The fourth sign of the Zodiac is Cancer, cardinal watery sign of Tamas nature. The eighth sign Scorpio is fixed watery sign of Rajas nature while the first sign Aries is cardinal fiery sign of Tamas nature. Scorpio is the fifth sign and Aries the tenth sign counted from Cancer i.e. with respect to Cancer Aries and Scorpio form angular-trinal relation which is a “Raj Yoga”. The lord of Cancer is Moon which rules over mental feelings, domestic happiness, mother, upper layer of mind, all liquids etc. The fourth house signifies mother, home, happiness, mind, tour etc. The fifth sign from any Bhava signifies the consequence of that Bhava while the tenth Bhava signifies the highest manifestation of the characteristics designated by that Bhava. The fifth house also signifies offspring, affection, love, regards, intelligence, talent, deeper layer of mind, creativity etc. The sign Cancer as well as its lord Moon is the significator of mother in Astrology. The consequence of motherhood is offspring and the highest expression of motherhood is also through creation of life for which are required energy in fiery form and watery part. The formation of a Zygote in the mother’s womb requires the union of an egg-cell in the mother’s ovary with the spermatozoa of father. In an able female body, an egg-cell from the ovary comes out at regular intervals for combination with an active male seed, but in case it is not possible the egg-cell is itself destroyed and comes out as menstrual discharge. In Astrology, the significators responsible for this occurrence are Moon and Mars which may lead to the birth of an offspring in suitable relation on the one hand and to infertility of the mother in adverse relation of the two on the othe
The fourth house, the fourth sign Cancer and its lord Moon
also signify mind and happiness. In Cancer, the state of mind is like highly
wavy ocean while in Scorpio being fixed watery sign, mind is stable, calm and
without any upheaval. Again, the ultimate consequence of worldly happiness lies
in the eternal peace of death signified by the eighth sign Scorpio which is
also being the significator of all mysterious affairs symbolizes the latent
form of the egg-cell for fertilization in combination with an able spermatozoa
to form the life signified by the first sign Aries. Therefore, the selection of
Mars as the lords of the fifth and tenth signs counted from Cancer is quite
justified. Such a fifth-tenth relation forms a “Raj Yoga’ on the one hand and
also makes Mars debilated in Cancer because its fiery nature gets extinguished
in the wavy water of the ocean signified by Cancer. This is also due to the
fact that the characteristics of Cancer viz. soft feelings of mind, affection,
calm nature etc. are not befitting to express the egoistic, harsh and rough
nature of Mars. For this reason, Mars is debilated in Cancer for disharmony of
elements. A suitable and helpful relation between Moon and Mars develops the
menstrual functions in female body while in an adverse relation; it gives rise
to many physical and mental troubles and even infertility.
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