In Hindu literature, of the six Vedangas i.e. branches
allied with the Vedas, Astrology is designated as the eye of the Veda Purusha
with which the reality of the universe is revealed to the mankind. The Supreme
Soul, in order to enjoy Himself in various ways, divided Himself in innumerable
parts. For this, He attributed in every part or soul two characteristics. The
first is composed of six instincts or complexes termed as Sharha Ripus viz.
lust, anger, greed, mental obsession, pride and envy or jealousy which compel
every individual to act accordingly and the second is the force of reaction
induced by the Free Will of the individual. As the consequence of the conflict
of these two opposite forces, the native has to suffer from the deeds and is
compelled to be born repeatedly until the realization develops that it is the
Supreme Lord Who is the source of the entire creation and the rescuer of the
creation and thereafter only the individual soul gets freed from all complexes
and reunites with the Origin. Therefore, the ultimate goal of every individual
is the Origin i.e. the Supreme Soul and to arrive at this, the necessary path
is directed in Astrology. Excluding the stellar bodies in our solar system, the
twelve signs signify the God-directed ideal lifestyle for the human being while
the stellar bodies in the Zodiac signify the different manifestation of the six
complexes under the influence of which the individual soul becomes deviated
from the ideal life process and thereby is bound to suffer from the results of
the deeds which make the individual take repeated births in this material world
till the realization of the Divine Self. Therefore, the significance of the
Zodiac alone excluding the stellar bodies is being analyzed.
Life process from the stage of non-living matter starts in
the sign Aries – Tamasik, cardinal and fiery sign, and the active field of the
ruler Mars. Here, the desire to express the self is very strong due to the
characteristics of strongly egoistic Mars and being the sign of exaltation for
the Sun, the highest expression of consciousness is also here. In other words,
life energy and consciousness combinedly act in continuous moving mode.
The second sign is Rajasik, fixed and earthy Taurus, the
passive field of the ruler Venus. The second house signifies the face and all
its functions viz. intaking of food, talking etc. Being the earthy sign, it is
the significator of intaking of food for the body building immediate after
birth and having Venus as the ruler of the sign, all ingredients for earthly
enjoyments viz. wealth, money, food etc. are judged from this sign and also the
start of talking is signified in this sign.
The third sign Gemini signifies the neck, voice, arms,
culture of music, respiratory process, mode of communication etc. Being dual,
Sattwik and airy in nature and also the active field of the ruler Mercury, the
child planet as it is designated in Astrology, it signifies child like
simplicity, curiosity, inquisitiveness to understand the world in all aspects,
strength of arm, valour etc. Being the fifth sign from Aquarius, the eleventh
sign of the Zodiac ruled by Saturn, common-sense and inquisitiveness are
expressed in this sign as the consequence of the spiritual attainment and
material philosophical sense derived in the previous incarnations.
The fourth sign of the Zodiac is Tamasik, cardinal and
watery Cancer ruled by the Moon and which is sign of exaltation for Jupiter,
sign of debilation for Mars and inimical for Saturn and Mercury. The fourth house
and the ruler Moon signify mother, family, domestic happiness, emotion, upper
layer of mind etc. After birth a child is brought up in the domestic
environment under the love and affection of mother and the family members. The
memory based education being related to the upper layer of mind starts in this
environment. The unbounded emotion of child is manifested here and as such the
practical sense of Saturn and the rationality of Mercury are totally absent
here. Being the sign of exaltation of Jupiter, the wisdom accumulated in the
sign Saggitarius in pervious births is latent here in the field of the disciple
Moon as narrated in Hindu mythology. Further, the desire to get rid of the
sensual complexes as expressed in the sign Pisces in the previous births finds
manifestation in the present birth in the fifth sign from Pisces i.e. in Cancer
where sensual pleasures and lust are totally absent in the mind of the child.
Therefore, after birth these four signs viz. Aries, Taurus,
Gemini and Cancer signify the construction of body, the expression of
common-sense, the unlimited inquisitiveness to know the world, the
manifestation of emotion under the control of the mother in the domestic
sphere. The next phase starting from Leo is concerned with the desire to express
the self of the child in the external world for which the God-directed
instructions are analyzed below.
The second phase starts in Leo which is the fifth sign in
the Zodiac ruled by Sun – the fixed, Rajasik and fiery sign signifying
intelligence, talent, love, romance, regard, devotion, fame, offspring,
creative activity etc. Sun signifies the soul for being the origin of our solar
system. The fifth house signifies the consequence of the first house and
therefore in the Zodiac the fifth sign Leo signifies the consequence of the
individual soul which due to the rulership of the sign Leo by the Sun signifies
the re-union with the Supreme Soul. The native here expresses the self to the
external world through intelligence, talent and creative activity and in
accordance with this, the most significant creative function of an individual
through the reproduction of the next generation for continuance of the
hereditary traits is also judged in this sign. Since, the sign symbolizes
idealism, attraction towards artistic activities etc., therefore the sign Leo
is the significator of pure love, devotion, artistic function of higher level
through which the mental expansion of the native starts in the second phase of
As the result, the desire to enjoy the world materially with
the help of intelligence and sensualities is accumulated in the sixth sign
Virgo – Sattwik, dual and earthy in nature ruled by Mercury of which it is the
sign of exaltation and also the sign of debilation for Venus, the significator
of material enjoyments. All the complexes which are the origin of all
activities of a native are latent in this sign. The sign Virgo is symbolized by
a maiden girl with crops in one hand and a lighted kindle in the other moving
in a boat in vast water. The significance of this symbol is that the complexes
of the native should be controlled by Sattwik, rational and practical in nature
and utilized for the good of the others and this should be the inspiring factor
of all activities of the native. In such a situation, the mental complexes no
longer remain inimical because the inducer of material enjoyments i.e. Venus is
weakest here, but if the native be moved under the control of complexes for
personal enjoyments, the malefic results of the debilated Venus have to be
suffered by the native.
The love and romance together with the desire to express the
self inherent in the sign Leo become established in the third sign thereof i.e.
Libra which is the cardinal, Tamasik and airy sign i.e. the seventh sign in the
Zodiac signifying the spouse, lust, environment, business, partner etc. Being
the cardinal airy sign, Libra signifies lust and sensual attraction in a
refined manner. In this sign, the ego and desire to enjoy wealth in the greater
environment of Mars i.e. the ruler of the sign Aries is manifested with the
help of air for expansion of fiery flames of Aries. In the eleventh sign from
Libra signifying the female beings in general and the fifth sign from Aries
signifying male beings in general, the sign Leo signifies the consequence and
the success of sensual lust through the birth of child. The tenth sign from
Libra is Cancer ruled by the Moon which signifies the highest manifestation of
femalehood in the form of motherly affection. Being the fifth sign from Gemini,
Libra signifies the gradual change of the child like queries for the eternal
relation between male and female and takes the final shape through the
expression of love and romance signified in Leo in the physical lust ruled by
Venus. Being the sixth sign from Taurus also ruled by Venus, it is antagonistic
to the self-centric desires to enjoy the world alone signified in Taurus and
takes the refined shape through the expansion of the personality in the greater
environment. Being the seventh sign from Aries i.e. the detrimental place,
Libra signifies the loss of energy of Mars due to physical pleasures in contact
with Venus although at the same time it signifies the process of continuation
of the creation as desired by the Supreme Lord.
The next sign Scorpio is the eighth sign in the Zodiac and
the passive field of the ruler Mars which is fixed, Rajasik and watery in
nature. Eighth house signifies longevity cum death, all secret and mysterious
affairs, genetic organs and the coiled energy of the soul in latent form. After
death, the individual soul along with all accumulated ideas remains in latent
form in this sign. Being the seventh sign counted from Taurus, it signifies the
detriment of material desires. Being the sixth house counted from Gemini, it
indicates that it is not possible for the child like mentality to realize the
consequence of the individual soul. It is the fifth sign counted from Cancer
where the significator of wisdom i.e. Jupiter becomes exalted i.e. the
consequence of the sensations derived from wisdom lies in Scorpio till the next
incarnation. Being the fourth house counted from Leo, it signifies the place of
happiness for self realization, pure love, intelligence, talent etc. Being the
third house from Virgo, it signifies the strength of sensualities inspired by
Sattwik rationality. Being the second house from Libra, the sign Scorpio
signifies the accumulated gain through the relation with the environment and
material desires in addition to those earned in previous incarnations which are
manifested as fortune in the next birth.
The last phase of life starts form the ninth sign
Saggitarius where the Rajasik pure love, devotion, intelligence, talent etc. of
Leo are developed into Sattwik conscience, sacrifice, wisdom etc. which
ultimately give rise to religious outlook that holds the entire universe and
maintains the creation through the Tamasik and cardinal fiery sign Aries in the
form of life process. This wisdom gained in the sign Saggitarius brings the
mankind above animalhood and thereafter makes it active to attain sublimed
consciousness with the help of dual-natured Kshatriya Shakti inspired by the
Sattwik Brahminic force. And for this reason, the sign Saggitarius signifying
active religious outlook is treated as the origin of fortune.
The accumulated gain of fortune earned through the sign
Saggitarius combined with the Sattwik and rational materialistic senses of
Virgo induce the individual in servicing work to the mankind without any
expectation for return and therefore does not create any binding for the
individual in the sign Capricorn ruled by Saturn. In this sign, Mars which is
strongly inimical for Saturn gets exalted because the strength and activity of
Mars find best manifestation in this cardinal and earthy sign guided by the
practical senses and experiences of the old aged Saturn. But Jupiter, the
Master of the Deities, becomes debilated here since the wisdom of Jupiter can
not be expressed in the house of servant and low-classed people represented by
The eleventh sign of the Zodiac is Aquarius, the fixed,
Rajasik and airy sign as well as the active field and Mool Trikona place of the
ruler Saturn. Being the Mool Trikona place for Rahu also, the functions of
Saturn in all aspects are enhanced to a high degree. Eleventh house signifies
income, success, friends (being the enemy of enemy). Being the second house
from Capricorn, it signifies the accumulated results of servicing deeds. Being
the third house from Saggitarius, it signifies the strength of wisdom,
religious outlook, Kshatriya Shakti inspired by Brahminic spirit. Being the
fourth sign from Scorpio, the latent soul energy is further nourished and
developed in this sign. Being the fifth sign from Libra, it signifies the
maturity of the balanced practical intelligence in impersonality thereby
enriching the outlook of material philosophy and spiritual consciousness. Being
the sixth sign from Virgo, it signifies the enmity of the six complexes through
the self control and spiritual consciousness of the hermit Saturn and this is
manifested in the form of common-sense, child like inquisitiveness, inclination
for learning in the subsequent incarnation.
The twelfth sign of the Zodiac is Pisces – Sattwik, dual,
watery and the passive sign for the ruler Jupiter. The twelfth house signifies
expenses, sacrifice, freedom from all complexes, long tours particularly
voyages, foreign tours etc. The wisdom of Saggitarius finds the happy place of
rest in this sign. The dedicated service to the mankind signified in Capricorn
is strengthened here. The spiritual consciousness of Aquarius yields its
accumulated gain in Pisces. The latent Kundalini Shakti of Scorpio is
manifested in this sign. The materialistic intelligence of Libra finds an
inimical sign here. The complexes or sensual desires of Virgo are detriment in
this sign. The Rajasik pure love, devotion and desire for self expression are
condensed here in the form of continuous unison with and detachment from the
Supreme Soul. The total gains in a human life through the various activities are
taken up by the individual soul while leaving the body on long tour for
subsequent birth. From the above discussion, it is clear that the origin and
consequence of life together with the searching for the true path to arrive at
the target of life are described in the discipline of Astrology because it acts
as the searching light for this purpose. The life cycle starts in the Tamasik
form, expands with the help of Rajasik qualities and ultimately reaches the
goal with the help of Sattwik qualities for reunion with the origin i.e. the
Supreme Soul.
The entire creation is composed of four elements viz. fire,
earth, air and water spread over the vast space. Each of the four elements is
manifested in three forms viz. cardinal, fixed and dual. Each element is the
significator of three qualities viz. Tamas, Rajas and Sattwik. For the creation
of life, cardinal fire and cardinal water are required both of which are
manifested in Tamas qualities and for the continuance of the life process
cardinal air and cardinal earth, both being of Tamas nature, are required. For
the nourishment of the living body fixed earth is required and for its becoming,
fixed sign is required. After death, the individual soul remains latent in
fixed water and the ideas gained through the entire life are retained in fixed
air. For the development of the individual soul, dual air and dual earth, both
being of Sattwik nature are required. With the help of these, an individual in
the present incarnation acquires religious consciousness and wisdom through
dual and Sattwik fiery element and ultimately it remains in ever lasting
enjoyment of reunion being freed from all complexes and thereby attaining the
Moksha through the dual and Sattwik watery element. Therefore, to arrive at
this ultimate goal are required – child like inquisitiveness and strong desire
to acquire knowledge of Sattwik nature which is actually the root of valour and
this is manifested in the first Upachaya place viz. the third sign of the
Zodiac Gemini, the active field of the ruler Mercury. This is transformed into
practical senses combined with rationality and Sattwik complexes in the second
Upachaya place i.e. the sixth sign Virgo in the Zodiac. This in turn leads to
the consequence manifested in the third Upachaya place i.e. the tenth sign
Capricorn in the Zodiac ruled by Saturn signifying dedicated service without
any personal attachment for the mankind as a whole termed as “Karmasannayasa”
in the Shreemodbhagabodgeeta by the Lord Shree Krishna. This yields the result
manifested through the fourth Upachaya place i.e. the eleventh sign of the
Zodiac viz. Aquarius which is fixed and Rajasik airy sign and the active field
of the ruler Saturn which reveals the true nature of this world in material as
also spiritual form.
This is the real significance of the Zodiac excluding the
functions of different stellar bodies coming into the realm of the Zodiac. The
stellar bodies related with this express the different aspects of the six
complexes which influence the life of an individual from birth to death through
different activities thereby deviating the individual from the ideal course of
life inscribed in the language of the Zodiac. The signs of exaltation for the
stellar bodies signify the places of their best manifestation but in other
signs the respective complexes of the planets are changed according to the
nature of the signs. This process continues in every individual life till self
realization happens. In the mind of individual, this wisdom is enlightened by
the Master or Guru through the removal of darkness of ignorance and this is
expressed in the ninth sign of the Zodiac ruled by the Master of the Deities
viz. Jupiter. In our earthly life, this happens through the Sad Guru who is the
embodied form of the Divine Soul. A proverb in Astrology says “in an individual
natal chart having Jupiter in any of the four angles, no malefic planet can
bring any harm to the native”. The real significance of this is that for any
individual in whose life Sad Guru is established under whose guidance the
activities of an individual are directed, no complex signified by the planets
can create any obstacle in life i.e. Sad Guru in such a case is like the pivot
of his life. Because, the six complexes signified by the sixth sign Virgo
remain at rest in the fourth house therefrom which is the ninth sign
Saggitarius which means that in the active field Saggitarius of the Guru i.e.
Jupiter, the complexes are unable to act according to their natures. The fourth
house counted from the ninth house signifying the place of happiness of the
wisdom or religion is the twelfth sign Pisces i.e. the passive field of Jupiter
where the individual soul guided by the Sad Guru becomes free from complexes
and thereby attains Moksha. Therefore, the ultimate teaching of Astrology is
that from the very start of life, every individual should by guided by the Sad
Guru to fulfill the desire of Sattwik wisdom followed by dedicated work
controlled by Sattwik and materialistic and rational sensual complexes for the
good of the mankind which as the result awards the native with the achievement
of the sacred ultimate goal of life i.e. reunion with the origin i.e. the
Supreme Soul.