Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Explanation for the selection of the signs Virgo & Pisces as the respective signs of exaltation and debilation for Mercury

Virgo, the dual earthy and Sattwik in nature is the sixth sign of the Zodiac from which are judged complexes, sensual feelings, the nerve system, working ability, enemies, diseases etc. Mercury is described as the prince in the planetary kingdom which carries the messages and instructions of the king Sun to different organs of the body for performing their respective work. The 10th sign in the Zodiac is Capricorn signifying the job of any native. The 9th sign counted from Capricorn is Virgo which means that the latter is the origin of all activities of the human being. This has been uttered by the Lord Shree Krishna in The Shreemadbhagabadgeeta “no body can remain idle even for a single moment since the natural instincts in a human being compel him to do work according to his inherent inclination” (Shreemadbhagabadgeeta, Chapter 3, Karmayoga, Shloka 5).
The ancient Hindu Sages and Rhishish realized the underlying mystery of this creation. The sole purpose of every living being is to attain godhood. Therefore, activities should be free from any desire of results. This is possible when its inspiration comes from materialistic outlook guided by Sattwik senses. Since, Mercury is the significator of intelligence and thoughts; therefore it may be the origin of such karmayoga. Since, the sign Virgo signifies all these characteristics; therefore, it is very natural to consider this sign as the house of exaltation for Mercury. Again, Mercury being the ruler of nerve system and prince in the planetary kingdom, which conveys the instructions coming from brain signified by the Sun, the king, therefore consideration of Virgo as the sign of exaltation for Mercury from this angle is also quite justified.
The seventh sign counted from Virgo is Pisces, the dual watery sign of Sattwik nature ruled by Jupiter of which it is the passive field. In this sign, the wisdom of Jupiter over rules the rationality and material sense of Mercury for unison with the Supreme lord. This means the characteristics of Mercury are quite in discordance with the meditating mature of a saint characterized by Jupiter. As such, the description of the sign Pisces as the field of debilation for Mercury is quite justified.                  

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