Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Analysis for the mutual relations of the signs owned by Jupiter & Venus

The second and the seventh signs of the Zodiac viz. Taurus and Libra are owned by Venus, the Master of the Demons while the ninth and the twelfth signs viz. Saggitarius and Pisces are owned by Jupiter, the Master of the Deities. Taurus is the fixed earthy sign of Rajas nature while Libra is cardinal airy sign of Tamas nature. Saggitarius is dual fiery sign of Sattwik nature while Pisces is dual watery sign of Sattwik nature. Taurus and Saggitarius bear a sixth/eighth relation with each other while Taurus and Pisces bear the third/eleventh relation with each other. The same are the cases between Libra and Pisces and also between Libra and Saggitarius respectively. Of these, the sixth/eighth relation is the worst of all while the third/eleventh relation is benefic to a large extent. Again, the two signs owned by Venus are in mutual sixth/eighth relation while the two owned by Jupiter are in mutual fourth/tenth or in angular relation. Further, Libra is positive male sign of Venus while Taurus negative female sign. Similar are the cases with Saggitarius and Pisces respectively owned by Jupiter. It is, therefore, clear that the two positive signs owned by Jupiter and Venus bear mutually third/eleventh relation and so also the same between their negative signs. But a malefic sixth/eighth relation exists between the positive sign of one and the negative of the other. It is also to be noted in particular that the sign of exaltation for Venus, the Master of Demons is in the negative sign Pisces owned by Jupiter, the Master of the Deities.
In Astrology, Jupiter and Venus indicate two opposite streams of life. In Jupiter, all characteristics of Sattwa Guna are present. He is the significator of self realization and sublimation of mind. On the other hand, Venus teaches his disciples the mode of life of material enjoyments relating to Tamasik and Rajasik planes. In the first case, Venus teaches education of material world and in the second case, he teaches to maintain life style of pure material enjoyments. Contrarily, Jupiter of Saggitarius is the significator of Kshatra Shakti (i.e. activity of warrior) combined with sublimation of consciousness towards higher level. The sixth sign from Saggitarius is the negative sign of Venus i.e. Taurus while the eleventh sign is the positive field of Venus i.e. Libra. It implies that material enjoyments of Taurus stand in the way of sublimation of consciousness while the culture of arts and sciences signified by Libra are helpful for the same. Therefore, the sixth/eighth relation between Saggitarius and Taurus and the third/eleventh relation between Saggitarius and Libra are quite justified. This is also supported by the fact that for spreading of fire earth is an obstacle but air is helpful.
Again, eighth sign from Taurus and the third sign from Libra is Saggitarius. Its implication is that mental sublimation starts only after the end of desire for material enjoyments and the real valour of material intelligence signified by Libra is actually the strength of soul in the sublimed form. Therefore, eighth position of Saggitarius from Taurus and the third from Libra are quite justified.   
Again, third sign from Pisces is Taurus and eighth sign Libra. The twelfth sign Pisces signifies emancipation from complexes i.e. Moksha. Third house signifies courage, valour etc. The second sign Taurus ruled by Venus is the significator of wealth and material enjoyments and as such is the primary maraka. Naturally, the question arises why the primary maraka sign Taurus signifies courage and strength of Moksha. The significance of this is that wealth and material enjoyments become maraka for human being moved by complexes which lead the native to death. But for a native, free from all complexes, the accumulated wealth is expended for the welfare of others and therefore wealth instead of being maraka becomes the source of strength for such a native. This explains philosophically the position of Taurus as the third sign counted from Pisces. On the other hand, the eleventh sign from the earthy sign Taurus is the watery sign Pisces which signifies that the earthy sign Taurus becomes more fertile with the help of watery sign Pisces leading to its success and thus these two signs are mutually helpful in respect of elements.
But the eighth sign from Pisces is Libra, the positive sign of Venus which is the significator of culture of art, science etc. leading to the development of intelligence because of being cardinal airy in nature. But the eighth house being the significator of obstructions, Libra is not helpful for the functioning of Pisces. Primarily, it may be said that Pisces and Libra are respectively watery and airy in nature and solubility of air in water is very little i.e. these are elementally mismatching. Philosophically, Pisces signifies Moksha where the individual soul being free from all complexes rests in eternal Sattwik amusements with the Supreme Soul which is a matter of deep feelings of higher level. The dual nature of Pisces signifies the both way pleasures of the individual and the Supreme Soul. At this level, there is no place for material Science and Arts. The mutual interactions arising out of such cultures are considered totally obstructive for the characteristics of Pisces. Contrarily, the sixth sign from Libra is Pisces which implies that for the culture of material Science and Arts and intellect, the activities of psychic level are not at all helpful. Thus, the mutual sixth/eighth relation between Libra and Pisces is quite justified.
The two signs owned by Venus are Taurus and Libra. Taurus is the fixed earthy and negative sign of Rajas nature while Libra is the cardinal, airy and positive sign of Tamas nature. The second sign Taurus signifies accumulated wealth, the face of the body and all its functions. The seventh sign Libra signifies environment, spouse, business, partner, lust, physical pleasures etc. Venus of Taurus confines the native in self-centric material enjoyments while Venus of Libra provides the native with a tendency to enjoy contacts with the environment and also an intellectual mentality. Evidently, these characteristics of the two signs, although owned by the same Demon Master Venus are functionally opposite in nature and as such their mutual sixth/eighth relation is quite in harmony.
But the two signs Saggitarius and Pisces owned by Jupiter are in mutual angular relation which like planets in angle, are also helpful to each other. Fourth sign from Saggitarius is Pisces i.e. the place of happiness. Its significance is that consciousness being free from animalhood passes through manhood with a sacred subliming tendency to higher level. And in Pisces the individual soul and the Supreme Soul are in mutual recreation in opposite senses. Its philosophical significance is that the consciousness having a subliming tendency transits through different activities signified by the tenth sign Capricorn and receiving the results thereof signified by the eleventh sign Aquarius finds liberation from all complexes and thereby rests in Sattwik happiness through self-realization and salvation. Again, the tenth sign counted from Pisces is Saggitarius which being the ninth sign of the Zodiac signifies religion, conscience, wisdom etc. and the tenth house from any Bhava signifies the highest manifestation of that Bhava. Therefore, an individual soul being liberated from all complexes in Pisces expresses itself in religious work for the good of the human being and for the continuance of the Creation. These two signs being Sattwik in nature result in unadulterated happiness arising out of salvation. Therefore, the mutual fourth/tenth relation between these two signs owned by the “Master” of the Deities Jupiter is quite in harmony with their characteristics.         

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Analysis for the mutual relations of the sign Cancer with Aries and Scorpio

The fourth sign of the Zodiac is Cancer, cardinal watery sign of Tamas nature. The eighth sign Scorpio is fixed watery sign of Rajas nature while the first sign Aries is cardinal fiery sign of Tamas nature. Scorpio is the fifth sign and Aries the tenth sign counted from Cancer i.e. with respect to Cancer Aries and Scorpio form angular-trinal relation which is a “Raj Yoga”. The lord of Cancer is Moon which rules over mental feelings, domestic happiness, mother, upper layer of mind, all liquids etc. The fourth house signifies mother, home, happiness, mind, tour etc. The fifth sign from any Bhava signifies the consequence of that Bhava while the tenth Bhava signifies the highest manifestation of the characteristics designated by that Bhava. The fifth house also signifies offspring, affection, love, regards, intelligence, talent, deeper layer of mind, creativity etc. The sign Cancer as well as its lord Moon is the significator of mother in Astrology. The consequence of motherhood is offspring and the highest expression of motherhood is also through creation of life for which are required energy in fiery form and watery part. The formation of a Zygote in the mother’s womb requires the union of an egg-cell in the mother’s ovary with the spermatozoa of father. In an able female body, an egg-cell from the ovary comes out at regular intervals for combination with an active male seed, but in case it is not possible the egg-cell is itself destroyed and comes out as menstrual discharge. In Astrology, the significators responsible for this occurrence are Moon and Mars which may lead to the birth of an offspring in suitable relation on the one hand and to infertility of the mother in adverse relation of the two on the othe
The fourth house, the fourth sign Cancer and its lord Moon also signify mind and happiness. In Cancer, the state of mind is like highly wavy ocean while in Scorpio being fixed watery sign, mind is stable, calm and without any upheaval. Again, the ultimate consequence of worldly happiness lies in the eternal peace of death signified by the eighth sign Scorpio which is also being the significator of all mysterious affairs symbolizes the latent form of the egg-cell for fertilization in combination with an able spermatozoa to form the life signified by the first sign Aries. Therefore, the selection of Mars as the lords of the fifth and tenth signs counted from Cancer is quite justified. Such a fifth-tenth relation forms a “Raj Yoga’ on the one hand and also makes Mars debilated in Cancer because its fiery nature gets extinguished in the wavy water of the ocean signified by Cancer. This is also due to the fact that the characteristics of Cancer viz. soft feelings of mind, affection, calm nature etc. are not befitting to express the egoistic, harsh and rough nature of Mars. For this reason, Mars is debilated in Cancer for disharmony of elements. A suitable and helpful relation between Moon and Mars develops the menstrual functions in female body while in an adverse relation; it gives rise to many physical and mental troubles and even infertility.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Analysis for the mutual relations of the signs owned by Mercury and Jupiter

In the Zodiac, Mercury rules over the signs Gemini and Virgo while for Jupiter, these are Saggitarius and Pisces. All the four signs are dual in nature of Sattwa Guna but Gemini is airy in nature, Virgo earthy, Saggitarius fiery and Pisces watery. The elements fire and air being helpful for each other, the positions of the two signs Gemini and Saggitarius in mutual seventh relation is justified. Similar is the case with Virgo and Pisces in mutual seventh relation being earthy and watery respectively. Again, according to astrological principles, these four signs remain in mutual angular relation as the result of which they help one other through exchange of energy.
Gemini being the third sign of the Zodiac signifies common-sense, inquisitiveness, valour, strength etc. while the ninth sign Saggitarius signifies wisdom, religious consciousness, sublimation and depth of mind etc. Mercury is designated as child planet as well as prince in the planetary kingdom since it is closest to the king Sun, both physically and functionally. Since inquisitiveness is maximum in a child, therefore selection of Mercury as the lord of the third sign Gemini is quite justified. The third sign also signifies arm strength because the prince is supposed to have it in full. But on the other hand, a proverb says that strength of intelligence is maximum rather than the arm strength and the same is also signified by the third sign as well as Mercury. Again, all sorts of queries and inquisitiveness when satisfied i.e. find their ends, it is wisdom signified by Jupiter and the ninth sign Saggitarius evolves. This is quite in accordance with the astrological principles that the seventh sign counted from any Bhava is the house of detriment for the characteristics of that Bhava. Consequently, this leads to the sublimation of consciousness as is signified by the symbol of the sign Saggitarius. Therefore, the relation of the signs Gemini and Saggitarius in opposition to each other is quite justified.
The fourth sign counted from Gemini is Virgo which being the sixth sign of the Zodiac signifies complexes, passions, material rationality, job instincts etc. In this sign, the common-sense of Gemini gets matured in its nearest angle i.e. fourth house; together with this, the passions latent in the child have evolved in the form of job instincts. It means that this sign Virgo is also controlled by Mercury because in this sign, the first half of life cycle is completed. As such, Mercury has evolved from the child to the youth and therefore is closer to the king or the father signified by Sun rather than in Gemini.
The seventh sign counted from Saggitarius is Gemini and the tenth is Virgo. The queries and inquisitiveness are ended in the wisdom of Saggitarius. Similarly, the material rationality combined with Sattwik instincts and complexes of Virgo are concentrated in the form of wisdom of Saggitarius, the first angle counted from Virgo and on this basis Dharma or religion which is the force of maintenance of the Creation is evolved in Saggitarius. Thus, the characteristics of Saggitarius viz. religion, conscience, wisdom, Guru or the Master etc. as signified by Jupiter, the mater of the Deities are justified.
The twelfth sign of the Zodiac is Pisces, dual watery sign of Sattwa Guna. It is the tenth sign from Gemini, seventh sign from Virgo and the fourth sign from Saggitarius. The twelfth house in a natal chart signifies bed comforts, sacrifice, Moksha or liberation from complexes. Pisces is signified by a pair of fishes swimming in opposite directions in the depth of a river which means the actions and reactions of two opposite forces leading to continuous conflicts in the Creation giving rise to the terrestrial phenomenon. Being the tenth sign of Gemini, the common-sense and inquisitiveness of Mercury find the highest expression in Pisces. Since the highest form of queries is in self realization, therefore the lord of Pisces should be Jupiter. Again, being the seventh sign from Virgo, the sign Pisces is characterized by the detriment of physical pleasures, complexes, materialistic rationality etc. which is actually the trait of Moksha because when complexes and desires for material enjoyments are totally satisfied, the native experiences the self realization leading to Moksha. So, in this respect also the lordship of Jupiter for Pisces is justified. Further, counted from Saggitarius, Pisces is the fourth sign which signifies happiness. This implies that sense of religion, conscience, wisdom etc. manifested in Saggitarius actually find their real place of pleasure through liberation from complexes signified by Pisces. The sublimed consciousness manifested in dual, fiery and Sattwik Saggitarius remains in peace of rest in two opposing waves of life and death in the depth of water signified by Pisces. In other words, Pisces signifies the best place of peace for the wisdom of Jupiter signified in Saggitarius.
Therefore, it is seen that in order of sequence the two signs Gemini and Virgo of the first half of Zodiac are ruled by Mercury while Saggitarius and Pisces of the second half are ruled by Jupiter. Its implication is in the start of life cycle expressed in Aries, the queries and inquisitiveness of child Mercury are converted into wisdom and conscience of middle-aged Jupiter. Similarly, the complexes and instincts combined with materialistic rationality developed in the young Mercury of Virgo are ended in the liberation from complexes leading to Moksha signified by the old Master of Deities viz. Jupiter as the lord of Pisces.
It is to be noted that all these four signs are dual and Sattwik in nature. This signifies that characteristics manifested in these four signs are developed due to the interactions of two opposite forces to maintain the Creation resulting in Sattwik pleasure or happiness.
Again, as is normal in the Zodiac, the fiery and the airy signs are in the mutual seventh position and similar is the case with the earthy and watery signs. It signifies that for spreading of fire, assistance of air is essential and similarly to increase the fertility of earth, water is essential. Accordingly, for the progress of wisdom queries and inquisitiveness are essential and the wisdom acquired in one birth reappears as common-sense in the following incarnation according to the doctrine of deeds and reincarnation. In other words, the fiery and the airy signs are mutually helpful for any birth. Similarly, the complexes combined with sensuality and Sattwik material senses require liberation from complexes for their successful attainment. Therefore, the earthy qualities manifested in Virgo require the help of water of the sign Pisces signifying Moksha for best utilization. Therefore, it appears from the above considerations that these four signs viz. Gemini, Virgo, Saggitarius and Pisces are justifiably located in mutual quadrants in the Zodiac.    

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Analysis of the relations of Venus as the lord of the signs Taurus and Libra with Aries and Scorpio in the Zodiac

In Astrology, life cycle is assumed to start in the sign Aries, cardinal fiery sign of Tamas nature ruled by Mars, the significator of youth and activity, the god of which is “Kartika”, the military commander of the deities who is described as confirmed bachelor and therefore designated as “Kumara”. Energy takes the living physical form in Aries. To maintain the Creation, the continuance of this physical body is required through reproduction and for this the bachelorship of Mars is obstructive. For the growth of physical body, food is essential for which the necessary organ in the body is the mouth which is judged from the second house in a natal chart. The second house also signifies wealth which is necessary for enjoyments of life. Again, for reproductive purpose to continue the Creation, lust is essential. Therefore, for the growth of physical body and reproduction, what is required is affinity or attachment to physical pleasures. In the planetary kingdom, this is signified by Venus, the Master of the Demons in Hindu Mythology who teaches his disciples i.e. the demons this lesson of material enjoyments. Of the two, intaking of food helps the growth of body while lust destroys it. Therefore, food taking is of Rajas nature while lust is of Tamas nature. In accordance with this, the second sign of the Zodiac i.e. Taurus is of Rajas nature while the seventh sign Libra of Tamas natu
Again, these two functions are helpful for maintaining the Creation, but their excessive usages bring forth death. Of the two, second house signifying wealth and food make the fulfillment of lust and physical pleasures possible. As such, the second house i.e. the sign Taurus in the Zodiac and the seventh house i.e. the sign Libra are designated as primary and secondary maraka respectively.
According to Hindu Mythology, the aim of Venus as the Master of the Demons is to make his disciples ruling over the deities and for this the most essential is to damage the defence of the deities. In the planetary kingdom, Mars as the warrior planet is entrusted with this responsibility of defence and therefore it is very natural that the purpose of the Master of the Demons i.e. Venus will be to engage Mars in all physical pleasures of enjoyments in order to destroy its activities and for this reason, the second and the seventh signs counted from Aries i.e. the signs Taurus and Libra respectively are ruled by Venus.
On the contrary, the seventh and the twelfth signs counted from Scorpio, the second sign ruled by Mars are respectively Taurus and Libra ruled by Venus. Scorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac, fixed watery sign of Rajas nature wherein are judged longevity i.e. death, all secrecy of body and mind, sleeping stage wherein life energy remains latent in coiled form. The seventh sign Libra of the Zodiac signifying decay of body due to physical enjoyments which ultimately bring in death. But even after the destruction of the body, the soul remains in subtle body till the next birth. But before that the physical enjoyments due to the unfilled desires of the soul in the previous births remain beyond its reach. Since the second sign Taurus signifies physical enjoyments and the seventh sign Libra signifies lust, therefore, the selection of these two signs as the seventh and twelfth house counted from Scorpio is quite justified. Again, the significator of vital energy of life is Mars and during the life time, this energy spreads itself in various ways; therefore the sign Aries ruled by active Mars is described as cardinal fiery sign of Tamas nature but after death, this latent energy of the departed soul remains in sleeping stage which means the life energy of Mars setting aside its active fiery nature remains in condensed form of liquid and as such the lord of the eighth sign, fixed watery sign of Rajas nature signifying all mysterious affairs, longevity i.e. death is justifiably attributed to Mars.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Mutual relation between the two signs Aries and Scorpio in the Zodiac

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac where the life cycle of the individual soul starts. The latent energy of the soul is expressed in matter and life in this sign. Therefore, it is described as cardinal fiery in nature having active and gradually expanding characteristics and since it is the first stage of creation, it is described as being Tamasik in nature. In this sign, all other characteristics except those of life only are absent. Therefore, Aries is described as cardinal fiery sign of Tamas nature and therefore it is ruled by the warrior planet Mars signifying the energetic activity of youth and the characteristics of Mars being fully expressed here, it is designated as the active field of Mars.   
After death, the physical body is destroyed and the individual soul remains latent with the life seed inherent in it. The best place of secrecy is fixed water at extreme depth. The eighth house signifies the secret most subject of life i.e. death and therefore all secret affairs relating to body, mind and others are judged from the eighth house. The eighth sign of the Zodiac is Scorpio, fixed watery sign of Rajas nature wherein the soul remains at rest with the achievements of previous lives in the form of seed. It remains in passive form here seeking for the chance of reincarnation. As such, the soul energy in the coiled form of “Kula Kundalini” remains as if in sleeping mode. Since, life and death, aroused and sleeping stage, the active and passive forms of energy, Tamas and Rajas nature, cardinal and fixed modes, fire and water etc. are totally opposing to each other, therefore the best antagonistic relation in Astrology i.e. the sixth/eighth relation exists between the signs Aries and Scorpio in the Zodiac.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Mool Trikona signs for Rahu and Ketu

The signs Aquarius and Leo are described as the Mool Trikona places in the Zodiac for Rahu and Ketu respectively. Aquarius is fixed airy sign of Rajas nature ruled by Saturn. Being the eleventh sign in the Zodiac, it signifies financial income, success, enemy’s enemy i.e. friends etc. Again, Leo, the fifth sign in the Zodiac, is fixed fiery sign of Rajas nature ruled by the Sun signifying liver, a part of heart, love, genius, fame, offspring, imagination, creative faculty etc.    
Since Saturn and Rahu have many characteristics in common, they are described as very good friends to each other. The role of Rahu is very important to attain material success. Aquarius is the fifth sign counted from Libra and the tenth sign counted from Taurus. Libra being the seventh sign of the Zodiac signifies physical pleasures, lust, business, practical intelligence etc. Therefore, the sign Aquarius signifies the success of the material enjoyments in Libra and ultimately the spiritual attainment as the final consequence of material enjoyments. Being the tenth sign counted from Taurus, Aquarius also signifies achievement of the highest material enjoyments. In Hindu Mythology, Rahu is described as cut-off head of the Demon whose thirst for nectar was not satisfied and as the result the Demon moves hither and thither to satisfy his unfulfilled pleasures. Consequently, the sign Aquarius, the fixed airy sign of Rajas nature wherein the seed for spiritual consciousness is latent due to the rulership of the hermit planet Saturn is the place where Rahu finds the nectar it is searching for. As such, the selection of the sign Aquarius as the Mool Trikona place for Rahu is quite justified. Again, in terms of physics Saturn signifies the violet region of the solar spectrum and Rahu the ultra-violet region. Therefore, the selection of the sign Aquarius ruled by Saturn as the Mool Trikona place for Rahu finds justification from this angle also.   
Leo, the fixed fiery sign of Rajas nature ruled by the Sun is the fifth sign of the Zodiac. This sign is composed of the whole of the constellations Mogha and Purvaphalguni and one quarter of Uttarphalguni. The sign being fixed fiery in nature, it has within itself the seed of creation but creation is not done here because for this, mobility or activity of fire is required which is inherent in the cardinal fiery sign Aries. Leo being of Rajas nature tends to express itself in many ways. The fifth house signifies liver, belly, the lower part of heart, fame, talent, offspring, imagination, creative capacity etc. In other words, this sign signifies all creative functions. Ketu signifies latent form of energy and is symbolized by a coiled snake which seeks for opportunity to exhibit its inherent activities i.e. the seed of active energy is latent in Ketu. In the optical spectrum, Ketu signifies infrared region. From this position, waves of further lower wave lengths are required to express the latent energy into creative activity. Before this transition, an interim stage has to be crossed by this latent energy which lies in the dual fiery sign Saggitarius. Therefore, these characteristics of Ketu being closely similar to those of the sign Leo, the selection of Leo as the Mool Trikona place for Ketu is quite justified.         

Monday, 7 January 2013

Signs of exaltation & debilation for Rahu and Ketu

There is a dispute regarding the signs of exaltation for Rahu and Ketu. In one opinion, these are said to be respectively Gemini and Saggitarius with Taurus and Scorpio being considered as the respective own signs. In another opinion, these two are considered in reverse way but in both opinions, the Mool Trikona signs are respectively Aquarius and Leo. However, in both opinions, it is accepted that Rahu is strong in Taurus, Gemini and Aquarius while Ketu is so in the respective seventh signs. Further, according to the sage Parashara, Rahu is also strong in Cancer, Leo and Virgo and therefore Ketu is so in the respective seventh signs. We shall now proceed to ascertain what sign should be designated as the place of exaltation for Rahu – Taurus or Gemini and so also the reverse for Ketu.
Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac, fixed earthy sign of Rajas nature ruled by the Master of the Demons i.e. Venus of which it is the passive sign signifying material enjoyments. Being the second sign of the Zodiac, it is related to accumulated wealth, ornaments, face of the body and its all functions; moreover, it is the house of chief maraka because according to Hindu Philosophy excessive eating and other material enjoyments are the main roots of death. Rahu signifies totally uncontrolled lifestyle, selfishness, ever unsatisfied lust with which the characteristics of the sign Taurus and the second house in a natal chart are in harmony. Moreover, Taurus being owned by Venus, the Master of the Demons, it is very natural that the Demon Rahu will be strongest in its Master’s house.
On the contrary, Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac, dual airy sign of Sattwik nature ruled by Mercury which is described as the child planet in the planetary kingdom. Mercury is characterized by childlike simplicity, irresistible inquisitiveness, flickering mindedness etc. The third house in a natal chart signifies common-sense, strength, establishment etc. Rahu being airy in nature has similarity with Gemini in respect of element but being ruled by Tamas and Rajas nature has also dissimilarity with Gemini. Again, the characteristics of third house in a natal chart as described above are in harmony with those of Rahu. Again, Mercury being the child planet, the pretension and shrewdness of Rahu can be more active in Gemini which is also further added due to the third house being termed as “Upachaya Kshetra” where the natural malefic planets become strong.
Therefore, it is clear from the above consideration that Rahu is strong both in Taurus and in Gemini, but due to the greater similarities of the characteristics of Rahu with the sign Taurus, it is more justified to consider this sign as that of exaltation for Rahu and therefore, the sign Gemini is justified to be accepted as its own sign.
Now, the case of Ketu is being analyzed. In a very simple judgment, it may be said that since Rahu and Ketu are spotted at the two opposite points of an axis therefore the sign of exaltation for Ketu should be Scorpio and Saggitarius, the own sign. It is now being justified analytically.
Scorpio, the eight sign of the Zodiac is fixed and watery of Rajas nature ruled by Mars, the warrior planet of which it is the passive field and therefore its activities are at the depth of mind. According to Hindu Mythology, Ketu is the beheaded corpse of the demon Rahu. As such it is lifeless, devoid of eyesight, sense, feelings etc. but energy is also inherent in any matter and so also Ketu which is the significator of intrinsic energy. The latent energy of soul as described to be coiled in the Kula Kundalini is signified by Ketu. Like this, latent intrinsic energy function of Ketu is also mysterious. An object lying in the depth of water at rest is not apparently visible from the surface. Similarly, activities of Ketu are also beyond the vision. But if this latent energy be made active by means of ascetic practice, the native can achieve his spiritual aim i.e. the latent Rajas nature of Ketu guised in the external Tamasik form can be aroused which is in harmony with the characteristics of sign Scorpio.
Again, the sign Saggitarius is dual fiery in nature of Satta Guna. Being the ninth sign of the Zodiac, it is the significator of religion, conscience, fate, wisdom etc. The sign is composed of three constellations, the whole of Moola and Purvashada and one quarter of Uttarashada. Of the three, Moola is ruled by Ketu which is signified by the bunch of Tree-roots which indicates that on of the characteristics of this constellation is searching habit for the root of any thing. The inherent spiritual consciousness underlying life energy is signified by Ketu. The sign Saggitarius is signified by a man, the lower part of whom is that of a house having arrows and bow in hands aiming towards a target in the upward direction. The inherent significance of this symbol is that the life energy starting at the animal stage gradually attains manhood and then runs to arrive at the highest target of godhood and the high speed is comparable to the energy of fire expressing itself in different flames. Since higher consciousness is the target of this gradual upward motion, the sign is of Sattwik nature. Ketu is also the significator of this element fire but there is more Tamasik nature in Ketu than Sattwik Bhava. Again, after death, the soul exists in subtle body till it is reincarnated in suitable environment according to the deeds in the previous births. Ketu being the significator of this inherent subtle body has also some similarity with the ninth sign Saggitarius but a comparison of the two signs in every aspect suggests that the traits of Ketu are more similar to those of the sign Scorpio which is therefore considered as the sign of exaltation for Ketu while the Saggitarius is described as being ruled by Ketu.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Explanation for the selection of the signs Libra & Aries as the respective signs of exaltation and debilation for Saturn

The seventh sign of the Zodiac is Libra, cardinal airy sign of Tamas nature ruled by Venus of which it is the active field. In the seventh house are judged the environment, partner, spouse, material desires, business etc.
The start line joining the signs Aries and Libra divides the Zodiac equally into two halves. Life started in Aries through seeding in matters finds its destruction of the body in the seventh sign Libra through material enjoyments. Libra is symbolized by a balance with which matter is weighed i.e. it is evaluated. Saturn is the ruler of the tenth and the eleventh signs of the Zodiac viz. Capricorn and Aquarius respectively. The tenth house signifies work while the eleventh the success. The highest expression of work signified by Capricorn is in the tenth sign counted from it i.e. Libra while the ninth sign counted from Aquarius being Libra is the origin of success.
Strong and unafflicted Saturn in the planetary kingdom is designated in Astrology as the hermit planet. Saturn is the significator of Eternal Time ruled by the goddess Dakshina Kali according to Hindi Tantra Shashtra. The true evaluation of activities of any living being is done in course of Time and the higher this evaluation, the more advancement the being makes in course of its progress in respect of purification for ultimate attainment of godhood. According to Hindu Philosophy, work should be without any expectation for results and for the good of others. Such work is the origin of true success of any native. As the lord of Capricorn and Aquarius, Saturn when posted in Libra fulfills both the purposes. Again, Libra being cardinal airy sign of Tamas nature, here the function of Saturn is on material basis with the progressive mind. With this criterion, Saturn in Libra helps a native to expand his activities in the environment. Saturn being the symbol of Eternal Time and being very slow planet, the evaluation of progressive work signified by Saturn is also very slowly in the scale of Time.
On the contrary, Aries is the cardinal fiery sign of Tamas nature ruled by Mars of which it is the active field. Life cycle started in Aries tends to expand itself vigorously around it like the flames of fire. Life in Aries is unbounded without any restriction as signified by the vigor of the youth and characterized by impetuosity. With this, the lord Mars tends to overcome all obstructions to establish him in the form of life. But Saturn is the slowest planet (excluding Herschel, Neptune and Pluto), very old and lame as described in Astrology but due to experiences gathered in life, Saturn attains matured intelligence and farsightedness in old age with an all round view. The rashness and hot-headedness of Mars are quite in disharmony with Saturn and the steps in any field made by Saturn are also very slow. This becomes apparent from the slow movement of a saturnine native who is also more active in the mental level rather than in physical level. In other words, the Saturnine characteristics are quite in contrary to those of the sign Aries. Therefore Saturn in Aries loses all its strength i.e. the selection of the sign Aries as the house of debilation for Saturn is quite justified. 

Friday, 4 January 2013

Explanation for the selection of the signs Pisces & Virgo as the respective signs of exaltation and debilation for Venus

In our solar system, the planets are astrologically divided into two groups viz. creative and destructive. In the second group planets included are weak Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. This means that Mercury and Venus belonging to the same group are friendly to each other. The two signs owned by Venus are Taurus and Libra while the same for Mercury are Gemini and Virgo. For the two signs of Venus, the two for Mercury are angular i.e. benefic but mixed with some evil effects. The same is true for the two signs of Mercury as well. Although, Mercury and Venus are both destructive in nature, Venus has the power to create new body at the cost of an old body which means that the destructive character of Venus has also some creative function as well. Venus is considered as the source of all hormonal secretions and this is expressed in the sign Taurus as being earthy in nature. The fifth sign counted from Taurus is Virgo which therefore signifies the consequence of the characteristics of Taurus. Virgo is symbolized by a virgin moving alone in a boat in water i.e. the sign is a symbol of virginity. Therefore, the hormones responsible for reproduction become ineffective in Virgo. Again, Mercury is described as child as well as impotent planet. Therefore, in this sign Venus appears to lose its creativity. Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac of Sattwa guna and the sixth sign signifies the six instincts or “Ripus” as described in Hindu Philosophy. This means the sensual complexes become Sattwik in nature in this sign i.e. the lust of Venus of Rajas nature become inactive in this sign. Virgo is also the twelfth sign counted from Libra which is cardinal airy sign of Tamas nature signifying material desires and relation with environment. But in the symbol of the sign Virgo, the virgin is pictured alone where no other person is present. So, all these considerations indicate that in Virgo Venus loses all of its characteristics and as such it is justifiably described as the sign of debilation for Venus.
Therefore, according to normal principles of Astrology, the seventh sign counted from Virgo i.e. Pisces should be the sign of exaltation for Venus which is justified below.
Pisces is dual watery sign of Sattwik nature ruled by Jupiter of which it is the passive sign and the twelfth house in the Zodiac wherein are judged expenses, scarifies, Moksha i.e. liberation from all complexes etc. Venus as the lord of Taurus is the significator of accumulated wealth, all material pleasures etc. Pisces is the eleventh sign i.e. the house of success counted from Taurus. It signifies that the best utilization of accumulated wealth comes through scarifies for others. Pisces is also the sixth sign counted from Libra. The sixth as well as the eleventh houses are both described as “Upachaya” places which mean that both characteristics of Venus indicated by Taurus and Libra find their best expression in Pisces i.e. the best way of enjoying the life is through scarifies for others which has been uttered by the Rishishs in the Upanishadas “Teno Tyakteno Bhonjeetha” i.e. scarifies for others is the best way to enjoy life. Therefore, the sign of exaltation for Venus, the master of the Demons, preaching the ideas of material enjoyments is justifiably allotted to Pisces, the passive sign of the Jupiter, the Master of the Deities absorbed in meditation for the Supreme Lord.                    

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Explanation for the selection of the signs Cancer & Capricorn as the respective signs of exaltation and debilation for Jupiter

In the Hindu Mythology, Jupiter is designated as the Master of the Deities or Dev guru and Moon is described as his disciple. Jupiter is the significator of wisdom, conscience, religion etc. while Moon is that of mind, feelings etc. In the Zodiac, Moon is the lord of the sign Cancer which is constituted of one-fourth of the constellation Punarbasu and the whole of Pushya and Ashlesha. Cancer is cardinal watery sign of Tamasik nature and being the fourth sign in the Zodiac, it signifies mind, home, mother, domestic happiness, memory based education etc. The ninth and the twelfth signs of the Zodiac i.e. Saggitarius and Pisces respectively are owned by Jupiter. Saggitarius is dual fiery sign of Sattwik nature while Pisces is dual watery sign of Sattwik nature. The ninth house in a natal chart signifies religion, conscience, Guru, father, wisdom, deeper layer of mind etc. while the twelfth house signifies expenses, sacrifice, bed happiness, and emancipation or Moksha etc. Cancer is the eighth house from Saggitarius and fifth from Pisces. It means that Saggitarius and Cancer are of opposing nature and element but Pisces and Cancer are similar. The constellation Pushya is designated as the birth constellation of Jupiter.
Jupiter signifies the assimilation of all the disciplines of knowledge resulting in wisdom and also religion, but this religion is not the rituals of any community, rather it signifies the living processes which help the maintenance of the entire creation. Religion such defined is related with feelings which are also the base of wisdom. Such sensation when developed in an individual creates a unifying sensation with the total universe. Again, Moksha which is actually the liberation from all sensual complexes is also a subject of feelings. These characteristics of Jupiter are not in harmony with the material desires of happiness characterized by Venus, the military nature of Mars, the rationality and practical intelligence of Mercury, the servitude and pessimistic spiritualism of Saturn, the royal power and ego of the Sun. But these are fully expressed with the help of deep feelings of mind characterized by Moon. Therefore, the selection of the sign Cancer as the house of exaltation for Jupiter is totally justified.
Therefore, the seventh sign counted from Cancer i.e. Capricorn should be the sign of debilation for Jupiter. Capricorn is cardinal earthy sign of Tamas nature ruled by Saturn of which it is the passive field. Saturn signifies the Shudras, Servants i.e. low-classed people on the one hand and materialist analytical minded and to some extent narrow minded and devoted worker without any aspiration for results on the other. Therefore, the Jupiterian wisdom, the esteem of the Guru, exalted idealism, democratic liberalism etc. are quite in discordance with the characteristics of Capricorn. The Brahmin Jupiter feels quite discomfort in the house of Shudra Saturn. As such, the selection of Capricorn as the sign of debilation for Jupiter is quite justified.                   

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Explanation for the selection of the signs Virgo & Pisces as the respective signs of exaltation and debilation for Mercury

Virgo, the dual earthy and Sattwik in nature is the sixth sign of the Zodiac from which are judged complexes, sensual feelings, the nerve system, working ability, enemies, diseases etc. Mercury is described as the prince in the planetary kingdom which carries the messages and instructions of the king Sun to different organs of the body for performing their respective work. The 10th sign in the Zodiac is Capricorn signifying the job of any native. The 9th sign counted from Capricorn is Virgo which means that the latter is the origin of all activities of the human being. This has been uttered by the Lord Shree Krishna in The Shreemadbhagabadgeeta “no body can remain idle even for a single moment since the natural instincts in a human being compel him to do work according to his inherent inclination” (Shreemadbhagabadgeeta, Chapter 3, Karmayoga, Shloka 5).
The ancient Hindu Sages and Rhishish realized the underlying mystery of this creation. The sole purpose of every living being is to attain godhood. Therefore, activities should be free from any desire of results. This is possible when its inspiration comes from materialistic outlook guided by Sattwik senses. Since, Mercury is the significator of intelligence and thoughts; therefore it may be the origin of such karmayoga. Since, the sign Virgo signifies all these characteristics; therefore, it is very natural to consider this sign as the house of exaltation for Mercury. Again, Mercury being the ruler of nerve system and prince in the planetary kingdom, which conveys the instructions coming from brain signified by the Sun, the king, therefore consideration of Virgo as the sign of exaltation for Mercury from this angle is also quite justified.
The seventh sign counted from Virgo is Pisces, the dual watery sign of Sattwik nature ruled by Jupiter of which it is the passive field. In this sign, the wisdom of Jupiter over rules the rationality and material sense of Mercury for unison with the Supreme lord. This means the characteristics of Mercury are quite in discordance with the meditating mature of a saint characterized by Jupiter. As such, the description of the sign Pisces as the field of debilation for Mercury is quite justified.