Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac wherein are judged
accumulated wealth, ornaments, food, all the functions of mouth and face,
matrimonial relatives etc. Taurus being the fixed earthy sign of Rajas nature
has total similarity with the characteristics of Venus. Libra is the seventh
sign of the Zodiac wherein are judged the spouse, partner, environment,
business, sensual pleasures, marriage etc. Libra being the cardinal airy sign
of Tamas nature signifies changeability, material expression of intellect,
tendency to adjust with others etc.
According to Hindu Mythology, Venus is the “Master” of the
demons who are characterized by desire for earthly pleasures, self-centered
attitude which are taught by Demon-Master Venus who has also been described as
the authority of all disciplines of knowledge. In Greek Mythology, Venus has
been described as the goddess of beauty who exhibits the attractive function of
the lady, sweet behaviour, practical intelligence to achieve the ends with the
help of beauty and sweet behaviour. Again, the Demon-Master Venus is the
authority of material sciences particularly chemistry and genetics because the
knowledge of converting matter in one form to another is within his
jurisdiction and as such in the astrological classification of planets, inspite
of being described as destructive, Venus is at the same time creative also
because the creation of matter in one form out of destruction of another is the
subject of chemistry. Further, Venus is also the authority of the knowledge of
reviving the dead and as such it is classified as apparently benefic but
destructive planet because it creates a new living body out of the pleasure of
destructing another body in coitus. In this respect, Venus differs from the
Deity-Master Jupiter because Jupiter finds the internal “Amritatwa” in the
mortal matter but Venusian function is limited in the material pleasure of
creating a mortal body out of the earthly pleasures in destroying the parent
body. Moreover, Venus being the significator of all earthly pleasures and lust
leading to the destruction of the physical body, it is described as belonging
to destructive group of apparent pleasures.
Therefore, due to the close similarities of these
characteristics of Venus with those of the signs Taurus and Libra, its
selection as the lords of these two signs is quite justified.
These two signs bear a sixth/eighth relation between them
i.e. the sixth sign from Taurus is Libra wherefrom the eighth sign is Taurus.
Sixth house signifies enmity while the eighth house signifies death cum
destruction. It indicates that for self centered enjoyment signified by Taurus
it is inimical to identify oneself with the environment for sharing material
resources with others. On the other hand, when the mentality to identify
oneself with the environment is destroyed, the native becomes totally self-centric
to enjoy material happiness alone and therefore it is quite justified that these
two signs bear the sixth/eighth relation between them.
Again, the eleventh sign from Taurus is Pisces, the cardinal,
watery sign of Sattwik nature which being the twelfth sign of the Zodiac
signifies charity, sacrifice for others, Moksha i.e. being free from all
complexes etc. It means that the best utilization of accumulated wealth of
self-centered Venus as the lord of Taurus is through giving up for the sake of
others since the eleventh house from any Bhava signifies the success of that
Bhava. Again, the eleventh sign from Libra is Leo which being the fifth sign of
the Zodiac signifies offspring, love, devotion etc. Its significance is that
the success of conjugal life is attained through the birth of offspring and
that of lust and physical pleasure comes through pure love and devotion.
Therefore, it may be concluded that the selection of Venus
as the lords of Taurus and Libra is quite justified.
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