strengthening Mars.
Again, Mars being the military commander in the planetary kingdom is ever careful to protect the body. The fourth sign Cancer in the Zodiac signifies family and domestic happiness which are somewhat obstructive for performing the duties of Mars as ever awakened guard. So, consideration of all these factors naturally justifies the sign Cancer being described as the house of debilation for Mars.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Explanation for selection of Mars as the lord of Aries and Scorpio

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac where the life-cycle starts. An individual soul requires energy and water for assuming a physical body according to its deeds in previous births. Life when expressed from the latent stage of the soul remains in Tamas form which tends to spread itself in different ways out of the seed. The best expression for this is fire in number of flames which spreads itself very quickly in different directions. As such, the life-cycle is assumed to start in Aries. In the planetary kingdom of our solar system, Mars is the significator of energy, activity, fire etc. According to Hindu Mythology, the deity Kartika is described as the military commander and is the ruler of the planet Mars. Therefore, in Mars there is full expression of energy, activity, the strong desire to express itself and ego in its highest form. The sole motive of Mars is that it is only itself which will exist in the world and this is also the desire of the individual soul at the start of a life-cycle which is the primary target of the individual soul. Therefore, the reason of selecting Mars as the lord of the sign Aries is quite justified.

The eighth sign of the Zodiac is Scorpio – fixed, watery sign of Rajas nature. Eighth sign signifies longevity cum death which being the most mysterious matter in the world signifies all mysterious affairs, secrecy etc. The sign Scorpio stands second counted from Libra, the seventh sign in the Zodiac. Being the seventh sign in the Zodiac, Libra signifies lust, physical pleasures, destruction of body and the surroundings in general. Libra is the cardinal, airy sign of Tamas nature in the Zodiac. As the result of excessive lust, the physical body finds detriment and ultimately is sublimed in the air but the inherent soul with its accumulated results of past deeds remains stored in the eighth sign Scorpio which, therefore, signifies the stored wealth of the individual after death. This stored results of deeds is subsequently best expressed in the sign Leo, the tenth sign counted from Scorpio which being the fifth sign of the Zodiac signifies the ultimate expression of the individual soul and in the material level in the form of offspring according to genetic characteristics.
Scorpio being the fixed, watery sign of Rajas nature expresses the silent activity of Mars in the mental plane and being the eighth sign of the Zodiac, signifies the lower part of human body viz. the rectum, the genetic organ etc. Scorpio also signifies the Muladhar Chakra in Ayurveda and Hindu Philosophy where the energy of the soul remains latent in a spiral form. When it is aroused by proper nurture viz. Tapasya, it becomes the source of infinite energy of which the significator is also Mars in Astrology and as such the lordship of Scorpio is attributed to Mars. The difference between the activities of Mars in Aries and Scorpio is that in Aries, it is like flaming fire employed in creativity and defence while in Scorpio, it acts in hidden form in the plane of consciousness wherefrom it helps for the protection of the entire creation. For comparison, it may be said that Mars as the lord of Aries acts like police or military force while as the lord of Scorpio it acts in the detective function of the same department.
Even after the destruction of the physical body, the soul energy of the native is not destroyed and according to its deeds in the previous births, it remains as if suspended in its own plane and in due time availing of suitable scope, the soul assumes a physical body as rebirth either in following incarnation and in the same life the soul takes a rebirth as the offspring.                  

Sunday, 7 October 2012


In this era, Astrology has become a much disputed subject for several reasons viz. (1) the ancient sages and scholars narrated the effects of planets and the Zodiac without furnishing the underlying reasons and in that too, there are differences in opinion among the scholars. (2) In this era of rapidly advancing scientific discoveries, no concrete research scheme to find the scientific basis of Astrology has been undertaken except some very few personal efforts and that, too, in western countries among whom the most prominent are Percy Seymour and Michel Gauquelin. But due to their limitations in this discipline and particularly in Hindu Astrology, their efforts could not find the proper clues in this research. It has become a practice of very pride on the part of some scholars and intellectuals without going into the depth of this subject to underestimate it as being of without any material scientific basis. But I am sorry to comment that this outlook is only pseudo-scientific in nature because if it be unscientific to accept anything without any test, it is equally so to reject the same without test and this becomes more serious when it is committed by scientists. Dr. B. V. Raman, the pioneer astrologer of this era in India defined Astrology as “Mother of all sciences and essence of all philosophies”. With all my due respect for him, my humble opinion in this matter is that it would be perhaps more appropriate to define this subject as “Synthesis of all branches of science and essence of all philosophical principles” because the Zodiac in the sky is the basis of philosophical outlook of this subject while the planets, satellites, the two luminaries viz. the Sun and the Moon together with the mathematical points in the Zodiac viz. Dragon’s Head and Tail are related with the different disciplines of science. These two factors are combinedly reflected in the palm of a native the results of which have been described in different works of Palmistry which is but a translation of Applied Astrology in a different language.
Some Fundamentals of Astrology

In this book, I have not tried to find the scientific basis of Astrology which will be taken up in some subsequent works; but here my effort is to explain some astrological principles with the help of my extremely limited knowledge in Hindu Philosophy, Puranas and to some extent scientific theories. The same is also the case for the articles on Palmistry in view of astrological principles. It may be rightly considered as a childish game for an ignorant person like me staying far distant from the vast ocean like this subject to make such a venture for writing a book on this discipline. The only purpose of mine behind this venture is to draw the attention of the competent authorities to this view point so that with their invaluable suggestions and efforts, crores of gems can be restored from this vast ocean so that this Divine Mother-like subject as Astrology can be represented to the world in her due glorified form and then only this humble effort of mine will be considered successful.
I express my heartiest gratitude to all who have cordially extended their hands at different stages of writing and publication of this book. Inspite of my all efforts to make it free from spelling and grammatical mistakes, there are ample probabilities of some errors being overlooked by me for which I beg advance apology to all.
In fine, I repeat that regarding this book, I cordially welcome the opinions and criticisms of the wise for correction of my errors.           

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Teachings of Astrology

In Hindu literature, of the six Vedangas i.e. branches allied with the Vedas, Astrology is designated as the eye of the Veda Purusha with which the reality of the universe is revealed to the mankind. The Supreme Soul, in order to enjoy Himself in various ways, divided Himself in innumerable parts. For this, He attributed in every part or soul two characteristics. The first is composed of six instincts or complexes termed as Sharha Ripus viz. lust, anger, greed, mental obsession, pride and envy or jealousy which compel every individual to act accordingly and the second is the force of reaction induced by the Free Will of the individual. As the consequence of the conflict of these two opposite forces, the native has to suffer from the deeds and is compelled to be born repeatedly until the realization develops that it is the Supreme Lord Who is the source of the entire creation and the rescuer of the creation and thereafter only the individual soul gets freed from all complexes and reunites with the Origin. Therefore, the ultimate goal of every individual is the Origin i.e. the Supreme Soul and to arrive at this, the necessary path is directed in Astrology. Excluding the stellar bodies in our solar system, the twelve signs signify the God-directed ideal lifestyle for the human being while the stellar bodies in the Zodiac signify the different manifestation of the six complexes under the influence of which the individual soul becomes deviated from the ideal life process and thereby is bound to suffer from the results of the deeds which make the individual take repeated births in this material world till the realization of the Divine Self. Therefore, the significance of the Zodiac alone excluding the stellar bodies is being analyzed.
Life process from the stage of non-living matter starts in the sign Aries – Tamasik, cardinal and fiery sign, and the active field of the ruler Mars. Here, the desire to express the self is very strong due to the characteristics of strongly egoistic Mars and being the sign of exaltation for the Sun, the highest expression of consciousness is also here. In other words, life energy and consciousness combinedly act in continuous moving mode.
The second sign is Rajasik, fixed and earthy Taurus, the passive field of the ruler Venus. The second house signifies the face and all its functions viz. intaking of food, talking etc. Being the earthy sign, it is the significator of intaking of food for the body building immediate after birth and having Venus as the ruler of the sign, all ingredients for earthly enjoyments viz. wealth, money, food etc. are judged from this sign and also the start of talking is signified in this sign.
The third sign Gemini signifies the neck, voice, arms, culture of music, respiratory process, mode of communication etc. Being dual, Sattwik and airy in nature and also the active field of the ruler Mercury, the child planet as it is designated in Astrology, it signifies child like simplicity, curiosity, inquisitiveness to understand the world in all aspects, strength of arm, valour etc. Being the fifth sign from Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the Zodiac ruled by Saturn, common-sense and inquisitiveness are expressed in this sign as the consequence of the spiritual attainment and material philosophical sense derived in the previous incarnations.
The fourth sign of the Zodiac is Tamasik, cardinal and watery Cancer ruled by the Moon and which is sign of exaltation for Jupiter, sign of debilation for Mars and inimical for Saturn and Mercury. The fourth house and the ruler Moon signify mother, family, domestic happiness, emotion, upper layer of mind etc. After birth a child is brought up in the domestic environment under the love and affection of mother and the family members. The memory based education being related to the upper layer of mind starts in this environment. The unbounded emotion of child is manifested here and as such the practical sense of Saturn and the rationality of Mercury are totally absent here. Being the sign of exaltation of Jupiter, the wisdom accumulated in the sign Saggitarius in pervious births is latent here in the field of the disciple Moon as narrated in Hindu mythology. Further, the desire to get rid of the sensual complexes as expressed in the sign Pisces in the previous births finds manifestation in the present birth in the fifth sign from Pisces i.e. in Cancer where sensual pleasures and lust are totally absent in the mind of the child.
Therefore, after birth these four signs viz. Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer signify the construction of body, the expression of common-sense, the unlimited inquisitiveness to know the world, the manifestation of emotion under the control of the mother in the domestic sphere. The next phase starting from Leo is concerned with the desire to express the self of the child in the external world for which the God-directed instructions are analyzed below.
The second phase starts in Leo which is the fifth sign in the Zodiac ruled by Sun – the fixed, Rajasik and fiery sign signifying intelligence, talent, love, romance, regard, devotion, fame, offspring, creative activity etc. Sun signifies the soul for being the origin of our solar system. The fifth house signifies the consequence of the first house and therefore in the Zodiac the fifth sign Leo signifies the consequence of the individual soul which due to the rulership of the sign Leo by the Sun signifies the re-union with the Supreme Soul. The native here expresses the self to the external world through intelligence, talent and creative activity and in accordance with this, the most significant creative function of an individual through the reproduction of the next generation for continuance of the hereditary traits is also judged in this sign. Since, the sign symbolizes idealism, attraction towards artistic activities etc., therefore the sign Leo is the significator of pure love, devotion, artistic function of higher level through which the mental expansion of the native starts in the second phase of life.
As the result, the desire to enjoy the world materially with the help of intelligence and sensualities is accumulated in the sixth sign Virgo – Sattwik, dual and earthy in nature ruled by Mercury of which it is the sign of exaltation and also the sign of debilation for Venus, the significator of material enjoyments. All the complexes which are the origin of all activities of a native are latent in this sign. The sign Virgo is symbolized by a maiden girl with crops in one hand and a lighted kindle in the other moving in a boat in vast water. The significance of this symbol is that the complexes of the native should be controlled by Sattwik, rational and practical in nature and utilized for the good of the others and this should be the inspiring factor of all activities of the native. In such a situation, the mental complexes no longer remain inimical because the inducer of material enjoyments i.e. Venus is weakest here, but if the native be moved under the control of complexes for personal enjoyments, the malefic results of the debilated Venus have to be suffered by the native.
The love and romance together with the desire to express the self inherent in the sign Leo become established in the third sign thereof i.e. Libra which is the cardinal, Tamasik and airy sign i.e. the seventh sign in the Zodiac signifying the spouse, lust, environment, business, partner etc. Being the cardinal airy sign, Libra signifies lust and sensual attraction in a refined manner. In this sign, the ego and desire to enjoy wealth in the greater environment of Mars i.e. the ruler of the sign Aries is manifested with the help of air for expansion of fiery flames of Aries. In the eleventh sign from Libra signifying the female beings in general and the fifth sign from Aries signifying male beings in general, the sign Leo signifies the consequence and the success of sensual lust through the birth of child. The tenth sign from Libra is Cancer ruled by the Moon which signifies the highest manifestation of femalehood in the form of motherly affection. Being the fifth sign from Gemini, Libra signifies the gradual change of the child like queries for the eternal relation between male and female and takes the final shape through the expression of love and romance signified in Leo in the physical lust ruled by Venus. Being the sixth sign from Taurus also ruled by Venus, it is antagonistic to the self-centric desires to enjoy the world alone signified in Taurus and takes the refined shape through the expansion of the personality in the greater environment. Being the seventh sign from Aries i.e. the detrimental place, Libra signifies the loss of energy of Mars due to physical pleasures in contact with Venus although at the same time it signifies the process of continuation of the creation as desired by the Supreme Lord.
The next sign Scorpio is the eighth sign in the Zodiac and the passive field of the ruler Mars which is fixed, Rajasik and watery in nature. Eighth house signifies longevity cum death, all secret and mysterious affairs, genetic organs and the coiled energy of the soul in latent form. After death, the individual soul along with all accumulated ideas remains in latent form in this sign. Being the seventh sign counted from Taurus, it signifies the detriment of material desires. Being the sixth house counted from Gemini, it indicates that it is not possible for the child like mentality to realize the consequence of the individual soul. It is the fifth sign counted from Cancer where the significator of wisdom i.e. Jupiter becomes exalted i.e. the consequence of the sensations derived from wisdom lies in Scorpio till the next incarnation. Being the fourth house counted from Leo, it signifies the place of happiness for self realization, pure love, intelligence, talent etc. Being the third house from Virgo, it signifies the strength of sensualities inspired by Sattwik rationality. Being the second house from Libra, the sign Scorpio signifies the accumulated gain through the relation with the environment and material desires in addition to those earned in previous incarnations which are manifested as fortune in the next birth.
The last phase of life starts form the ninth sign Saggitarius where the Rajasik pure love, devotion, intelligence, talent etc. of Leo are developed into Sattwik conscience, sacrifice, wisdom etc. which ultimately give rise to religious outlook that holds the entire universe and maintains the creation through the Tamasik and cardinal fiery sign Aries in the form of life process. This wisdom gained in the sign Saggitarius brings the mankind above animalhood and thereafter makes it active to attain sublimed consciousness with the help of dual-natured Kshatriya Shakti inspired by the Sattwik Brahminic force. And for this reason, the sign Saggitarius signifying active religious outlook is treated as the origin of fortune.
The accumulated gain of fortune earned through the sign Saggitarius combined with the Sattwik and rational materialistic senses of Virgo induce the individual in servicing work to the mankind without any expectation for return and therefore does not create any binding for the individual in the sign Capricorn ruled by Saturn. In this sign, Mars which is strongly inimical for Saturn gets exalted because the strength and activity of Mars find best manifestation in this cardinal and earthy sign guided by the practical senses and experiences of the old aged Saturn. But Jupiter, the Master of the Deities, becomes debilated here since the wisdom of Jupiter can not be expressed in the house of servant and low-classed people represented by Saturn.
The eleventh sign of the Zodiac is Aquarius, the fixed, Rajasik and airy sign as well as the active field and Mool Trikona place of the ruler Saturn. Being the Mool Trikona place for Rahu also, the functions of Saturn in all aspects are enhanced to a high degree. Eleventh house signifies income, success, friends (being the enemy of enemy). Being the second house from Capricorn, it signifies the accumulated results of servicing deeds. Being the third house from Saggitarius, it signifies the strength of wisdom, religious outlook, Kshatriya Shakti inspired by Brahminic spirit. Being the fourth sign from Scorpio, the latent soul energy is further nourished and developed in this sign. Being the fifth sign from Libra, it signifies the maturity of the balanced practical intelligence in impersonality thereby enriching the outlook of material philosophy and spiritual consciousness. Being the sixth sign from Virgo, it signifies the enmity of the six complexes through the self control and spiritual consciousness of the hermit Saturn and this is manifested in the form of common-sense, child like inquisitiveness, inclination for learning in the subsequent incarnation.
The twelfth sign of the Zodiac is Pisces – Sattwik, dual, watery and the passive sign for the ruler Jupiter. The twelfth house signifies expenses, sacrifice, freedom from all complexes, long tours particularly voyages, foreign tours etc. The wisdom of Saggitarius finds the happy place of rest in this sign. The dedicated service to the mankind signified in Capricorn is strengthened here. The spiritual consciousness of Aquarius yields its accumulated gain in Pisces. The latent Kundalini Shakti of Scorpio is manifested in this sign. The materialistic intelligence of Libra finds an inimical sign here. The complexes or sensual desires of Virgo are detriment in this sign. The Rajasik pure love, devotion and desire for self expression are condensed here in the form of continuous unison with and detachment from the Supreme Soul. The total gains in a human life through the various activities are taken up by the individual soul while leaving the body on long tour for subsequent birth. From the above discussion, it is clear that the origin and consequence of life together with the searching for the true path to arrive at the target of life are described in the discipline of Astrology because it acts as the searching light for this purpose. The life cycle starts in the Tamasik form, expands with the help of Rajasik qualities and ultimately reaches the goal with the help of Sattwik qualities for reunion with the origin i.e. the Supreme Soul.      
The entire creation is composed of four elements viz. fire, earth, air and water spread over the vast space. Each of the four elements is manifested in three forms viz. cardinal, fixed and dual. Each element is the significator of three qualities viz. Tamas, Rajas and Sattwik. For the creation of life, cardinal fire and cardinal water are required both of which are manifested in Tamas qualities and for the continuance of the life process cardinal air and cardinal earth, both being of Tamas nature, are required. For the nourishment of the living body fixed earth is required and for its becoming, fixed sign is required. After death, the individual soul remains latent in fixed water and the ideas gained through the entire life are retained in fixed air. For the development of the individual soul, dual air and dual earth, both being of Sattwik nature are required. With the help of these, an individual in the present incarnation acquires religious consciousness and wisdom through dual and Sattwik fiery element and ultimately it remains in ever lasting enjoyment of reunion being freed from all complexes and thereby attaining the Moksha through the dual and Sattwik watery element. Therefore, to arrive at this ultimate goal are required – child like inquisitiveness and strong desire to acquire knowledge of Sattwik nature which is actually the root of valour and this is manifested in the first Upachaya place viz. the third sign of the Zodiac Gemini, the active field of the ruler Mercury. This is transformed into practical senses combined with rationality and Sattwik complexes in the second Upachaya place i.e. the sixth sign Virgo in the Zodiac. This in turn leads to the consequence manifested in the third Upachaya place i.e. the tenth sign Capricorn in the Zodiac ruled by Saturn signifying dedicated service without any personal attachment for the mankind as a whole termed as “Karmasannayasa” in the Shreemodbhagabodgeeta by the Lord Shree Krishna. This yields the result manifested through the fourth Upachaya place i.e. the eleventh sign of the Zodiac viz. Aquarius which is fixed and Rajasik airy sign and the active field of the ruler Saturn which reveals the true nature of this world in material as also spiritual form.
This is the real significance of the Zodiac excluding the functions of different stellar bodies coming into the realm of the Zodiac. The stellar bodies related with this express the different aspects of the six complexes which influence the life of an individual from birth to death through different activities thereby deviating the individual from the ideal course of life inscribed in the language of the Zodiac. The signs of exaltation for the stellar bodies signify the places of their best manifestation but in other signs the respective complexes of the planets are changed according to the nature of the signs. This process continues in every individual life till self realization happens. In the mind of individual, this wisdom is enlightened by the Master or Guru through the removal of darkness of ignorance and this is expressed in the ninth sign of the Zodiac ruled by the Master of the Deities viz. Jupiter. In our earthly life, this happens through the Sad Guru who is the embodied form of the Divine Soul. A proverb in Astrology says “in an individual natal chart having Jupiter in any of the four angles, no malefic planet can bring any harm to the native”. The real significance of this is that for any individual in whose life Sad Guru is established under whose guidance the activities of an individual are directed, no complex signified by the planets can create any obstacle in life i.e. Sad Guru in such a case is like the pivot of his life. Because, the six complexes signified by the sixth sign Virgo remain at rest in the fourth house therefrom which is the ninth sign Saggitarius which means that in the active field Saggitarius of the Guru i.e. Jupiter, the complexes are unable to act according to their natures. The fourth house counted from the ninth house signifying the place of happiness of the wisdom or religion is the twelfth sign Pisces i.e. the passive field of Jupiter where the individual soul guided by the Sad Guru becomes free from complexes and thereby attains Moksha. Therefore, the ultimate teaching of Astrology is that from the very start of life, every individual should by guided by the Sad Guru to fulfill the desire of Sattwik wisdom followed by dedicated work controlled by Sattwik and materialistic and rational sensual complexes for the good of the mankind which as the result awards the native with the achievement of the sacred ultimate goal of life i.e. reunion with the origin i.e. the Supreme Soul.                                                     

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Varnashrama – A Pillar of “Satsang” Activities

The term “Varnashrama” creates among common people and the so called pseudo-scientific minded people some sort of apathy and repulsive attitude out of ignorance, but actually it is related with the creative function of the universe together with the hereditary progression of the human being which leads to the continuance of any human society and also provides with the most scientific solution of unemployment to earn livelihood of each individual.
The function of “Varna” is to prevent the downward tendency of Nature and is not created by human being but the introduction of Ashrama Dharma was made by human being in order to make gradual upward development of the mankind grouped on the basis of Varna. The great sage Bharadwaja opined “Probrittirodhako Varnadharma nibritti poshokashaparo, ashrama dharma ityathra” which means that the system of Varna is necessary to prevent the natural downward trend of the instincts while the Ashrama system was created to attain the ultimate goal of the human being along the course of self-control. Anticipating the destruction of Varnashrama in near future, the great warrior Arjuna before the start of the devastating Kurukshetra war uttered to the Lord Shree Krishna in a fearful mind the essence of which was that as the result of this war, the prevailing social system would come to an end resulting in the destruction of Varnashrama which would ultimately lead to the admixture of blood producing thereby hybrid society having no pure characteristics of its own. The same was also propagated by Shree Shree Thakur Anukool Chandra in the maxim no. 14 in his works “Anushruti, part 1 i.e. chapter on Varnashrama”.
The entire universe or cosmos as it is also called is composed of the five elements viz. earth, water, spirit or energy, air and space. In the space are arranged the entire material world and living system composed of the other four elements. A study of the characteristics of the mankind, the best creation of the living world will reveal that every human society is practically composed of four types of people depending on the multiplicity of their characteristics. In the Shreemodvogobad Geeta, Lord Shree Krishna declared that the four Varnas leading to the production of people of four different types depending on their characteristics and activities were created by Himself although in the present era, it is practically impossible to get any of the four types of people in pure state because of admixture of blood due to random and unscientific inter caste marriage.
It will not be out of place here to mention that according to astrological principles, the Zodiac as such as defined in the Oriental Nirayana System signifies the God-directed path of gradual progression of the human being in general to attain the ultimate target of Godhood for every individual and in turn the upward development of the mankind as a whole. Therefore, the creation of the four Varnas on the basis of qualities and activities as enunciated by the Lord Shree Krishna is also sketched in astrological principles. At the top of the divisional chart is the Vipra Varna as signified by the three watery signs viz. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces in the Zodiac. The natives belonging to these signs are engaged in academic, counseling, administrative work, as also in worshiping, writing of books, legal consultation etc. The field of their activities is mostly based on education related to memory and merits and finally progression of spiritual consciousness.
The three fiery signs Aries, Leo and Saggitarius signify the second category viz. Kshatriya belonging to the level of active energy and characterized by emotion, originality in thinking, talent, protection and maintenance of the social structure and lawful activities, administration, military activities etc. The three airy signs viz. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius signify activities in the intellectual level e.g. researches in different branches of science, arts, business, business administration, agriculture, industrial development, spiritual thinking etc. Persons born under the influence of such signs are classified as Vaishya. The three earthy signs viz. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn signify persons belonging to Shudra category whose activities are mostly confined in the very material plane. It is very difficult for such persons to rise beyond this limit of thinking and their main work is to serve in some form or other the different fields of the society.
We know that in a human body, every organ has some particular job assigned to it by Nature the performance of which helps to protect, maintain and nourish the ruler of the body i.e. life which in turn ensures the existence and nourishment of the organ itself. If any social structure be compared with a human body, it will be revealed that to maintain a healthy society, it is necessary for individuals classified according to the four Varnas to perform their assigned jobs and in turn, each individual is provided with the requisites for existence and maintenance. In the human body, the job of the legs is in no way inferior to that of the brain and the harmonious and rhythmic activities of all the organs keep the individual healthy and linger the life. Similarly, in a society grouped into four categories on the basis of Varnashrama, no group is inferior to others and the harmonious combined activities of all the groups keep the society healthy and progressive. This has been clearly uttered by Shree Shree Thakur Anukool Chandra in the maxims no. 23, 44 and 45 of His works “Anushruti, part 1, Varnashrama”. Therein Shree Shree Thakur defined Varna on the basis of requisites of human being for existence and gradual elevation combined with hereditary influences and also defined the characteristics of the four Varnas. Together with these, Shree Shree Thakur firmly warned against the breakage of the Varna System and the awful results thereof for the society.
We shall now try to realize the direct influences of the Varnashrama System on the socio-economic structure of the society.
In the ongoing period, a social chaotic condition has been created as the result of which the young generation can not understand the exact way of successful manifestation of their characteristics and qualities and the guides as well as the leaders of the society are also in a mess as to find the same in an impersonal and humanic total view because the persons engaged in this job are mostly devoid of these qualities and are also not above personal interest. In many foreign countries, the aptitude of an individual is determined by some psychological tests on the basis of which the future activities of the individual are programmed so that their efficiency and time are not wasted. But in this respect, it may be definitely said that the Varnashrama System which was in vogue in the ancient Aryan society was the best and for this reason Shree Shree Thakur strongly stressed on the revival of the said pattern of the society on the basis of Varnashrama. The outcome of this system may be exemplified by the fact that a child born in a potter family can make a very good clay-model in a very causal manner while playing with some clay which would never be possible by some other boy otherwise very gifted but born in some other family. This is because the genetic characteristics transmitted to the child of potter family have been so inscribed in his blood that he need not exercise much effort for this. This is equally true for children born in other classes of the society. The same has been confirmed by Shree Shree Thakur in the maxim no. 13 in the chapter of Varnashrama in the first part of his works titled “Anushruti”.
In a Varnashrama based society, every individual is aware of the fact that in the caste oriented professional system, no body belonging to any other caste will not intrude to take a share and since the course of earning livelihood in the society is determined for every individual, there will be no need for random efforts for the same thereby leading to wastage of time and energy. Consequently, every individual will have a natural tendency to improve the Varna oriented professional course which will definitely bring the gradual development of the individual leading to overall improvement of the society collectively. Moreover, in such a society, there being no clash among the people of different Varnas in respect of profession, the system of unhealthy competition as prevailing in the modern society will cease to exist, rather there will be friendly and cordial cooperation and coordination among the people of different Varnas which will make the society combined in a friendly atmosphere. The result of this has been narrated by Shree Shree Thakur in his great and holy maxim “Satta Sachchidanandamoy/Asat Nirodhee Swatai etc. etc.”
So far is about the four Varnas. But in the ancient Aryan society, every individual life was divided into four stages viz. Brahmacharya, Garhasthya, Vanprashta and Sannyasa which signified the gradual progression of the individual from the material activities to spiritual development which leads to the ultimate goal of every individual soul to its origin i.e. the Supreme Soul. This required proper utilization of human labour according to the individual characteristics determined by the respective Varna. This was clearly enunciated by Shree Shree Thakur in the maxim nos. 10 and 14 in the chapter Varnashrama of the works titled “Anushruti, part 1”. The first phase i.e. Brahmacharya, according to the Vedic Hindus, was what one had to practice staying at the residence of the Guru to receive education, having undergone the sacrament of being invested with the holy sacrificial thread together with abstinence from sexual or other worldly pleasures and preparing to join an order of hermits. This started at the age of five and continued up to the age of sixteen. The next phase i.e. Garhasthya, started thereafter when the individual being married performed the duties to the parents, wife and issues as also to the neighbours and relatives in order to continue the life process under the Sun which is the Holy Desire of the Supreme Lord. This continued till the age of fifty when the individual handing over the responsibilities of the family to the offspring engaged the self in the greater field of life for the upliftment of the society as the whole by devotional activities remaining engaged still in the material world. And thereafter in the ripe age, the individual had to withdraw the self from all material activities in order to devote for spiritual thinking for the progress of the soul to the higher level which would become the asset of the self for starting a fresh course of life after physical death followed by reincarnation. Thus, these four Ashrams used to take every individual soul for gradual progression to the ultimate goal of reunion with the Supreme Soul according to his Holy Desire.               
It is, therefore, clearly revealed that in the present era, the limitations of views, lack of clear and unbiased senses combined with personal motivation of evil minded people leading the society have created apathy towards the development of Varnashrama based society which is equivalent to the manifestation of suicidal tendency. Therefore, to save the society and the mankind as a whole, there is no other alternate than to reintroduce the Varnashrama based society which is actually in harmony of the natural laws to continue the creation of the Supreme Lord. As such, in case where it may not be always possible due to different reasons prevailing in the present social structure to find the Varnashrama based profession, it is stressed that at least in the leisure period every individual should practice the Varnashrama based profession so that the genetic structure of the person determined by the Varna is not weakened because it was strongly warned by the Lord Shree Krishna in the Shreemodvogobad Geeta “Shreyam Swodharmmo Biguna Paradharmat Swonushthitat/Swodharmme Nidhanan Shreya Paradharmmo Bhayaboho” (Karma Yoga, Shloka 35) where the term “Dharma” has been used not to signify any religion, but meaning the personal characteristics and traits according to the genetic code received from the parents and earned through the activities in the previous incarnations.  

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Astrology the synthesis of all sciences and its uses

In the last few years, Astrology has become a subject of great dispute. In recent times, more fuel has been added to this by a decision of the pervious N.D.A. Govt. of India by virtue of which Astrology was included in the syllabus of university education. A label of unscientific, totally baseless and a cheating one has been stamped on this subject by the people of different classes of the society, particularly some intellectuals and self- advertised scientific minded ones. In other countries also an effort was made to preach such an opinion in the names of some eminent scientists. The reasons behind this are:

1. Many scientists do not believe in Astrology.
2. Some predictions of many astrologers were proved to be wrong.
3. Many unscientific ideas are included in Astrology viz. (i) Sun, Moon, Rahu (Dragon’s Head), Ketu (Dragon’s Tail) have been described as planets and (ii) Uranus, Neptune, Pluto etc. are not taken into account in astrological predictions.
4. The very basis of Astrology is wrong because prediction of future events is not possible.
5. The moving planets and the fixed stars in the sky can not influence human body.

We shall first discuss about the justification of these arguments.
That many scientists do not believe in Astrology can not be a proof against the authenticity of this subject because the same for any subject is not dependent on the belief of some individuals or some groups. Some hundred years before, chemistry was not recognized as science, but later the same was established as a very important discipline of science. Secondly, extensive enquiries revealed that many scientists whose names were propagated as non believers in this subject do not exist at all in reality. In this respect, the renowned “Raman Publication” of South India conducted a thorough investigation the result of which was published and the same proved this effort of the western world negative. Further, some scientists may not believe in the truth of this subject but there are more who do believe in the same on the basis of their research work and unbiased outlook. Of them, two very important personalities were Percy Seymour and Michel Gauquelin. The astronomer of international reputation i.e. Percy Seymour conducted an extensive research in this matter and announced his findings and opinion in his works titled “Astrology the evidence of science”. It may be definitely concluded that to opine a subject as baseless and unscientific without any knowledge about the same by the so called scientists is more irrational than the same by the common people because while accepting something without test is unscientific, it is equally same in case of rejection and this is more offensive when the same is committed by the so called scientists.
It was written by the world famous poet Tagore in a verse which means that in the Nature there are streams of songs sung by different poets of the universe, animate or inanimate to form a unique concert with which every being has link. This in a way provides a definition for the word “Science” which was more elaborately defined by the eminent scientist Thomson in his famous works “Philosophy of Science” as: - the arrays of events which we come across in this universe at every moment appear to have links with one another. The task of science is to explore the links underlying these events and to predict other events on this basis or to create newer events in the laboratory or elsewhere. On the basis of this definition, it may be said that it is not permitted by science to conclude that there is no link between terrestrial phenomena including life activities with the transits of stellar bodies in the space-time continuum. This becomes evident when it is observed that some terrestrial phenomena are changed with the lunar days or with the appearance of Sun-spots. Therefore, it may be rightly concluded that unbelieving opinions of some so-called scientists or better termed pseudo-scientific personalities can not be the last word about the underlying truth of this vast and long-cultured subject and this is more so when it is observed that there are differences of opinions among the scientists themselves.
The second allegation raised against Astrology is that many predictions of astrologers have been proved to be wrong. If we accept this argument, then many other subjects should also be rejected as being unscientific. For example, the solution of a mathematical problem may be made different by different persons or as is very often found in these days, the diagnosis of a disease is made in different forms of which only one or none at all would be correct and so also is the case with mathematical problem. Therefore, following this argument against Astrology, mathematics and medical science should also be declared as unscientific. Further, there is a faculty termed “Weather Forecast’ which is treated as science probably because here some instruments are utilized, but the correctness of the predictions regularly made by this faculty need not require any comments because these are daily experienced by the people and in some cases these become laughing stocks only. Yet, this branch is accepted as science because of the utilization of some instruments in making such predictions without caring for the outcome. But for Astrology, there is no excuse for any mistake committed by some astrologer in prediction and even a very small mistake is exaggerated as a great one but in doing this, nobody bothers to think whether the mistake is a personal error of the astrologer concerned or of the subject itself. Now-a-days, thanks to the print and electronic media, huge numbers of information are regularly obtained regarding the serious mistakes committed by the doctors which even cause the death of the patients and the question naturally arises how many such cases are obtained regarding the astrologers which lead to death. Moreover, regarding expenses of money, no astrologer can be paralleled to any doctor or medical organization. But no scientists or pseudo-scientific personality bothers to draw a parallelism between the two. A few years ago, a public interest petition was moved in the Highest Judiciary Bench of the country to declare the subject as a cheating one for telling upon the life and wealth of the public. It need be commented here that the credit of cheating people is not the monopoly of astrologers, but it is spread over all the sectors of society and in some cases like medicine, education etc., its degree is far, far beyond the reach of Astrology. And regarding the risk of life, not even a single example could be cited against Astrology but which is innumerable for medical practitioners who receive their dues in most cases by the grace of the affected public. But by the propaganda of the communicating media, those pseudo-scientific people accuse Astrology as being an unscientific subject inviting rejection by the society. Therefore, it may be concluded that such an objection can not be recognized to challenge the scientific basis of Astrology.
The third objection raised against Astrology is that many unscientific data have been included in Astrology viz. 1. to recognized the Sun, Moon, Rahu, Ketu etc. as planets and 2. to make no comments about the influence of Herschel, Neptune and Pluto on human life. In this context, it need be mentioned that regarding the first objection, the persons blaming the same do not know even the A, B, C of Astrology. The actual stellar identities of these were very well known to the ancient astrologers, but these were termed as planets only in respect of their similarities of actions on the terrestrial phenomena including human life and these are clearly written in the ancient standard astrological works like “The Suryasiddhanta” and regarding the apparent silence about Uranus etc., it need be mentioned that detailed information were not available in ancient times although these were mentioned in other names in the standard astrological works, but in the modern age detailed studies have been conducted on them and the results thereof are available in the modern astrological works. Inspite of this, this discipline may be at best treated as an incomplete one but it can never be termed as wrong and unscientific. Further, no body can claim that even a single discipline of knowledge has attained its fulfillment because knowledge and wisdom are ever ascending and expanding to find newer targets. The same is also applicable for Astrology as well. Therefore, what is required is to conduct researches with a free and unbiased mind but it should neither be accepted nor rejected without extensive test because while acceptance without test is unscientific, the same is equally true for rejection without test and this is more so when it is done by so-called scientific-minded personalities.
But from the above discussions, it can at best be said that the arguments raised against Astrology have no merit at all, but no positive support can be obtained in favour of Astrology from this and it is needless to mention that the truth underlying any discipline cannot be established with some negative arguments. It remains, therefore, the task to find positive supporting arguments in favour of Astrology. And at the very start, the question automatically arises – what is Astrology? The primary reply to this is Astrology is a discipline to predict the future events of human life and other natural phenomenon. And in more details, it may be said that the Zodiac alone signifies the God-instructed life pattern which the human being in general should follow to attain the perfection of the individual soul and the stellar bodies on the background of the Zodiac signify by their transits the events which a native has to come across due to the inherent complexes by virtue of the positions and transitions of the stellar bodies. It becomes, therefore, the inevitable question whether prediction for future is at all possible from the scientific view point and to find this linkage, what is essential is imaginative power which gives rise to the development of some theory the truth of which can be established with the help of events under examinations.
In the Newtonian mechanics, the concept of universe was developed on the basis of the space and time being considered independent of each other. In the space, there was existence of objects the nature and position of which would vary with time. But with the development of the “Theory of Relativity” by Einstein, the concept of separate existence of Space and Time came to the end; instead the idea of Space-Time continuum was put forward which included in addition to the three dimensions viz. Latitude, Longitude and Height, the fourth dimension i.e. Time. Consequently, the concept of object-based three dimensional world was replaced by event-based four dimensional world. Minkovoski, an authority on the Theory of Relativity, described an event by a point in the space at a particular moment and to explain this, Sir Arthur Edington wrote “Events do not happen; they are just there and we come across them” (Space, Time and Gravitation – Edington). In other words, it may be said that whereas in the three dimensional world, we find the position of a body moving along three different axes at definite distances, in the four dimensional world we come across different events by moving along the Time axis at different intervals. This means that as the existence of a body in the three dimensional world does not happen after crossing different distances along different axes, but its position become simply visible to our eyes; similarly in the four dimensional world a particular event becomes noticeable after passing through some definite periods of time. In short, it may be said that the three dimensional world is concerned with the existence of objects while the four dimensional world is comprised of various events; therefore if an event in space-time be pre-fixed, it is quite natural that human being will try to foresee the same beforehand with the natural inquisitiveness and this is the basis of astrology which means that the fundamental basis of Astrology is well supported by modern science and as such the fourth allegation against this subject is also totally baseless.
The next question, therefore, automatically arises whether the stellar bodies can at all influence the human life or in the greater sense the terrestrial phenomena and if it can, to what extent and through what mechanism. That the stellar bodies can influence the terrestrial phenomena becomes evident when the degrees of ebb and flow in the rivers and seas are altered in different lunar days and similar is the case with the effect on human body and mind such as for mental patients, persons suffering from Arthritis etc. The alterations of many terrestrial phenomena are also observed with appearance of sun-spots at definite intervals. These are but very common examples of the effect of stellar bodies on human life etc. Of course, it need be thoroughly investigated whether the stellar bodies alone influence the terrestrial phenomena. After birth, a native starts being influenced by the climate and natural environment of the native place, the socio-economic structure and the national or territorial situations, the genetic factors received from the parents in addition to the theory of reincarnation and doctrine of deeds in previous births according to Hindu Philosophy. To these are added the influence of stellar bodies at the time of birth and through the entire life process by transitions. The inevitable next question arises whether the positions of stellar bodies at birth and later on are significators or controllers of human life. In this respect, a difference of opinion exists. While one group is in favour of the theory of significance, the other group is for that of the control. In the humble opinion of this author, both the two are true because if all events be predetermined according to the Theory of Relativity, then the stellar bodies are but significators only. But to determine the exact nature of an event in variance with the position and time, the stellar bodies function as controller. Therefore, taking all these factors into account combinedly, it may be concluded that the exact shape of any earthly event, the stellar influences act together with the other factors i.e. in a line, it may be stated that the stellar influences are but one of the factors influencing earthly phenomena but not the only factor.
Naturally the next question arises about the mechanism of the stellar influences. In general, it is said that the cosmic radiations emanated from the stellar bodies influence the human life. But to determine the exact mechanism, thorough researches need be conducted taking all the relevant disciplines of science into account and after exploring this, this motherly subject can be utilized for the further progress of various branches of science. To put it in a nutshell, it may be said that Astrology can be utilized for the exploration of the system of the genetic transmission and thereafter to develop processes for the production of advanced-brain human beings, to utilize the inherited and acquired qualities of the individuals in the best possible ways to avoid the misuse and loss of human resources.